Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1350: The First Female Doctor 45

Ye Qingming didn't speak, just glanced at them lightly.

From what the woman said just now, it has completely appeared. This matter must be related to Mrs. Li.

I just don't know how such a couple was willing to sell their son.

"If you don't have a stick of incense, you will definitely die!"

Ye Qingming glanced at the man in the woman's arms and said lightly.

"The genius doctor please hurry up and save people, I am willing to give as much money as possible!"

As soon as she heard that her son was about to die, the woman didn't dare to say anything indiscriminately at this time. She knelt down and kept kowtow.

"Twenty thousand taels!"

After Ye Qingming finished speaking, he asked the young man to take the man into the mansion.

Seeing the young man carrying his son in, the lady was sobbing and sobbing, ready to follow in.

But it was stopped by the young man.

"You save people, why don't you let them in!?"

"Is the prime minister's mansion where you just said to go in!"

The little servant raised his eyelids and sneered.

The woman was choked, and immediately said, "I spent a lot of money, twenty thousand taels!"

As the woman said, she felt distressed again.

"Then you don't need to spend money!"

Ye Qingming frowned slightly, then turned around and glanced at her sideways.

The woman was frightened immediately, and quickly dodged aside.

Ye Qingming asked Dailu to put the man in a lower room, and then asked Dailv to put the brocade box on the table, painted the symbol, and put it on the man's face.

When it was completely absorbed, Dailu was called in, packed the brocade box, and then went out.

"They won't bring twenty thousand taels of silver, and don't let people out!"

Ye Qingming walked to the door and whispered to the young man on the side.


The little servant nodded repeatedly.

After Ye Qingming left, the young man proudly spoke to the people around him, and Madam Shao spoke to him.

Ye Qingming left the lower room, and went to Tang Mulian's side with Qian Lingye. After clarifying what was going on here, the two of them left.

Since Ye Qingming had treated people before, after returning home, Ye Qingming went to take a bath in the same way.

After Ye Qingming finished washing, Qian Lingye took a bath in the same way.

The two lay on the bed together, Qian Lingye sighed lowly.

"Sigh what?"

Ye Qingming asked aloud.

"I'm just sighing, how can I have a lady like you?"

Qian Lingye sighed again.

"It should be you who did good things in your last life!"

There was a smile in the tone of Ye Qingming's words.

"It should be!"

Qian Lingye nodded again and again.

"Qing Ming..."

The two were silent for a moment, before Qian Lingye spoke again.


"When the matter is over, let's round the room!"

When Qian Lingye said these words, his face suddenly flushed.

He was a little grateful. Fortunately, it was at night when the black light uttered this sentence, otherwise it would have been embarrassing.


Ye Qingming responded.

"Go to sleep!"

After receiving a response, Qian Lingye's heart was as sweet as the one who had eaten honey.

He Qianlingye is really He De, He Neng, who can marry such a good wife.

In the past, he always blamed his father very much, because of his relationship, he must be a dude.

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