This call from the Magic City Bureau really caught Qin Feng off guard.

But after understanding the cause of the matter, he understood that the other party was following orders.

Want to learn the model of the reunion website in Po Ai.

And after accepting the game setting, he is also ready to promote a set of anti-abduction systems in society.

This is indeed a good thing, and Qin Feng will naturally support it.

He immediately called the company and asked Lao Wang and the others to go down and pick up people.

In fact, before making this game, Qin Feng knew that this world was about cases of missing children.

Not very concerned.

This is why many children are missing and can only be found by their own strength.

Otherwise, according to the technical means of this world, if it is really done.

It will only be faster than on the other side of the earth.

Now that the public security department has paid attention, it shows that the game "Orphaned" has achieved its expected goals.

As for Qin Feng's ultimate goal, he naturally hoped that all the missing children would be successfully retrieved.

When Qin Feng went to the company in the afternoon.

In the entire game studio, there are already more than a dozen public security technicians from all over the country who have come to study.

After these people saw Qin Feng, they immediately got up to say hello.

All of them came to learn about the game's anti-abduction and reunion mutual aid sites according to the leader's orders.

In fact, for these technicians, the degree of professionalism in this area will definitely be higher than Qin Feng.

After all, there is a specialization in the art industry, and Qin Feng is only outstanding in terms of foundations and games.

And these people are all professionals who have targeted this series of professionals in the Ministry of Public Security for many years.

Although the abduction and trafficking of missing children in this world is not very concerned, it cannot be said that there are none.

People also have research on this area on a regular basis.

Now come and just learn the concepts and techniques of games, websites and system operations.

Qin Feng said a few words briefly, then left the office and asked Lao Wang if there was any news on the website of the Missing Children's Family Foundation proposed by Zhou Xiaoguang yesterday.

Lao Wang said that he was already connecting with people on the breakout side.

The project will soon be launched.

After Qin Feng listened, he nodded with great satisfaction.

This website is very important, although it is Zhou Xiaoguang's money.

But since the other party has this love to help the families of missing children.

He's going to be in charge to the end!

The company's affairs are moving forward step by step.

Everyone is playing a key role in the matter of missing children.

This is the moment.

On the web.

All netizens set off a huge wave because of one thing.

Originally, at this time, everyone's attention was all on the game "Orphaned".

Just this evening at eight o'clock.

The highest public security department in the country unexpectedly released a video on the official blog.

In the video, dozens of technical department leaders are diligently tapping on keyboards in a conference room.

And behind them, there are several distinctive big characters, so that careful netizens quickly find out.

"Boai Game Studio?"

"I wipe, so many policemen, working inside the fraternity game studio?"

"This should not be fake, right? After all, this is a message from the official blog!

"I guess these cops are learning the kidnapping system of the fraternity game."

"It's really possible, after all, this concept was proposed by President Qin in the game."

"Niu, President Qin, I can let the police come over and learn."

"Haha, the first game to be learned by the police is really amazing."


soon as this video was exposed, it quickly set off a huge wave on the Internet.

Many players and curious people guessed the reason why the police are in fraternity.

In the game "Orphaned", the protagonist of the last player, Lei Zekuan, can find his son.

It is because the country has launched this technology, and blood sample collection has been carried out all over the country.

If you can really apply this technology to reality.

The benefits to missing children will be endless.

At this moment, "Orphaned" was directly topped.

Everyone started going crazy on the web.

Everyone understands that this is no longer just a game.

Instead, it has become a benefit for many families of missing children.

If nothing else, even the national public security department has begun to pay attention.

It is enough to show that this game has indeed achieved the point that everyone likes it and everyone touches it.

It was until twelve o'clock in the evening.

"Orphaned" has been online for a full day.

So much happened during the day.

The entire network is dominated by "Orphaned".

Even the bosses who buy vegetables on the streets outside and play tai chi know that a public welfare game calling for help missing children has appeared on the Internet.

It can be said that in just one day, "Orphaned" has reached the point of being known to the whole people.

Such a terrifying speed and spread immediately attracted the attention of key national departments.

Of course, the public security department began to learn the website in the game and the method of the anti-trafficking system on the same day.

The leadership also gave some affirmation and support.

But for many of the remaining departments, leaders were immediately critical.

First and foremost, it is the city administration.

The most classic scene in the game is when the players help the mother of the missing child and post a search notice.

However, when he was on the street, he was frantically chased by the urban management department.

The meeting ended that evening.

The national urban management department immediately posted the news on the Internet.

"Receiving the notice of the superior department. "

The amendments to the plan for improving our city's beautification are as follows. First

, all paper notices and leaflets related to tracing notices for missing children, persons with disabilities, etc., can be posted at fixed points in real time.

Second, members of the urban management department may, when the families of the missing persons cannot find a bulletin board posted at a designated point, post it at will, and the posting time will be 48 hours as appropriate, and after 48 hours, the urban management department will cooperate with the street office to copy the leaflet such as the search notice and post it uniformly on the designated publicity board. "

Third, from now on, all street offices, communities, urban-rural junctions, streets, commercial offices and other public places will set up designated publicity boards, and missing children's tracing notices will be focused on electronic screens! After

these three notices from the urban management department came down.

Instantly, it set off a huge wave on the Internet.

Netizens even called 666.

Everyone never expected that because of a game, the urban management department would begin to change its plan.

You know, in the past, if you see this type of leaflet, you have to carry out fine education.

But now, the state has encouraged posting, not only setting up fixed-point propaganda boards, but even setting up idea display screens.

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