Qin Feng said modestly: "Uncle, you have a lot of experience, I still need it."

The old farmer smiled and said, "Since you are willing to listen to me, then I will share an experience with you." If you look at this land, although you use organic fertilizer, the fertility of the soil has decreased. You can try a crop rotation system in which different crops are planted in rotation to avoid poor soil caused by successive planting of the same crop.

Qin Feng listened with relish, and nodded: "Uncle, you are right, I will try the crop rotation system to protect the fertility of the soil." Thank you for the suggestion. Over

time, Qin Feng began to gradually introduce the crop rotation system, and according to the suggestions of old farmers, different crops were organically combined to form a unique planting model. This model not only maintained the fertility of the land, but also effectively reduced the occurrence of pests and diseases, making his farmland more vibrant.

Soon after, a young graduate student in agronomy heard about Qin Feng's farming experience and came to learn from him. They exchanged many ideas about agricultural technology and innovation in the field, and Qin Feng also learned some new knowledge from it.

The graduate student invited Qin Feng to a seminar on agricultural innovation, hoping that he would share his experience. Although Qin Feng was a little uneasy, he reluctantly agreed. At the seminar, he used his personal experience to tell the crowd how to carry out innovative cultivation on barren land, which was warmly applauded and praised.

Qin Feng's reputation grew more and more, and he began to receive more attention and invitations. However, he always maintained his original intention, insisting on his love and dedication to farming. He understands that farmland is not only a place to realize his dreams, but also a link between people and the earth, which needs to be carefully cared for and protected.

As Qin Feng's fame gradually expanded, he began to receive invitations from all over the world, hoping that he could travel to other places to share his farming experience. However, he always prioritized his own farmland and insisted on staying at home and continuing to work hard.

One day, Qin Feng's mother came to the field, looked at her son's busy figure, and said gently: "Feng'er, you have really worked hard these days.

Qin Feng responded with a smile: "Mom, I am willing to make these efforts." Seeing this land getting better day by day, I feel very satisfied.

The mother gently patted Qin Feng's shoulder and said, "Feng'er, Niang knows your love for farmland. But sometimes you also have to think about your body and take a proper rest.

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Mother, don't worry, I will pay attention to rest."

At this moment, a villager hurriedly walked over and said anxiously: "Qin Feng, the rice noodles at home have run out, I heard that the town has also run out of grain recently, do you have any solutions?"

Qin Feng frowned, he glanced at his farmland, then at the villager, and finally decided to contribute: "Okay, I'll go to the town to see the situation and see if I can find some food back."

The mother looked at Qin Feng worriedly and said, "Feng'er, it's not safe for you to go to town alone, I'll accompany you."

Qin Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "Mom, you stay at home to take care of the field, I'll go alone." I'll be careful.

So, Qin Feng sorted out his clothes, carried a small bag of home-grown vegetables, and set off on the journey to town. Although the journey was not far, he still thought about ways to cope with the food shortage along the way.

Finally, Qin Feng arrived in the town, and saw that the people in the town were all talking about the shortage of food. He walked into a grocery store and saw the owner handing out little bit of scarce rice noodles to some people. He stepped forward and asked politely: "Shopkeeper, I heard that the town has recently run out of grain, I wonder if there is any grain left?"

The shopkeeper glanced at the vegetables on Qin Feng's back and said with a smile: "Young man, it seems that you are a hardworking farmer. Since you grow so many vegetables, I can give you some grain.

Qin Feng nodded gratefully: "Thank you very much, shopkeeper."

After obtaining some grain, Qin Feng did not rush back, but walked around the town and observed the situation in the market. He found that the townspeople were facing the challenge of food shortages, but lacked a solution to the problem.

Just as he was about to leave town, he met the young graduate student in agronomy. The graduate student told him that he was working on an agricultural innovation project that he hoped would work with farmers to find solutions to the food problem.

After Qin Feng listened, his eyes lit up, and he felt that this might be an opportunity, an opportunity to share his farming experience and help more people. So, he decided to participate in this project to bring more hope and change to the people of the town.

Qin Feng decided to stay in town for a while, participate in the agricultural innovation project, and help solve the problem of food shortages. Together with young graduate students in agronomy, he surveyed the local farmland and collected the opinions and suggestions of the villagers.

At a rally, Qin Feng saw that many villagers were using monotonous food, but there were almost no condiments, which made him deeply disturbed. He stood up and said, "Fellow villagers, although our farmland can solve the food problem, the taste of food is also a very important part. Why not try growing some condiment plants? For example, vanilla, peppers, garlic, etc., can not only provide the taste of food, but also enrich our diet. The

villagers began to think and nodded in agreement. An older villager raised his hand and spoke: "Qin Feng is right, I remember that when I was a child, we had some herbs and peppers grown in our village, and they were indeed delicious. If we can resume planting, we may be able to improve our diet. Together

with the graduate students, Qin Feng began to plan the cultivation of condiments, and they designed a reasonable planting plan and selected plants that were suitable for the local climate and soil conditions. Under Qin Feng's guidance, the villagers began to try to grow these condiment plants in a vacant field.

Over time, condiment plants thrived, and villagers harvested fresh herbs, peppers, garlic, etc. They use these condiments to add rich flavor to the food and no longer eat monotonous food. This not only improves their diet, but also increases their joie de vivre.

Driven by the agricultural innovation project, the town's farmland has gradually been revived and the villagers have gained a better life. Qin Feng and his graduate students also set up agricultural training courses to teach planting skills and agricultural knowledge, helping more people increase agricultural output value.

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