At this moment, a sound sounded in his ears, as if someone was struggling in pain. Qin Feng stood up alertly and followed the direction of the voice.

In the corner of the cave, he found a wounded figure. It was a creature that looked like a mouse, but it was much larger than ordinary mice, covered in silver-white hair, shining with a faint light. It was curled up in a corner and appeared to be injured.

Qin Feng squatted down and approached the creature. His gaze stared at it, and he suddenly felt a strange energy flowing in its body, which seemed to have an existence different from ordinary people.

"Are you hurt?" Qin Feng asked softly.

The creature raised its head slightly, its silver-white eyes flickering in the dim cave. It let out a faint chirp, seemingly in response to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and gently touched its hair, and found that its injury was not serious, but it was obviously affected by some external force.

He took a deep breath and stared at the mysterious creature: "It seems that you are not an ordinary mouse, but I am curious, where are you from?" The

creature seemed to be able to feel Qin Feng's kindness, gradually relaxed, and did not try to dodge again. It emitted a series of faint sounds, as if it was telling something.

Qin Feng listened, and although he couldn't understand this language, he could feel the emotions contained in it. He smiled and said, "Although our languages are different, I am willing to help you." I will try to treat your injuries.

He took some herbs and healing props from his bag and carefully performed a simple treatment for the creature. The creature seemed to feel relieved by Qin Feng's actions, and gradually closed its eyes, enjoying the process of healing.

Inside the cave, Qin Feng patiently waited for the mysterious creature to awaken. The light of the fire reflected his face, and the whole cave appeared exceptionally peaceful.

After a while, the creature gradually woke up. It slowly opened its silver-white eyes, with a bit of gratitude and vigilance in its eyes. Then, it stood up and looked at Qin Feng, making a series of sounds that seemed to be expressing something.

Qin Feng noticed that the creature's demeanor was somewhat abnormal, and seemed to have sensed something unusual. He looked around alertly, but found no signs of abnormality.

Suddenly, the creature let out a sharp chirp, its eyes staring closely at the mouth of the cave. Qin Feng's heart beat faster, and he immediately vigilantly pulled out the weapon at his waist, ready to deal with any possible threat.

At this moment, a group of ferocious beasts suddenly poured in from the mouth of the cave, making roaring and tearing sounds. Although these beasts are not large, they are extremely fierce, and their fur is covered with sharp thorns. Their gazes were glued to Qin Feng and the mysterious creature, obviously looking for trouble.

Qin Feng quickly stood up and clutched his weapon, ready to meet this sudden danger. However, just as the beast pounced, the silver-white creature suddenly jumped in front of Qin Feng and let out a high-pitched chirp.

The beasts seemed to be shocked by this sound and stopped their progress. Qin Feng was also surprised, he did not expect that this seemingly weak creature had such a deterrent power.

Suddenly, the creature fiddled at Qin Feng's feet, as if signaling him to follow it. An intuition arose in Qin Feng's heart, and he decided to follow the guidance of this creature and try to avoid these dangerous beasts.

The creature led Qin Feng quickly through the other side of the cave and entered a secret passage. The beasts seemed reluctant to approach here, stopping at the entrance of the cave, roaring but not daring to enter.

Inside the passage, Qin Feng realized that the creature was guiding him and going deeper and deeper underground. He saw that the passage was getting narrower and narrower, but the creature did not hesitate to move forward.

Eventually, the passage leads to a huge underground space. There, Qin Feng was surprised to find that there was a strange mysterious light. The creature, on the other hand, stood in the center of a light and looked at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng couldn't help but ask, "How did you know there would be danger?" The

creature responded with a strange voice, and although Qin Feng could not understand the language, he felt the emotion in it. He couldn't help but smile, as if he understood something.

At this moment, the creature suddenly stretched out a claw and gently touched the back of Qin Feng's hand. Qin Feng felt a strange energy surge in his body, and his physical strength and spirit were instantly restored.

Qin Feng looked at the creature in amazement, and its eyes flashed with a mysterious light. He couldn't help but think of the "rats" he had encountered in the village before, and it seemed that the two were somehow related.

Qin Feng felt the energy flowing in his body, and he knew that this was the restorative power that the mysterious creature transmitted to him. He looked at the creature gratefully, then patted his chest to signal that he had recovered.

The creature looked at Qin Feng's movements and seemed to nod slightly, as if to indicate that he knew that Qin Feng had recovered.

Qin Feng thought for a moment, and suddenly had an idea. He knew that he had just used some herbs to treat the creature's injuries, and now he might be able to find some herbs for it to help it heal better.

He looked around and began to search for plants around him. Soon, he found some special herbs that grew on the edge of the underground space, which carried a faint glow and seemed to have special powers.

Qin Feng carefully picked these herbs and then returned to the creature's side. He divided the herbs into bunches and gently placed them beside the creature.

The creature seemed to understand Qin Feng's intentions, lightly sniffed the herbs, and then pressed them tightly to its wounds. As the herbs came into contact, those wounds actually emitted a faint glow, as if absorbing the energy in the herbs.

Qin Feng stared at this scene, his heart full of surprise. He remembered that he had used herbs to heal the creature's injuries before, and now, it seemed to be healing itself with herbs.

As time passed, the light of the herbs gradually weakened, and the injuries of the creatures gradually improved. Qin Feng knew that the efficacy of the herbs was beginning to appear, and he sat on the side and waited quietly.

Finally, the creature slowly opened its eyes, and its silver-white eyes were filled with a trace of gratitude. It nodded slightly, as if to indicate that it was fine.

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, although he could not understand the language of this creature, he could feel the emotions in it. He placed his hand lightly on the top of the creature's head, as if to express his friendliness.

Qin Feng sat opposite the mysterious creature, looking at each other, as if making eye contact. Suddenly, the creature emitted a series of faint and peculiar sounds, which seemed to imitate Qin Feng's tone.

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