Ning Xue nodded and said with a serious expression: "These Krakens seem to be driven, and their target may be the intelligence in our hands. "

The Kraken swarm is gradually approaching. Qin Feng and Ning Xue were ready to fight, knowing that this vicious battle might affect the course of their mission.

Just as the Kraken was about to arrive, Qin Feng suddenly felt a powerful force emanating from Ning Xue's body. Ning Xue's body was surrounded by a layer of light blue light, she raised her palm, slapped it gently, and suddenly the storm surged, rolling up a part of the Kraken directly and throwing it into the sea.

"Her strength turned out to be so strong!" Qin Feng looked at Ning Xue in surprise, he didn't expect Ning Xue to have such amazing strength.

Ning Xue's gaze was cold, and she said coldly: "We are going to fight these Krakens back and continue to move forward!"

Qin Feng nodded, and he threw himself into battle with all his strength. His weapon glowed, forcing those Krakens back in one move. The storm power of the snow also trapped the Krakens in it, making it difficult for them to approach.

The vicious battle lasted for some time, and the threat of the Kraken horde was successfully defused by them. Ning Xue's strength and Qin Feng's cooperation made the outcome of this vicious battle not too difficult for them.

When the last Kraken was repelled, calm returned to the sea. Qin Feng and Ning Xue stood by the sea, their chests heaving, they knew that this battle was not just a test, but also a manifestation of their strength.

"These Krakens did not appear spontaneously, but were driven by someone." Ning Xue frowned and said, "Before we go to the Yuan Gate, we need to find out who is behind the scenes.

Qin Feng nodded, he knew that Ning Xue was right. This Kraken attack may be related to the intelligence in their hands, and the truth behind it must be revealed.

The two re-embarked on the journey to the Yuan Gate, carrying more tests and challenges. They knew that only by constantly working hard and bravely going forward Chapter 23: The Trail

of the Royal Beast Master Qin Feng and Ning Xue continued on their way to the Yuan Gate, and their hearts were full of curiosity and vigilance about the people behind the scenes. Who are those who drive the Kraken to attack and what is their purpose? It's all a mystery.

On the way, Qin Feng suddenly found some unusual traces. In a wood, he found some trampled marks that appeared to have been left by large beasts.

"These traces... It seems to be left by the Royal Beast Master. Qin Feng frowned, he knew that the Royal Beast Master was a group of special cultivators who could control all kinds of beasts.

Ning Xue also noticed these traces, and she said in a deep voice: "The appearance of the Royal Beast Master here is not a good omen. They often collude with evil forces and use beasts to achieve their ends.

Qin Feng's brows deepened, and he vaguely felt that there might be a bigger conspiracy hidden behind this. What is the purpose of the collusion between the Royal Beast Master and the evil forces?

"We can't let them escape." Qin Feng made up his mind that they must find out the true purpose of the Royal Beast Master and whether it was related to the Kraken attack.

The two followed the trail for a while, and finally came to a deep valley. Deep in the valley, Qin Feng and Ning Xue saw a group of people dressed in special costumes who were gathering beasts.

"Looks like we've found the right place." Qin Feng whispered, they hid in the woods outside the valley, carefully observing the movements of the Royal Beast Master.

The Imperial Beast Masters seemed to be preparing to set off, driving various beasts, apparently heading to a certain destination. Qin Feng and Ning Xue couldn't help but guess that these beasts might be used to perform some kind of mission, related to the previous Kraken attack.

"Shall we stop them?" Ning Xue asked, a trace of determination flashing in her gaze.

Qin Feng thought for a while, and then shook his head: "Let's not act for the time being, wait for their whereabouts, and see what they are going to do." The

beast masters quickly finished dressing up and led the beasts to set off. Qin Feng and Ning Xue followed, keeping a distance, careful to avoid exposure.

They passed through mountains and forests and finally came to a gloomy cave. The beast masters stopped and entered the inside of the cave.

"It seems that their destination is in this cave." Qin Feng said in a low voice, they found a hidden location and continued to observe the every move of the Royal Beast Masters.

Inside the cave, Qin Feng and Ning Xue heard whispered discussions. The Imperial Beast Masters seemed to be discussing something, and words such as Kraken and Evil Force frequently appeared in their words.

Qin Feng's brows furrowed even tighter, and their guess seemed to be confirmed. The Imperial Beast Masters colluded with the evil forces to manipulate the Kraken and carry out larger attacks.

"We have to go in and understand their plans." Qin Feng decided that they could not wait any longer and had to reveal the truth of all this.

Ning Xue nodded, and the two quietly entered the cave. Deep inside the cave, they will face greater challenges, as well as the conspiracies of evil forces. In order to cultivate the twenty-four chapters: formation and the imperial beast masters

Qin Feng and Condensing Xue sneaked into the depths of the cave, they realized that this operation might encounter greater resistance. The inside of the cave is dark and damp, and there is a disturbing smell. They walked carefully without making the slightest sound.

In the depths of the cave, they heard whispered discussions as the beast masters discussed their plans. The closer Qin Feng and Ning Xue got closer, the more nervous their mood became.

Suddenly, an imperial beast master sensed an abnormality, and he looked up at the entrance of the cave, just in time to see the figures of Qin Feng and Ning Xue. He immediately issued a warning cry: "Someone has broken into the cave!" The

other Royal Beast Masters also noticed it, and they all turned their heads towards Qin Feng and Ning Xue, their eyes full of hostility.

"Don't try to escape!" A royal beast master roared loudly, and with a wave of his hand, he released a powerful beast aura, and the surrounding beasts suddenly became manic.

Qin Feng and Ning Xue knew that the situation could not turn back, and they had to meet this battle. Qin Feng took out his weapon without hesitation, and Ning Xue also prepared a fighting stance.

"Let's go together!" Qin Feng decided that they would work together to deal with these imperial beast masters and stop their conspiracy.

Battle broke out, and the inside of the cave was filled with the sound of sparks and waves colliding. Qin Feng dodged the attacks of the Royal Beast Masters with ease, while also looking for an opportunity to launch a counterattack.

Condensing Snow unleashed a powerful storm force that trapped the beasts and weakened their threat. She is agile, and every attack carries a fierce force.

However, one of the Royal Beast Masters showed even more amazing strength. He summoned a huge beast, its body covered with thick scales, like a living fortress.

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