Qin Feng: (blushing) Huh?! This,

Xu Ming: (laughs) It seems that our hero Qin Feng has become synonymous with "sock fragrance"!

Audience 3: (excited) I heard that many people want to smell your socks!

Qin Feng: (a little embarrassed) This, this is probably too exaggerated.

Audience 4: (said happily) Yes, Qin Feng, can you smell it for all of us?

The audience laughed and looked at Qin Feng expectantly.

Qin Feng: (smiled a little helplessly) Well, since everyone is so interested, then I... Let's smell it.

(Qin Feng squatted down embarrassedly, gently took off a sock, and then carefully handed the sock to the audience next to him.) The audience took turns holding their socks and sniffing them, then burst into laughter. Audience

5: (laughs) Well, it's really a hero's socks, and it tastes different!

Qin Feng: (Scratching his head with an embarrassed smile) This, this is also a turn I didn't expect, it seems that I will pay more attention in the future.

Xu Ming: (said sarcastically) But at least your socks are now distinctive, a kind of "perfume".

(The laughter of the audience culminated in the

celebration, as everyone danced to the beat of the music and laughter and cheers echoed.)

Audience 6: (grinning) Qin Feng, you have added a lot of "market value" to socks!

Qin Feng: (laughing heartily) It seems that I have to start thinking about signing up for a "hero socks" brand.

Audience 7: (mischievously) If someone secretly hides your socks for auction, maybe they can sell for a good price!

Qin Feng: (laughing and waving) Don't talk nonsense, that would be too much.

(During the celebration, Qin Feng became the talk of everyone after tea, and everyone was jokingly discussing his "sock legend.")

Audience 8: (seriously) Actually, it's also an interesting experience, at least it will be easier for people to remember you later.

Qin Feng: (nodding) Yes, although it is a little embarrassing, it can be regarded as bringing laughter to everyone, which is also an unforgettable memory.

Xu Ming: (Looking at Qin Feng, he said with emotion) Life is like this, full of unexpected things and interesting moments.

Audience 9: (Toast) Come, for Qin Feng's "hero socks", cheers!

Everyone raised their glasses happily and touched them lightly, celebrating Qin Feng's victory and this happy moment.

Qin Feng: (looking at everyone gratefully) Thank you, although the legend of socks is a bit unexpected, I feel very happy to be able to share this moment with you.

(In the midst of laughter, Qin Feng

and everyone celebrated the celebration warmly and happily, the music on the stage was cheerful and moving, and everyone danced to enjoy the joy of victory.)

Qin Feng: (smiling and saying to Xu Ming) Xu Ming, this celebration is really fantastic, and it feels like the whole castle is full of joy.

Xu Ming: (laughing and nodding) yes, everyone is cheering for our victory, which is a wonderful feeling.

(While the two were chatting hotly, a woman dressed in fancy costume approached and everyone made way for her.)

Qin Feng: (looked at the woman with some surprise) This is....

Xu Da Cat: (walked up to Qin Feng and Xu Ming, smiled kindly) Qin Feng, Xu Ming, long time no see.

Chapter 1: At the beginning

of fate, in an ancient valley, full of clouds and mist, fairy air is ethereal. This is a secret place in the True Cultivation Realm, known as the "Immortal Spirit Valley". Qin Feng, an ordinary teenager, was standing at the mouth of the valley, his eyes full of curiosity and expectation.

Qin Feng, who grew up in the village since he was a child, has always been full of yearning for the world of cultivation. He had heard the village elders tell mysterious stories about the fairy world, and whenever the starry sky was shining at night, he would always look at the sky, hoping that one day he could become those legendary heroes.

"Qin Feng, what are you doing in the Immortal Spirit Valley?" A villager asked.

Qin Feng looked up and found that it was an old man in the village. He smiled and said, "I heard that Immortal Spirit Valley has the opportunity to cultivate into an immortal, I want to go and see, maybe I can gain something." The

old man nodded, and a light of appreciation flashed in his eyes. Young people, it is good to have dreams, but the road to cultivation is very difficult, and dreams alone are not enough, but also courage and perseverance.

Qin Feng smiled slightly, and he had already buried a firm determination in his heart. He said goodbye to the people in the village and stepped into the depths of the fairy valley.

Chapter 2:

The Fairy Valley is picturesque, with clear springs flowing and jagged flowers and plants. Qin Feng walked along a path, and from time to time he would encounter Truth Cultivators cultivating or exchanging experiences.

Just as Qin Feng was immersed in this beautiful scenery, suddenly a roar came, and a huge beast rushed out from the jungle, its breath fierce. A trace of firmness flashed in Qin Feng's eyes, he stepped forward, his hands were sealed, and he chanted words in his mouth, and a golden rune appeared in his palm, and then flew towards the beast.

Seeing this, the beast let out a low roar, and actually stopped in front of the golden rune, and then was shrouded in the rune, let out a scream, and turned into a wisp of blue smoke and disappeared.

The surrounding cultivators were stunned, and then they all cast envious glances at Qin Feng. In the True Cultivation World, people who are able to use spells are considered Truth Cultivators with potential.

A middle-aged cultivator in a white robe walked over and said to Qin Feng with a smile: "Young man, your spell is good, my name is Bai Yun, I am the guardian of this region, do you have the intention to cultivate truth?"

Qin Feng nodded and expressed his wishes.

Bai Yun smiled and nodded: "Not bad, young man, I see that you have potential, I can take you as an apprentice and teach you some basic cultivation spells."

Qin Feng was excited, this was the opportunity he had dreamed of. He saluted respectfully and expressed his willingness to learn from his teacher.

From then on, Qin Feng began his journey of cultivation. Bai Yun taught him many spells and cultivation methods, and Qin Feng devoted himself to cultivation, constantly improving his cultivation realm.

Chapter 3: Crisis descended

on the road of cultivation, and Qin Feng experienced countless challenges and trials. He traveled through mountains and rivers, broke through dangerous situations, and constantly fought various monsters and enemies, accumulating rich experience and strength.

One day, Qin Feng came to a dark forest, which was eerie and terrifying, and seemed to hide hidden hidden secrets. Just as he was searching, a huge bat suddenly flew out from the depths of the woods, carrying a strong bloody aura, towards him.

Qin Feng hurriedly cast a spell and engaged in a fierce battle with the bat. But he found that this bat was extremely powerful and possessed the power of a divine beast in the fairy world.

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