Qin Feng: (smiling mysteriously) Actually, in addition to my thinking ability, I also have a special skill - I can brag with my mouth.

Xu Ming: (asked suspiciously) Bragging? Do you mean what do you mean by bragging?

Qin Feng: (laughs mischievously) No, I mean I can blow a strong air flow with my mouth, just like blowing a balloon, but much more powerful than ordinary people.

Audience 20: (surprised) Really fake? Can you show us that?

Qin Feng: (nodding with a smile), but I need some props, wait for me.

(Qin Feng left in a hurry, and a moment later he returned with a small balloon.) He blows the balloon big and round, then puts it on the palm of his hand and blows a strong stream of air through his mouth. The balloon expands rapidly under his air currents and eventually turns into a massive balloon. Audience

21: (exclaiming) That's awesome too! Your mouth strength is really big!

Qin Feng: (laughing proudly) Thank you for the compliment, in fact, it was just a stunt when I was a child, but I can still keep some now.

Xu Ming: (laughs) Qin Feng, you are really a versatile person!

Audience 22: (excitedly) Can you show us some more?

Qin Feng: (readily agrees) Of course, are you ready?

(Qin Feng blew the balloon big and round again, then put it on a bamboo pole, and pushed the balloon higher and higher with the air flow blown out of his mouth, and finally pushed the balloon into the sky, and everyone was amazed.) Audience

23: (dumbfounded) This is incredible! Your mouth is a magical fan!

Qin Feng: (laughing heartily) Actually, it's just a small skill, but it can make everyone happy.

(Qin Feng's performance drew a burst of laughter, and everyone was amused by his stunts.)

Chapter 25: The Coexistence of Diversity

(Qin Feng and Li Ming experienced the importance of diversity and equality in the era of equality and diversity, and shared their feelings with Ellie and Carl.

Qin Feng: In the era of equality and diversity, people seem to be able to better understand and respect each other's differences, and achieve more harmonious coexistence.

KARL: Yes, through education and advocacy, we foster diversity awareness and make them aware of the value of each individual.

Li Ming: Our times are also moving towards pluralism and equality, but there are still many cultural and social obstacles to overcome.

Ellie: Diversity is a force in society that allows us to look at problems from different perspectives and create more creative solutions.

Qin Feng: We will bring these thoughts on equality and diversity back and share them with more people, so as to promote people to respect differences and jointly create a more inclusive and equal society.

Conclusion: Diverse Human World

(Qin Feng and Li Ming experienced the importance of diversity and equality in the era of equality and diversity, and realized the value of respecting differences. They decided to pass on these wisdoms to more people and promote the practice of diversity and equality.

This chapter focuses on the value of equality and diversity, highlighting ways to build harmonious societies by respecting differences and promoting equality. Through the dialogue between Qin Feng and Li Ming, Ellie and Carl, the story conveys the importance of diversity and the wisdom of promoting social progress through equality. The content of this chapter encourages people to respect diversity, pursue equality in modern society, and create a more diverse and equal human world with wisdom.

Chapter 26: Technology and Humanity

(Qin Feng and Li Ming's time and space wandering continues, and they come to a society full of scientific and technological innovation. There, they meet Alan the tech wizard and Kelly, a bioengineer.

Qin Feng: (At a science and technology exhibition, seeing a variety of amazing high-tech products and innovations) The scientific and technological development of this society is really remarkable.

Li Ming: Yes, technology seems to be widely used in various fields, changing people's lifestyles and ways of thinking.

Allen: Welcome to the era of technological innovation. I'm Alan, a tech wizard. This is Kelly, a bioengineer working to apply technology to conservation.

Kelly: Nice to meet you. In this society, technology has become the engine of human progress, and we strive to combine technology and environmental protection to create a sustainable future.

Qin Feng: The power of this technology is really incredible. In our time, technology is also developing rapidly, but sometimes it also raises ethical and social questions.

Li Ming: Yes, the application of technology needs to be carefully considered to ensure that there are no adverse effects on people and the environment.

Allen: The development of science and technology needs to be carried out within an ethical and sustainable framework. We emphasize the integration of science and technology and human beings, people-oriented, and environmental protection.

Chapter 27: The Mission of Science and Technology

(Qin Feng and Li Ming experienced the power of technological development in the era of technological innovation, and shared their feelings with Allen and Kelly.

Qin Feng: In the era of scientific and technological innovation, technology not only changes lives, but also helps solve some major social and environmental problems.

Kylie: Yes, technology should have a broader mission. We hope to protect nature and improve the quality of life through the power of science and technology.

Li Ming: Our times are also striving to apply science and technology to environmental protection and social well-being. But sometimes, the development of technology also brings new challenges.

Allen: The development of technology is a double-edged sword, and we need to think about the possible consequences while innovating. Only by putting people first can science and technology truly benefit mankind.

Qin Feng: We will bring back these thoughts on technology and human integration, share them with more people, and encourage everyone to maintain attention to ethics and environmental protection in the development of science and technology to create a better future.

Conclusion: The wisdom

of science and technology (Qin Feng and Li Ming experienced the power of scientific and technological development in the era of scientific and technological innovation and realized the importance of the integration of science and technology and human beings. They decided to pass on these wisdoms to more people and encourage the sustainable development of scientific and technological innovation.

This chapter focuses on the value of scientific and technological innovation, emphasizing the importance of science and technology for human inclusion and sustainable development. Through the dialogue between Qin Feng and Li Ming, Alan and Kelly, the story conveys that the power of technology should be balanced between human needs and environmental protection. The content of this chapter encourages people to give full play to the role of scientific and technological innovation in modern society, and lead the sustainable development of science and technology with wisdom for the benefit of mankind and the earth.

Chapter 28: Wisdom and Peace

(Qin Feng and Li Ming's time-space wandering continues, and they come to a society that pursues wisdom and peace. There they met the philosopher Sophia and the peace activist David. )

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