Chapter 72:

(At the Grave)

Grandson: Grandpa, I was touched by your love story with your grandmother.

Grandson: Even in heaven, you and grandma will continue to be together, right?

At the end of the story, the love and values of Qin Feng and Li Yawen were passed down from generation to generation, leaving a profound impact. Their families and affections will live on forever in future generations, and their stories become part of the family, allowing love and memories to flow forever.

Chapter 73: The Story That Continues

(At the Family Reunion)

Great-grandson: I heard from Dad that the story of you and Grandma is beautiful.

Qin Feng's son: Yes, you are our role models.

Great-grandson: I also hope to have a beautiful story.

Chapter 74: Eternal Impact

(At home, great-grandchildren look at Qin Feng's paintings) Great-grandchildren

: Grandpa's paintings are awesome, I also want to learn to draw.

Qin Feng's son: You are our pride and continue to carry forward the artistic spirit of grandfather.

Great-grandson: I will work hard to keep my grandfather's art blooming in my generation.

Chapter 75: Cherished Emotions

(In Qin Feng's former residence, great-grandchildren and family memories together)

Great-grandchildren: Although I have not personally experienced it, listening to the stories you tell, I feel your love.

Qin Feng's son: Love is the most precious emotion, and it will be passed down forever in time.

Great-grandson: I will continue to pass on this love and let this love continue to bloom in our family.

Chapter 76: Passing the Story

Great-grandson: Grandpa, after you die, I will take good care of this family.

Qin Feng's son: Home is not just a place, but also a continuation of emotions.

Great-grandson: I will pass on the values of the family and let you and your grandmother continue the story.

Chapter 77: The Integration of Life

(at Qin Feng's Memorial Exhibition)

Great-grandson: I hope to convey the story of you and your grandmother through my photography.

Qin Feng's son: Your works are full of emotion and are part of our family.

Great-grandson: I will continue this beautiful legacy with the lens.

Chapter 78: Never Stop

Great-grandchildren: I want to learn from you and become a strong, caring person.

Qin Feng's son: No matter what you face, you must be like your grandfather and move forward bravely.

Great-grandson: I will let the spirit of you and grandma continue to shine in me.

Chapter 79: The Continuation of the Heart

(At the Grave of Qin Feng and Li Yawen)

Great-grandson: I feel that you are always around.

Qin Feng's son: Love transcends time, and it will always accompany us.

Great-grandson: I will always miss you and let your love live on in my heart.

At the end of the story, the great-grandson represents a new generation, continuing the spiritual inheritance of Qin Feng and Li Yawen. They pass on stories and emotions, continuing the family's values and the power of love. Although life has an end, love and memories will continue forever in the hearts of future generations.

Chapter 80: A New Beginning

(Great-grandson found a notebook in Qin Feng's old studio)

Great-grandson: This is Grandpa's notebook, what is written in it?


81: The Power of Creation

(Great-grandson started creating in the studio)

Great-grandson: The words written by my grandfather in my notebook made me understand the true meaning of creation.

(Great-grandson's paintings are full of Qin Feng's shadow, but at the same time have their own style

) Chapter 82: The Call of Memories

(at the exhibition of Qin Feng's paintings)

Great-grandson: This is a work that I created with my grandfather.

Audience: You can feel the affection in it, it's a legacy.

Chapter 83: Love in the Brush

(Great-grandson's paintings are appreciated by critics)

Critic: These paintings convey an emotion that transcends time and space.

Great-grandson: I want to convey the love of grandpa and grandma to more people.

Chapter 84: Eternal Story

(in front of the statues of Qin Feng and Li Yawen)

Great-grandson: Grandpa, grandma, your love and story will always be here.


85: Continuation of the Story

Great-grandson: I will continue to tell your story with a brush.

Qin Feng's son: Your creations will make us feel the company of our family all the time.

Great-grandson: I want to pass on the story of grandpa and grandma with my heart so that it will continue to be passed on.

Chapter 86: Love and Hope

Great-grandchildren: Your love is my motivation.

Qin Feng's son: People's lives are like the pages of a book, and you continue to write wonderful chapters in the book.

Great-grandson: I want to use the brush to continue to write this eternal love and hope.

Continuing the story, the great-grandchildren represent a new generation, inspired by the spirit of grandpa and grandma, and continue to convey love and hope through creation. He continues the story of his grandfather and grandmother, writing eternal emotions with his brush, so that their love will never fade and will always shine in people's hearts.

Chapter 87

: The Journey of the Brush (Great-grandson at an international art exhibition)

Audience: The paintings are full of emotion, as if the voice of the author can be felt.

Great-grandson: This is the story of my grandfather and grandmother, who inspired my creations.

Chapter 88: Emotions Across Time

and Space (Great-grandson interview)

Moderator: Why are your paintings so touching?

Great-grandson: I hope to convey love and memories through my paintings, so that people can feel emotions across time and space.

Chapter 89: Passing the Story

(Great-grandson gives a lecture at a school)

Student: How did you find inspiration?

Great-grandson: Grandpa's story and his notebook were the inspiration for my creations.

Chapter 90: Resonance of the Heart

(There is an older man in the audience)

Listener: Your story reminds me of my family.

Great-grandson: I hope that my creations will evoke memories and emotions in people's hearts.

Chapter 91: Family under the Brush

(Great-grandchildren's paintings are shown at family gatherings)

Family members: Looking at these paintings, it is as if you see grandpa and grandma.

Great-grandson: This is my tribute to the family and a memorial to my grandparents.

Chapter 92: The Meaning

of Family Great-grandchildren: The family is a container for love and memory.

Qin Feng's son: You tell our family story with your brush and continue the meaning of the family.

Great-grandson: I will continue to pass on this meaning from generation to generation.

Chapter 93: The Reincarnation of Life

(At the Ancestral Grave of the Family)

Great-grandchildren: Grandpa, grandma, I passed on your story.

(Great-grandson gently put down a bouquet of flowers and felt their presence)

The story has reached a new stage, and the great-grandson continues to pass on the story of Qin Feng and Li Yawen, writing emotions and memories with a brush. His creations evoke resonance in people's hearts and keep love and memories alive forever. The meaning of the family has also been continued through his efforts, and the love and stories in the cycle of life never stop.

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