Qin Feng: We will bring this wisdom back, encourage more people, promote cross-cultural exchanges, and create a more harmonious society.

Conclusion: The Connection of Wisdom

(Qin Feng and Li Ming have absorbed the wisdom of cross-cultural communication in a multicultural society and realized the importance of respect and understanding. They decided to pass on these wisdoms to more people and promote cultural diversity.

This chapter emphasizes the importance of cultural diversity and intercultural exchange. Through the dialogue between Qin Feng and Li Ming, Yana and Eric, the story conveys the wisdom of respecting different cultures and promoting harmonious development. The content of this chapter encourages people to keep an open mind, embrace cultural diversity, and use wisdom as a bridge to connect different societies in the era of globalization.

Chapter 12: Intelligence and Morality

(Qin Feng and Li Ming's time-space wandering continues, bringing them to a society full of artificial intelligence. There, they meet Ellie, the ethicist, and Ian the robot.

Qin Feng: (Looking at the intelligent robots around working with the assistance of people) The technological development of this society is really amazing, and artificial intelligence seems to have been integrated into people's lives.

Li Ming: Yes, intelligent robots play a huge role in various fields. But it also raises some ethical and moral questions.

Ellie: Welcome to the era of intelligent ethics. I'm Ellie, a scholar of research ethics. This is Ian, an autonomous robot.

Ian: Hello. I was designed to be a robot that could think, learn, and communicate with people. But I'm also thinking about the relationship between AI and ethics.

Qin Feng: This is indeed a complex issue. The development of artificial intelligence has brought convenience to mankind, but it also involves ethical issues such as privacy and human rights.

Li Ming: Our time is facing similar problems, although it has not yet reached such a high level of intelligence. But how to balance the development of science and technology with ethical considerations is a problem that must be solved.

Ellie: Intelligent development does require moral guidance. We want to ensure that AI is not only able to perform its tasks, but also consider its impact on human society and values.

Chapter 13: Ethical Guidance

(Qin Feng and Li Ming explored the relationship between artificial intelligence and morality in the era of intelligent ethics, and shared their thoughts with Ellie and Ian.

Qin Feng: Intelligent robots can indeed provide a lot of help to humans, but should artificial intelligence have human-like moral judgment ability?

Ian: It's a complex issue. Although I can imitate human thinking and emotions, whether I should be equipped with moral judgment requires in-depth ethical discussion.

Li Ming: Exactly, the development of artificial intelligence involves the rights and responsibilities between humans and machines. We need to have the right norms and laws in place to ensure that the use of technology is ethical.

Ellie: Moral guidance is an important part of the development of artificial intelligence. Together, we need to think about how to protect human dignity and values while technological progress is made.

Qin Feng: We will bring these ethical reflections back and discuss the relationship between artificial intelligence and ethics with people to provide guidance for future development.

Conclusion: Intelligence and Conscience

(Qin Feng and Li Ming experienced the relationship between artificial intelligence and morality in the era of intelligent ethics and realized the importance of ethical guidance. They decided to pass on these wisdoms to more people and promote the harmonious coexistence of science and technology and morality.

This chapter emphasizes the relationship between AI and ethics and explores the importance of protecting human values in the development of technology. Through the dialogue between Qin Feng and Li Ming, Ellie and Ian, the story conveys that artificial intelligence should be developed under ethical guidance to ensure that the application of technology does not violate human morality and values. The content of this chapter encourages people to maintain a focus on ethics and morality while science and technology advance rapidly, and to lead the progress of science and technology with wisdom.

Chapter 14: Peace and Cooperation

(Qin Feng and Li Ming's time and space wandering continues, and they come to a society full of peace and cooperation. There, they met the diplomatic envoy Karl and the international cooperation expert Maya.

Qin Feng: (At the international conference, I saw the delegates discussing peaceful cooperation around the table) This society is really peaceful and friendly. Countries seem to be able to work together harmoniously.

Li Ming: Yes, international cooperation and diplomacy here seem to have reached a height. National borders no longer seem to be an obstacle.

KARL: Welcome to the era of peace and cooperation. I'm Carl, in charge of foreign affairs. This is Maya, specializing in international cooperation.

Maya: It's a pleasure to meet you. Our society has learned to resolve disputes through dialogue and cooperation and to promote common development.

Qin Feng: That's really encouraging. In our time, international relations are often strained by interests and ideologies.

Li Ming: Yes, we often hear news about international conflicts and tensions. To be able to achieve peace and cooperation is a huge goal.

KARL: Peace and cooperation are core values of our society. Through mutual respect, communication and compromise, we find a win-win path.

Chapter 15: Bridges of Wisdom

(Qin Feng and Li Ming experienced the importance of international harmony in the era of peaceful cooperation, sharing their thoughts with Karl and Maya.

Qin Feng: In the era of peaceful cooperation, the way international relations are done is really hopeful. How did you achieve this collaboration?

Maya: Cooperation requires the efforts of both parties. We learn to put ourselves in our shoes, understand each other's needs, and seek common interests as a basis for driving collaboration.

Li Ming: This requires wisdom and leadership, but also requires people to dare to let go of stereotypes and be willing to see things from each other's perspective.

KAR: Yes, we understand that international relations are a complex system, but with wisdom, we can build bridges of peace.

Qin Feng: We will bring back these thoughts on peace and cooperation and share them with more people, hoping to promote the development of international relations in a better direction in our times.

Conclusion: Peace and Wisdom

(Qin Feng and Li Ming experienced the importance of international harmony in the era of peace and cooperation and realized the role of wisdom in resolving international conflicts. They decided to pass on these wisdoms to more people and promote international peace and cooperation.

This chapter emphasizes the importance of international peace and cooperation and explores ways to build international harmony through wisdom and leadership. Through the dialogue between Qin Feng and Li Ming, Karl and Maya, the story conveys that through mutual respect, empathy, and win-win cooperation, harmony in international relations can be achieved. The content of this chapter encourages continuous efforts to promote international cooperation in the era of globalization, using wisdom as a bridge to peace.

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