Parent E: Mr. Qin Feng, what are your views on cultivating children's character and values?

Qin Feng: Cultivating character and values is an important task of family education. I think we need to lead by example, pass on positive values, encourage children to respect others, be helpful, and cultivate good relationships and relationships.

Parent A: Thank you very much Mr. Qin Feng for sharing, your experience is very inspiring to us.

Qin Feng: Thank you for participating, I believe that each family has its own unique methods and experiences, and I hope that together we can create an environment for children to grow up healthily.

(The story continues, only fictional dialogue, not related to real people.)

New scenario:

Qin Feng was invited to participate in a workshop on parent-child communication to discuss with other parents how to establish effective communication.

Parent A: Mr. Qin Feng, how do you think parents can establish a good communication relationship with their children?

Qin Feng: Building a good communication relationship requires patience and listening. We need to respect children's opinions and feelings, listen to the real needs behind their words, and respond with understanding and love.

Parent B: Is there any special way to promote effective communication between parents and children?

Qin Feng: I think it's important to have an open dialogue with children. Instead of just asking closed-ended questions, it gives them more room to express themselves and helps us understand them better.

Parent C: How do you think you can find time to communicate with your children in your busy life?

Qin Feng: Time management is key. I will try to plan my time reasonably and set up a dedicated time for communication. Whether at breakfast, dinner or during breaks, you can find moments to communicate with your child.

Parent D: Mr. Qin Feng, have you ever encountered a communication barrier with your child? How to solve it?

Qin Feng: Of course there is. Sometimes children may be reluctant to communicate with us for various reasons. I respect their emotions and don't force them, but I also take some easy steps to get closer, like watching movies together or playing games.

Parent E: What do you think is the most important thing in communication?

Qin Feng: I think sincerity is the most important thing. We need to listen genuinely to our children, express our care and support authentically, and make them feel that we are willing to share everything with them.

Parent A: Thank you very much Mr. Qin Feng for sharing, your experience will definitely help our family communication.

Qin Feng: Thank you for your participation, I hope we can all achieve better results in parent-child communication and create a warm and harmonious family atmosphere.

(The story continues, only fictional dialogue, not related to real people.)

New scenario:

Qin Feng was invited to a symposium with teenage parents to discuss how to help children develop self-confidence and the ability to cope with setbacks.

Parent A: Mr. Qin Feng, how do you think you can help children build self-confidence?

Qin Feng: Building self-confidence requires positive cognition and practical experience. We encourage children to try new things, achieve small successes, and gradually build self-confidence. At the same time, give them encouragement and recognition.

Parent B: You must have faced many challenges in your acting career, how did you deal with setbacks and difficulties?

Qin Feng: Setbacks and difficulties are part of growth. I will face it with a positive attitude, learn and grow from it. I also encourage the children and tell them that failure is not scary and that the important thing is not to give up on the effort.

Parent C: How do you think you balance encouragement and criticism to help your child progress?

Qin Feng: Balancing encouragement and criticism does require skill. I will acknowledge my child's efforts and achievements while pointing out areas where they can improve. The key is to use an encouraging attitude to help them see the direction of progress.

Parent D: How do you think to develop children's courage and tenacity in the face of difficulties?

Qin Feng: Developing courage and tenacity requires children to face some moderate challenges from an early age. Let them feel that difficulties are not scary and can be overcome with effort and wisdom. At the same time, we also need to support them in the face of setbacks and make them feel our company.

Parent E: Have you had a particularly touching moment when your child was growing up?

Qin Feng: There are many. Every time I see the children persevering in the face of difficulties, or seeing their brave performance, I feel very touched and proud.

Parent A: Last question, what advice do you have for other parents, how to cultivate the psychological quality of children?

Qin Feng: I think parents should be emotional supporters and listeners for their children. We must patiently communicate with them, encourage them to express their emotions, and at the same time give them the right guidance to help them develop positive psychological qualities.

Qin Feng: Thank you for participating, I hope that together we can create a positive environment for the growth of children.

(The story continues, only fictional dialogue, not related to real people.)

New scene:

Qin Feng was invited to participate in a symposium on family education to share with other parents how to cultivate children's sense of responsibility and cooperation.

Parent A: Mr. Qin Feng, how do you think to cultivate children's sense of responsibility?

Qin Feng: To cultivate a sense of responsibility, we need to pay attention to cultivating children's self-discipline from an early age. We can make them take on some household tasks and make them aware of the impact their actions have on the family. At the same time, reinforce their sense of responsibility through encouragement and praise.

Parent B: In the family, how to cultivate children's spirit of cooperation?

Qin Feng: The spirit of cooperation is a very important quality. I will advocate cooperation in the family, so that children can learn to divide labor and support each other in the team. In addition, they can develop a sense of cooperation through some team games and activities.

Parent C: How do you think it is important for children to understand that responsibility and cooperation are important for their future?

Qin Feng: We can tell them through stories, examples and real-life cases that responsibility and cooperation are an integral part of social life. At the same time, it can also guide them to think and let them understand the value of responsibility and cooperation.

Parent D: How much do you think parents can be a role model in children's education?

Qin Feng: The role model of parents is very important. Children imitate our behaviors and attitudes. If we can demonstrate responsible, cooperative and positive qualities, they will also develop these qualities in their learning.

Parent E: Mr. Qin Feng, is your experience in acting also applied to family education?

Qin Feng: Absolutely. In my acting career, I need to work with different people, which also cultivates my ability to work together. At the same time, I also learned a lot about responsibility and character from the script, and these experiences and wisdom will be applied to family education.

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