Host A: Hello everyone, welcome to this episode of the popular show "" in the entertainment industry! Today, we have a special guest, he is not only a top actor, but also a milkman, which is known to everyone as Qin Feng!

Qin Feng: Haha, thank you, in fact, I think being a daddy is quite like acting, you need to be patient and expressive.

Moderator B: That's right, that's right! Mr. Qin Feng, you have always had an excellent performance in the film industry, but now it seems that more people pay attention to your fatherhood!

Qin Feng: Yes, after becoming a father, I feel that my life is more fulfilling. No matter how much filming you film, it can't compare to the time you spend with your children.

Host A: I heard that you still tell stories to children on set?

Qin Feng: Yes, I think children's imagination is very rich, so I will make up some interesting stories for them. Sometimes they get involved and create fantasy worlds together.

Audience 1: Mr. Qin, what do you think is the similarity between being an actor and being a daddy?

Qin Feng: Actors need to convey the hearts of characters through emotions and expressions, and fathers are the same, they need to understand their children's emotions and needs. Moreover, even if I am busy, I will find time to play with them, which is a bit similar to acting, which requires time and investment.

Host B: So how do you think to balance career and family in the highly competitive environment of the entertainment industry?

Qin Feng: This is indeed a challenge, but I think the key is time management and priority. I spend my time on what really matters, and I encourage my family to support each other's careers and understand each other.

Audience 2: Mr. Qin, I heard that you are still considering whether to let your children enter the entertainment industry?

Qin Feng: This question really made me think about it for a long time. I think the most important thing is the child's will and I will respect their choice. If they are really interested in acting, I will support them, but I will also teach them the difficulties and challenges of the industry.

Moderator A: Thank you very much Mr. Qin Feng for sharing! I hope you can achieve more balance between career and family and continue to bring wonderful works to the audience!

End of story.

(The above is fictional dialogue, not related to real people.) New


At a charity event in the entertainment industry, Qin Feng and other celebrities participated in a charity sale to raise funds for charity.

Star C: Brother Qin Feng, how do you see the effect of this bazaar?

Qin Feng: It's very good, everyone is very enthusiastic, I see that many people are contributing to charity.

Star D: Yes, and the items in this charity sale are quite distinctive, which should attract a lot of people.

Qin Feng: Yes, there are many fans who also support this time, and I think it is quite meaningful for celebrities to make some contributions to society with their influence.

Star E: Brother Qin Feng, did your children participate in this charity sale?

Qin Feng: Well, I came with them. Although they are still young, I want them to understand the importance of helping others from an early age.

Star C: That's great, tutoring is very important.

Qin Feng: Yes, I think as a father, I hope to be able to pass on the correct values to them, so that they can grow up to become responsible people.

Star D: Brother Qin Feng, how do you usually balance work and accompanying your family?

Qin Feng: It's actually quite difficult, but I try to arrange my time, such as taking time to play with my children in my spare time, and discussing some time planning with my wife.

Star E: Sounds like that's not easy.

Qin Feng: Yes, but I think it's all worth it. My family is my support, and my career is also my dream, and only by balancing both can I feel satisfied.

Star C: Brother Qin Feng, you are our role model!

Qin Feng: Haha, thank you. Everyone has their own way of life, and as long as they can find balance, they can live a full and meaningful life.

(The story continues, only fictional dialogue, not related to real people.)

New scene:

At a children's public welfare event, Qin Feng attended as a guest, participating in games and interactions with a group of children.

Child A: Uncle Qin, are you an actor? I've seen your movie!

Qin Feng: Yes, I am an actor. Which movie have you seen?

Child A: I've seen Star Guardians! You played awesome!

Qin Feng: Thank you for liking it! So what type of movies do you usually like to watch?

Child A: I like fantasy adventures, and animals too!

Qin Feng: Great, I also like fantasy adventure movies! Maybe in the future I can act in a movie with animals for you.

Child B: Uncle Qin, do your children also participate in the activities?

Qin Feng: Yes, they were a little busy today and couldn't come. But I will tell them about today, and I will definitely bring them with me next time.

Child C: Uncle Qin, did you want to be an actor when you were a child?

Qin Feng: Well, I did have many dreams when I was a child, but I didn't expect to become an actor at that time. I think there are many possibilities for everyone, and if you pursue them hard, you have the opportunity to realize your dreams.

Child D: Uncle Qin, are you tired of filming?

Qin Feng: Filming can really be tiring, because it takes a lot of time and energy to interpret the role. But when you see the audience enjoying your performance, everything becomes worth it.

Child B: I want to be an actor too!

Qin Feng: That's great! As long as you like it and study hard, you will definitely be able to realize your dreams in the future. Believe in yourself!

(The story continues, only fictional dialogue, not related to real people.)

New scene:

Qin Feng is invited to participate in a children's show and has fun competitions and Q&A sessions with a group of innocent and lively young contestants.

Little Contestant A: Uncle Qin, how do you usually find the feeling of the character?

Qin Feng: Well, that's a good question. Each character has different emotions and characteristics, and I read the script, think about the characters' backlash and story, and then try to understand their inner world to find the character feeling.

Little Contestant B: Uncle Qin, do you think it is difficult to be an actor?

Qin Feng: Of course there is. Actors need to constantly challenge themselves, especially to experience different emotions and roles, and sometimes they may face emotional pressure. But this is also a process of growth, and through continuous effort and accumulation of experience, it will become better.

Little Contestant C: Uncle Qin, which is your favorite character?

Qin Feng: This question is a bit difficult to answer, because each character has a different meaning. But if I had to pick one, I would probably choose a country doctor in a movie, because that character taught me a lot about human nature and kindness.

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