In the days that followed, B actively engaged with the sponsored students and their parents to learn more about their situation and needs. He found that in addition to Xiaowen, many students faced various difficulties, including family financial constraints, lack of learning resources, health problems, etc.

In communicating with parents, B deeply understands the plight of these families and their expectations for their children. They long for their children to receive a better education, but for various reasons, many people cannot afford to pay for education. Qin Feng also personally participated in some of these symposiums, and he and B listened to the stories of each family together, and his heart was deeply moved.

Faced with these situations, B and Qin Feng decided to add some special considerations to the help plan. Considering that some students may need additional psychological support, they decided to invite professional counselors to help these students resolve their psychological distress and maintain a positive attitude.

At the same time, they also plan to organize some volunteer activities to encourage more people to participate, whether it is teachers, alumni or community residents, can contribute to this financial aid program. They believe that only the joint efforts of the whole society can make these children have a better future.

In terms of funding, B and Qin Feng continue to look for opportunities for charitable donations, while actively engaging with some local enterprises. Fortunately, after learning about this financial aid program, some companies have expressed their willingness to provide financial support and hope to establish a long-term relationship with the school. They believe that investing in education is the best way to invest in the future.

To raise funds further, they also plan to host a charity dinner featuring celebrities and corporate representatives from the community, and raise more through auctions and donations. The news spread quickly, attracting widespread attention and participation.

On the day of the dinner, the venue was bustling and the number of participants far exceeded their expectations. Not only did people donate enthusiastically, but they also expressed their willingness to volunteer for the financial aid program to help the school and students more.

After this successful charity dinner, B and Qin Feng's financial aid program was more widely recognized and supported. More people are willing to join in and contribute to the educational dreams of these children.

Over time, the financial aid program expanded to cover more students and families. Through the joint efforts of society, these children have received better learning resources and care, and their grades and psychological state have gradually improved. And all this stemmed from a conversation about help, and B and Qin Feng practiced their original intention with practical actions to make the world warmer.

New Dialogue

: B: Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining us for such enthusiastic support and assistance to our financial aid program.

Guest 1: Your financial aid program is really appreciated. I heard Xiaowen's story before, and her persistence and hard work were touching. We hope our donation can help more children like her who have dreams.

Guest 2: Yes, I heard about your plan before and came to participate. Our company is willing to provide some sponsorship, and we also have some staff who are education majors, and they are willing to provide academic tutoring for these children free of charge.

Qin Feng: Thank you so much! Your support means a lot to these children. We will ensure that these donations and resources are used where they are needed most.

B: By the way, in addition to financial support, we are also looking for volunteers to help the children. If you are willing to participate, both teaching and psychological support can have a positive impact on them.

Guest 3: I'd love to volunteer! I have some teaching experience that can help them improve their academic performance.

Guest 4: I am a psychologist, I can provide psychological counseling to help them overcome difficulties and enhance their psychological quality.

B: Great! Your support is very important. We also plan to carry out some recreational activities so that children can have fun in addition to studying. If you have a friend with relevant resources or experience in event planning, please join us.

Guest 5: I work in the media industry and can provide media support to help expand your influence and attract more attention and help.

B: Great, we need such partners. Let more people know about this financial aid program, let more people participate in it, and let the power of this love spread further.

Qin Feng: Thank you for your enthusiastic participation and support. I believe that with everyone's joint efforts, our school aid program will bring a blue sky to these children and make their future better!

With the successful conclusion of the charity dinner, the new partners expressed their support for the financial aid program. B and Qin Feng were deeply relieved, and they realized that this financial aid program was no longer just the career of the two of them, but the common aspiration of the entire society.

In the following days, volunteers actively participated in the school aid program, providing academic counseling, psychological support and a variety of recreational activities for the children. They see the growth and progress of their children and see the hope that flashes in their eyes.

At the same time, through media publicity and social network dissemination, the financial aid program has gradually gained wider recognition and support. More and more people have joined in, donating, donating materials, and donating strength, so that the power of this financial aid program continues to grow.

In this warm circle of financial aid, everyone is doing their best to dedicate themselves, so that love and care penetrate into every corner in need. This financial aid program not only helped Xiaowen and other students, but also invisibly changed the lives of more people, so that more people felt the warmth and love of the society. B and Qin Feng knew that their original intention was becoming a reality little by little.

New Dialogue

: B: The financial aid program has made great progress in the past few months, thank you for your support and dedication! We have helped many students and seeing them gradually come out of the difficult situation, our efforts are worth it.

Volunteer 1: Yes, I had several psychological counseling sessions with Xiaowen, and her performance is getting better and better, and I feel very relieved to see her smiling.

Volunteer 2: I have also noticed a big improvement in the academic performance of some students. There is a student who has always been shy and afraid to express his opinions, but after a period of tutoring and encouragement, he has now become very active and his grades are getting better and better.

B: These are the results of our bursary program, thank you for your hard work. At the same time, we will continue to work hard to make more students benefit from this program.

Volunteer 3: I have an idea to try to contact some enterprises or social organizations to see if they can provide some vocational skills training opportunities, so that students can learn some practical skills in addition to their studies and increase their employment opportunities.

B: That's a very good idea! Vocational skills training can help students better adapt to society and increase their competitiveness. We can find some partners to work together to promote this plan.

Volunteer 4: At the same time, we can also organize some company visits to let students understand the working environment and needs of different industries, which will help them in their future career choices.

Qin Feng: Your suggestions are very valuable! We can talk to some companies to see if they are willing to participate in these activities and provide more job-ready support for students.

B: In addition to these, we can also organize some community volunteer activities for students to participate in and cultivate their sense of public welfare and social responsibility.

Volunteer 1: Yes, participating in volunteer activities allows them to better integrate into the society, and at the same time feel the joy of helping others, which is beneficial to their growth and character building.

B: I very much agree! We can start with some aspects of environmental protection, helping the elderly and the disabled, and comforting poor families, so that students can participate in it and experience the diversity of society and the people in need.

Qin Feng: This financial aid program is not only to solve students' academic problems, but also to make them responsible and caring social pillars through comprehensive support and training.

With the joint efforts of volunteers, the financial aid program has been supported by more social resources, more students have been helped, and they have gradually become confident and full of hope. The financial aid program has also gradually generated a good reputation in the community, attracting more and more people to join it.

This school aid program is no longer just the dream of B and Qin Feng, but a team effort, a social care, and an action to help children realize their dreams. In this warm family, everyone is using their own power to make the world a better place.

New Conversation

: Volunteer 2: I just got in touch with a hospital that offered to provide free health screenings and medical consultation services to our sponsored students. This is very helpful for some students with financial constraints.

B: Great! Health is the cornerstone of their growth, and having such medical support allows them to better focus on their studies and not suffer from health problems. Thank you for your contact!

Volunteer 3: I just explained our financial aid program to a large supermarket, and they offered to provide shopping coupons to the families of the sponsored students to make their daily necessities more affordable.

Qin Feng: This is really a thoughtful move, coupons can help them save money and make their lives more convenient. Thank you for your efforts!

B: We can also contact some professional training institutions to see if they are willing to provide more in-depth training for some students with special skills, so that they can have greater opportunities for development in their own areas of expertise.

Volunteer 1: Yes! Some students may have talents in music, art, sports, etc., and their talents will be better developed if they can get professional guidance.

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