B: Yes, I've started talking with some, and we're going to hold a charity sale to help more children with the money we go. In addition, we plan to run some training courses and provide free courses to children who are interested but have financial difficulties.

Qin Feng: These are all good plans, and I am very supportive. We want the Starlight Grant Program to continue to grow and become a beacon of hope for children in mountain villages.

B: I believe that as long as we persevere, our financial aid program will definitely get better and better, and the warmth we pass on will also illuminate more people.

(In the Starlite Financial Aid office, they clasped hands, full of confidence and determination.) With their efforts, the Starlight Scholarship Program will continue to deliver warmth and let more children in mountain villages have hope and future. This is a loving mission of perseverance and dedication, and it will continue to shine in this mountain village.

(A few months later, one day, an unfamiliar visitor greeted the Starlight Program office when an old man dressed simply.) Old

man: Hello, I am a villager from a nearby village, and I heard that you are the person in charge of the Starlight Scholarship Program, and I specially came to thank you.

Qin Feng: Hello, this is our unshirkable responsibility. Is there anything you need help with?

Old man: That's right, I have a grandson named Xiaoming, who just entered the first grade of primary school this year. The family is relatively poor and living conditions are difficult. I saw the news about your financial aid program and wanted to ask if I could help Bob.

B: Absolutely! We have always been committed to helping the children in the mountain village, whether it is Bob or other children, as long as there is a need, we will try our best to help.

Qin Feng: Indeed, we not only help middle school students, but also pay attention to the education of primary school students. You can rest assured that we will understand Xiaoming's situation as soon as possible and provide him with any help we can.

Old man: Thank you, this is really important to our family. I really hope that Bob can have a good learning environment and more opportunities.

B: We'll go to your house tomorrow to find out about Bob's situation. At the same time, we will arrange volunteers to visit to collect more information about children in need.

Old man: Thank you for your concern and help, I will take Xiaoming to my home and wait for your arrival.

(The next day, B and some volunteers came to Bob's home to learn about his family and studies.) They found that Bob was a smart and hardworking child, but lacked a good learning environment and learning resources.

B: Bob, you are really great, and we are very touched by your efforts. We will help you apply for financial aid so that you can have better learning conditions.

Xiao Ming (shyly said): Thank you uncle and aunt, I will study harder.

B: You are a good boy and we are sure that you will achieve good results. At the same time, we will also carry out some learning guidance and education activities in this village, hoping to help more children like you.

(In the days that followed, the Starlight Grant Program applied for a bursary for Bob, and he was given better conditions.) At the same time, the Starlight Grant Program has also expanded its activities to provide educational support and assistance to more children in mountain villages. More and more people are joining in, and the program is growing stronger and stronger.

Qin Feng: Seeing the smiles on the faces of these children, I think our efforts are meaningful.

B: Yes, every child should have the right to an education, and our financial aid program is opening a door of hope for them.

(With the persistence and help of the Starlight Grant Program, Bob and other mountain village children have a better learning environment and future.) Their growth and progress have allowed the warmth of the Starlight Grant Program to continue to pass on and light up the hearts of more children.

(A few months later, in the Starlight Aid Program office, a special thank you letter was placed on Qin Feng's desk.)

B: Mr. Qin Feng, who do you think is sending this letter of thanks?

Qin Feng: Let me see... Oh, this is Xiao Wen's handwriting. Let me read it to you.

(Qin Feng opened the envelope and began to read the letter.)

Qin Feng (reading letter): Dear Mr. Qin Feng and Sister B, I don't know how to express my gratitude. You helped me realize my dream of going to junior high school, and you gave me warmth and hope. With you, I have become more confident and strong, and my academic performance has been improving. I am now a member of the school's art club, and I use my singing to convey the warmth of our Starlight Aid Program, hoping to make more children feel loved and cared for. I really appreciate you, you are the most important people in my life. Thank you, Starlight Grant, for giving me hope.

(After Qin Feng finished reading the letter, he closed the envelope with emotion.)

B: It seems that our efforts have not only helped Xiaowen, but also made her more enthusiastic about public welfare and want to pass on the help.

Qin Feng: Yes, her growth is the biggest gain of our financial aid program. Seeing her become confident and optimistic with the help of the financial aid program, and also start to participate in public welfare causes, I think our efforts are worth it.

B: Also, our financial aid program is expanding, helping more and more children. I saw the smiles on their faces, and that's what we're after.

Qin Feng: Yes, our financial aid program still has a long way to go. We must continue to work hard to get more children helped, let more people participate, and let the warmth be passed on.

B: I believe that as long as we persevere, the Starlight Scholarship Program will continue to shine in the mountain villages.

(Qin Feng and B smiled at each other, they understood that the Starlight Scholarship Program was not only an organization, but also a responsibility and mission.) They are willing to continue to stick to their original intention, pass on warmth and hope to more children, let the influence of the Starlight Aid Program become more and more, and let more children chase their dreams because of their help.

(A few months later, a volunteer panel was held in the Starlight Financial Aid Program office.) Volunteers gathered together to share their experiences and feelings about the financial aid program.

Volunteer A: Participating in the Starlight Grant Program in the past few months has really made me gain a lot. Seeing those kids become more confident and optimistic because of our help, I think it's the most meaningful thing I've ever done.

Volunteer B: yes, I feel the same way. In the past few months, we have held several charity activities to help many children in need. Seeing their smiles on their faces, I think it's all worth it.

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