Small stall owner: (laughs modestly) Wherever, my stall is just a little trouble. Your fried chicken is truly amazing.

Qin Feng: (modestly waving his hand) Everyone's fried chicken has something unique. Why is your stall so popular in this village?

Qin Feng: (moved) I am honored that my fried chicken can help you. It's also a place where food is beautiful, where you can learn from and inspire each other.

Xiaohong: (laughs) You're right! I hope that we can all continue to explore and innovate in the world of food, and bring deliciousness and happiness to more people.

Qin Feng: (Toast) Cheers to the richness of the food!

Little Red: Cheers!

They raised their glasses to the future of food, to each other's efforts, and to celebrate the joy and warmth brought by food.

During this culinary journey, Qin Feng met different food creators, some of them were chain store owners, some were village stall owners, and some were small restaurant operators. Everyone has their own unique story and flavor, and all pass on the magic of food.

Qin Feng knows that food is not only to satisfy the sense of taste, but also to connect people's hearts. Whether it is a fried chicken chain in a big city or a small stall in the countryside, there is the enthusiasm and persistence of food lovers, making the world of food more colorful. He decided to keep going, share the joy of food with more people, and create more delicious stories together.

Qin Feng continues his culinary journey, shuttling between cities and villages in search of more interesting food stories. One day, he came to a historic old town with a traditional family restaurant and an old wooden sign hanging in front of it.

Qin Feng: (excitedly) It seems that this restaurant has a long history, and there must be a lot of food stories.

He pushed the door and walked into the restaurant, which was warm and cozy with the strong aroma of home-cooked food.

Owner: (greets with a smile) Welcome! I'm the owner Zhang, and this restaurant has been passed down from generation to generation in our family.

Qin Feng: (Surprise) Hello, boss Zhang! I am Qin Feng, and I heard that the home-cooked food here is very special, so I came to taste it.

Owner Zhang: (affectionately) Yes, our recipe secrets have been passed down from my ancestors, and we have always insisted on using the freshest ingredients and traditional cooking methods.

Qin Feng: (asked with interest) Sounds interesting! Do you have any specialties you can introduce to me?

Boss Zhang: Of course there is! Our signature dish is the secret old chicken stew, as well as the classic flavored fried chicken.

Qin Feng: (expectantly) Then I'll try your secret old chicken stew!

Owner Zhang: Of course, it will be served to you right away.

Soon, a bowl of old chicken stew with a tempting aroma was brought to the table.

Qin Feng: (takes a sip) Wow, this soup is really delicious, and it is pleasant to drink!

Boss Zhang: (laughing with satisfaction) This soup uses our family's secret seasoning, and it is simmered for several hours to make the chicken taste and the soup is rich.

Qin Feng: This kind of homemade food always evokes people's memories and emotions, and it is really delicious and warm.

Owner Zhang: Yes, we have always hoped to convey the warmth of home with food, so that every diner can feel at home.

Qin Feng: (thinking) Your fried chicken and stew are really distinctive, have you considered sharing these food stories with more people?

Boss Zhang: Actually, we have always passed on these delicacies by word of mouth and traditional methods. But sometimes we want to let more people know our story and our food.

Qin Feng: I can help you show these food stories so that more people can taste the unique delicacy of your home.

Boss Zhang: (gratefully) Really? That's great, I'd love to work with you to let more people know our food story.

Qin Feng and Boss Zhang sat together, tasting the food while discussing the details of the cooperation. Qin Feng decided to help the owner Zhang spread the food story of this traditional family restaurant, so that more people could taste these delicacies and feel the warmth of home.

Through Qin Feng's efforts, this family restaurant in the old town has gradually entered the sight of more people, and their food stories have spread to every corner of the city. More people walked into this restaurant, tasting the delicacy inherited by the owner Zhangjia, feeling the warmth of home, and it also gained new vitality and vitality because of Qin Feng's help.

This story tells us that traditional food stories live on through the tide of time, and that new efforts and collaborations can also promote these delicacies to the wider market. Every food has its own story, and those who love food and treat it with heart can always pass on the charm of food to more people.


the process of cooperating with boss Zhang to promote food stories, Qin Feng met many creators and foodies who love food. They came together to share each other's stories and experiences, becoming a team that loves food.

One day, Qin Feng and these food lovers gathered in a café to discuss more cooperation plans.

Food Lover: Qin Feng, your fried chicken and fried chicken chain are famous all over the country, and young people now love your food.

Qin Feng: (laughs modestly) Thank you for your support. In fact, I have always felt that food should not stay in a certain place, but should pass food culture to more places, so that more people can taste different delicacies.

Food Lover B: That's right! We can collaborate to create a food culture festival that invites food creators from all over the world to showcase their unique cuisine.

Food Lover C: Right! This will not only allow more people to taste the food of different places, but also allow food creators to communicate with each other and inspire more creativity.

Qin Feng: That's a brilliant idea! We can make the Food Culture Festival a celebration of gastronomy, so that food from all over the world has the opportunity to express its style.

So, Qin Feng and these food lovers began the preparations for the food culture festival. They actively connect with food creators and stall owners everywhere to invite them to this grand event. Soon, the news of the food culture festival spread all over the world, attracting the attention of many food lovers and tourists.

Finally, on a clear weekend, the food culture festival kicked off in the squares of a city. Food stalls from different places line up, exuding a tempting aroma of food.

Qin Feng: (excitedly) Looking at this scene, I feel very gratified. Each stall has its own unique cuisine, and the Food Culture Festival really brings together a rich variety of cuisine.

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