Moderator: Congratulations! In the new version of the Adventurers Convention, you guys performed well and proved yourself as invincible adventurers once again!

The audience applauded thunderously, and Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola felt proud and gratified.

[Scene 36: The Adventure Never Stops]

The update to the new version is just a new starting point in the endless adventure of Fantasy Journey. Qin Feng, Xiaobai, and Lola continue to explore the game world, meet more challenges, and meet more like-minded adventurers.

Qin Feng: There are still many places we haven't been to, and there are more stories waiting for us.

Xiaobai: Yes, our adventure will never stop!

【Scene 37: Friendship lasts forever】The

friendship between Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola continues to deepen in the adventure, whether in the game world or in real life, they become best friends.

Qin Feng: Thank you for always accompanying me and allowing me to harvest countless treasures in "Journey to the Illusion Realm".

Xiaobai: It was also my most enjoyable time, we have always been the strongest adventure partners!

【Scene 38: Forever Adventure】In

the game world, the adventure journey of Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola will continue to never stop, and their legendary stories will continue to be passed on in "Journey to Fantasy".

In real life, Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola have also become real friends, sharing the joy and achievements brought by the game together.

The story of Journey to Fantasy belongs not only to them, but to all adventurous players. In this virtual world, everyone can become their own Ying

[Scene 39: Emotion and Prospect]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola come to a beautiful highland in the game world, overlooking the vast world of "Fantasy Journey". They began to look back on this extraordinary adventure.

Lola: Time flies so fast, we've been exploring together for so long.

Qin Feng: Yes, from the original novice village to the current advanced area, we have witnessed the changes in the game world.

Xiaobai: Remember how immature and ignorant we were when we first started exploring?

[Scene 40: Eternal Adventure Feelings]

Qin Feng: Yes, we grow all the way and constantly break through ourselves, and our adventure journey will never stop.

Lola: Just like the game world, the eternal sense of adventure keeps us going.

Xiaobai: We have encountered difficulties, but also gained a lot of joy and friendship, all of which are part of our good memories.

[Scene 41: The Oath of Friendship]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola held each other's hands tightly and expressed their common vows.

Qin Feng: Whether in the game world or real life, we are always partners!

Xiaobai: No matter what challenges we face, we will overcome them together!

Lola: Let our friendship and adventure last forever!

[Scene 42: New Journey]

As the game version continues to be updated, Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola continue to embark on a new journey. They heard about a new map called Temple of the Stars, which is said to contain mysterious powers.

Qin Feng: I heard that "Temple of Stars" is an unknown space, full of the power of stars.

Xiaobai: This sounds amazing, we must explore it!

[Scene 43: The Mystery

of the Temple of Stars] Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola entered the Temple of Stars, which exuded mysterious starlight. In the depths of the Temple of the Stars, they met a wise elder.

Star Elders: Welcome to the Temple of the Stars, intrepid adventurers. Here you will experience the test of the power of the stars.

Lola: The Power of the Stars? What kind of test is this?

Star Elders: You need to solve the mysteries of the stars, awaken the power of the sleeping stars, and obtain their blessings.

[Scene 44: The Test of the Power of

the Stars] In the test of the Temple of Stars, Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola need to awaken the power of the stars through a series of intellectual and courageous challenges.

Qin Feng: The test here is really getting more and more complicated, but we can't give up!

Xiaobai: Yes, as long as we work closely together, I believe we can succeed!

[Scene 45: The Awakening of the Power of the Stars]

After unremitting efforts, Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola successfully solved the last puzzle, and the power of the stars was awakened.

Star Elders: You have succeeded, young adventurers! Now, the power of the stars will become your new power!

【Scene 46: New Legend】Qin

Feng, Xiaobai, and Lola have received the blessing of the power of the stars, and their abilities and adventure will usher in a leap again.

Qin Feng: Feeling that our body is full of the power of the stars, our adventure will have a new height!

Xiaobai: Our name will be passed on in the world of Journey to Fantasy!

[Scene 47: The Spirit of Adventure That Never Goes Out]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola continue to leave legendary footprints in "Journey to the Illusion". They explore uncharted territory, take on more challenges, and meet more like-minded adventurers.

Qin Feng: The spirit of adventure will always burn in our hearts, both in games and in real life.

Xiaobai: Let's go forward together and write a new adventure legend!

[Scene 48: The Eternity of Friendship]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola stand side by side in the picturesque game world, looking into the distance.

Lola: We have always been the best adventure partners, may this friendship last forever!

Qin Feng: Yes, whether in the game world or in real life, our friendship will always be the most precious.


: [Scene 49: Return to Reality]

As the adventure in the game world gradually ends, Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola leave the virtual world of the game and return to reality.

Qin Feng: Back to reality, I always feel a little reluctant.

Xiaobai: Yes, the adventures in the game have made us have so many happy and fulfilling times.

Lola: Although we left the game, our friendships and memories will always be with us.

[Scene 50: Eternal Adventure]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola hugged each other and recalled the bits and pieces of "Fantasy Journey" together.

Qin Feng: No matter how far the future is, we will always be the best adventurers!

Xiaobai: Yes, the spirit of adventure will always accompany us, so that we can also become brave people in real life!

Lola: I'm thankful for meeting you guys in this game, it's a precious memory.

【Scene 51: New Goals】Back

in the real world, Qin Feng, Xiaobai and Lola continue their friendship with each other and face new challenges and goals together.

Qin Feng: Our adventure in the game may be over, but we also have a lot of areas worth exploring in real life.

Xiaobai: Yes, we can travel together, learn new skills, and experience more wonderful life!

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