
(Note: Through the stories of your village, Zhang Wei's village and other countries, this play shows the story of the members of the wisdom cooperation organization uniting and cooperating to explore the future together.) Through wisdom sharing, innovation, feedback, sustainability and integration, the Smart Cooperation Organization has become the world's most influential wisdom exchange platform. Under the guidance of wisdom, the delegates looked forward to the future of wisdom and firmly believed that the power of wisdom will enable human society to move towards a better tomorrow.

Wisdom Act 73:

[The members of the Wisdom Cooperation Organization, guided by wisdom, look forward to the hope of wisdom together. They believe that through intelligent cooperation and sharing, more dreams and visions can be realized.

International Representative C: The hope of wisdom is our common vision, let us work together to achieve more dreams.

Young Representative A: Our future is full of hope, let us unite and cooperate to create a better tomorrow.

Representative Ding: The hope of wisdom is the driving force for us to move forward, let us always maintain enthusiasm and longing.

In the hope of wisdom, delegates know that wisdom is the key to realizing dreams and visions. They are determined to continue to struggle and work tirelessly for the dream of wisdom. Act

74: The Community

of Wisdom [The members of the Wisdom Cooperation Organization have seen the formation of a community of wisdom, and the power of wisdom binds the members together. Young people

: The Wisdom Cooperation Organization is like a big family, we are a community of wisdom.

Representative A: The community of wisdom makes us feel the warmth of the global family.

International Representative B: In a smart community, we support each other and work together.

In a community of wisdom, delegates realize that the power of wisdom binds them together, works together, and grows together.

Act 75: The Power

of Wisdom [The members of the Wisdom Cooperation Organization deeply realized that the power of wisdom is infinite, and it can overcome all difficulties and create miracles. Representative

B: The power of wisdom makes us never back down in the face of difficulties.

Young Representative C: The power of wisdom is our driving force, which allows us to constantly surpass ourselves.

International Representative Ding: The power of wisdom is infinite, let us create more miracles with wisdom.

[In the power of wisdom, the delegates boosted morale and strengthened their faith in wisdom. They believe that as long as they adhere to the guidance of wisdom, all difficulties can be easily solved.

Act 76: The Beauty

of Wisdom [The members of the Wisdom Cooperation Organization have witnessed the beauty of wisdom, which not only makes their lives more fulfilling, but also makes the world a better place.

International Representative A: Wisdom makes our world more colorful and makes our lives better.

Representative C: Wisdom is the direction we are going and makes our village rejuvenate.

Young Representative B: The beauty of wisdom is what we create together, let us continue to work hard.

[In the beauty of wisdom, the delegates felt the charm and power of wisdom. They know that wisdom leads to a better world, and they look forward to a broader future brought by wisdom. Act

77: Pride of Wisdom

[The members of the Wisdom Cooperation are proud of wisdom, and they are proud of the achievements and progress of wisdom. Your

village representative A: We are the pride of wisdom, let us guard the torch of wisdom together.

International Representative B: Wisdom keeps us at the forefront of the times and makes us proud.

Young Representative Ding: The pride of wisdom makes us more confident and makes us more courageous in facing the future.

In the pride of wisdom, the delegates are confident in wisdom, and they believe that the power of wisdom will allow them to forge ahead in the journey ahead.

Act 78: The Legend of Wisdom

[The members of the Wisdom Cooperation realize that the legend of wisdom is being written, and wisdom will leave eternal footprints in human society. Young

Representative C: We are witnesses to the

legend of wisdom, let us be wise Act 78: The Legend of Wisdom (continued)

International Representative D: Yes, wisdom will leave an eternal footprint in human society, and we are fortunate to be part of the wisdom legend.

Representative B of your village: In the exchange of wisdom cooperation organizations, we not only learned wisdom, but also learned unity and cooperation, which is an important chapter in the wisdom legend.

Young people: We will use our actions to continue the legend of wisdom and let the light of wisdom never go out.

[In the legend of wisdom, the delegates firmly believe that the torch of wisdom will burn in human society, be passed down from generation to generation, and continue to lead the way. Act

79: The Mission

of Wisdom [The members of the Wisdom Cooperation Organization are well aware of the mission of wisdom, and the power of wisdom is not only for themselves, but also for the benefit of all mankind. Your

village representative C: The mission of wisdom is to make the world a better place for everyone.

International Representative A: The power of wisdom should not be limited to a certain region or group, we must spread it to every corner.

Young Representative B: Let's work together to make the mission of wisdom more brilliant.

In the mission of wisdom, the delegates are firm in the social responsibility of wisdom, and they are determined to contribute their own strength to the progress and happiness of all mankind with the light of wisdom. Act

80: Wisdom Responsibility

[The members of the Wisdom Cooperation Organization understand that wisdom is the key to sustainable development. Only by assuming the responsibility of wisdom can wisdom continue to move human society forward. Young

Representative Ding: Wisdom is our responsibility, let us shoulder it together.

Representative A: We must continue to learn, innovate, and build the future with wisdom.

International Representative B: Let us bravely face the challenges and write more brilliant stories with wisdom.

In the burden of wisdom, the delegates knew that only by firmly assuming the responsibility of wisdom can wisdom bring real progress and change to human society. Scene

81: The Harmony

of Wisdom [The members of the Wisdom Cooperation Organization have seen the harmony of wisdom, and the light of wisdom allows people from different countries and cultures to live in harmony. Your

village representative Ding: Under the guidance of wisdom, we have learned to respect and understand different cultures and concepts.

International Representative B: The harmony of wisdom makes our cooperation smoother and the world more harmonious.

Young Representative A: Let us pass on the harmony of wisdom to more people, and let harmony become the quality of wisdom.

[In the harmony of wisdom, the delegates deeply felt that the power of wisdom has made human society more harmonious, and they are determined to transmit the harmony of wisdom to a wider area.

Act 82: The Revelation of Wisdom

[The members of the Wisdom Cooperation have received many inspirations from wisdom that

will guide them to a better future and let the torch of wisdom illuminate the way forward for the world. 】

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