With the joint efforts of Guicun and Zhang Wei's village delegation, the entire region gradually became more prosperous and developed. Their wisdom and love have become a model for the region, and have attracted more people to come to learn and communicate. And Qin Feng's story and wisdom have also spread in the region, becoming an eternal legend.

Villager A: Our village is really getting better.

Villager B: Yes, our wisdom and love are influencing the whole region.

Xiao Ming (village head): Let us continue to inherit wisdom and let Qin Feng's spirit continue forever.

[In your village and Zhang Wei's village, wisdom and love always shine brightly. Their efforts not only affect their own homes, but also spread to a wider area, becoming an eternal torch guiding people towards a better future. 【


(Note: Through the joint efforts of your village and Zhang Wei's village delegation, this play inherits love and wisdom, showing that their wisdom shines brightly, not only affecting their own home, but also passing on to a wider place.) Qin Feng's wisdom became an eternal legend, and in his story, we see hope and the possibility of change. Through a legacy of wisdom and love, their region has become a better place and has brought hope and change elsewhere.

Act 30: The Journey

of Wisdom [Over time, the villages of Guicun and Zhang Wei continued to prosper, and their wisdom and love became a model for the region. At a major regional development conference, they were commended by regional leaders. Regional

leaders: Your village and Zhang Wei's village delegation, please come forward to receive the commendation.

Representative A: (excitedly stepped forward) Thank you for the commendation, we will continue to work hard to make our region a better place.

Zhang Wei: (also stepped forward to receive the commendation) We will continue to inherit wisdom and lead our village to higher glory.

Regional leaders: Your wisdom and efforts are commendable and worthy of learning elsewhere. I hope you will continue to play a leading role in making progress for our region together.

[At the commendation ceremony, your village and Zhang Wei's village became the pride of the region. Their wisdom and love became a model for the region and influenced more people. Scene

31: The Pursuit

of Wisdom [The village delegation of your village and Zhang Wei returned to their village, and the villagers were very happy and proud of their commendation. They decided to continue to pursue wisdom and constantly explore better development paths.

Villager C: We have been affirmed by the local leaders, which is our honor.

Villager Ding: Yes, our wisdom is moving towards the wider world step by step.

Xiaoming (village chief): Let us continue to unite and keep learning, so that our village will always be full of hope.

[In your village and Zhang Wei's village, the pursuit of wisdom never stops. They understand that only by constantly learning and exploring can they keep their village ahead of the curve. Act



of Wisdom [Your village and Zhang Wei's village delegation continued to communicate with other regions to share their wisdom and experience. They also invite representatives from other places to come to their villages to study. The inheritance of wisdom spreads in this land. Villager

A: It's so exciting that our village has become a gathering place for wisdom!

Villager B: Our wisdom not only affects ourselves, but also passes on to more people.

Zhang Wei: This is exactly the goal of our efforts, to pass on the torch of wisdom.

[Your village and Zhang Wei's village have become a research center of wisdom, attracting more and more people to come to learn and communicate. The transmission of wisdom is driving the development of the entire region. Act

33: The Splendor

of Wisdom [With the efforts of Guicun and Zhang Wei's village delegation, the entire region began to undergo earth-shaking changes. Poverty has been gradually reduced and living standards have improved significantly. Their wisdom and love shine brilliantly in this land. Regional

leaders: Your village and Zhang Wei's village delegation, your wisdom and efforts have shocked the entire region.

Representative B of your village: We are just passing on the wisdom of our predecessors and benefiting from learning and exchanges in other places.

Zhang Wei: Yes, we believe that wisdom can be passed on and shared, and as long as we work together, the future of the region will be more brilliant.

[Under the commendation of the regional leaders, Guicun and Zhang Wei's village have become the leaders of the region. Their wisdom and efforts serve as a model for the region and bring hope and inspiration to the wider world. Act

34: The Eternity

of Wisdom [With the passage of time, Guicun and Zhang Wei's villages continue to pursue wisdom and continue to improve. Their wisdom and love became an eternal inheritance, affecting the entire region and the wider world. Every winter night, villagers sit around a campfire, telling stories about Qin Feng, Guicun and Zhang Wei. Their wisdom lasted forever and became the pride and glory of the region. 【


(Note: Through the joint efforts of your village and Zhang Wei's village delegation, this play inherits wisdom and love, showing their wisdom shining in Act

35: Blessing

of Wisdom [On a cold winter night, the villagers sat around a campfire, telling the story of Qin Feng, Guicun and Zhang Wei. They lamented the blessing and inheritance of wisdom. Villager

A: Every time I hear these stories, I feel warm in my heart.

Villager B: Yes, how lucky we are to have such wisdom and heritage.

Xiao Ming (village head): Uncle Qin's wisdom has always been by our side, and we will continue to pass it on.

Suddenly, a young man approached the campfire, his face full of longing and respect. Young

man: Village chief, villagers, I am Li Ming from the distant Gucheng Village. I heard that your village and Zhang Wei's village prospered because of wisdom, and I came to visit and learn.

Villager C: Welcome, welcome! It's great that you can come to our village to study.

Young man: I heard that your wisdom and courage spread throughout the region, and I was touched by your stories.

Zhang Wei: Our wisdom can be passed on and shared, and we are happy to share it with you.

Young people and villagers sat around the campfire and began to exchange their experiences and wisdom. The young people felt the enthusiasm and wisdom of your village and Zhang Wei's village, and were also inspired.

Young man: I feel that I have come to the right place, and your wisdom and unity have given me a lot of confidence.

Villager Ding: We believe that your village will also become better because of your efforts.

[During the exchange, the young man learned the wisdom and courage of Guicun and Zhang Wei's village, and he was determined to pass on this wisdom to his own village after returning home. 】

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