[Qin Feng and the villagers rebuild their lives together with neighboring villagers. Soon, the situation in the neighboring villages began to improve. Together they build houses, restore crops, and rebuild lives.

Neighboring villager Ding: Thank you, we might not have survived this disaster without you.

Qin Feng: You're welcome, we are willing to help you get through the difficulties together.

Neighboring villager A: You are really kind and brave people, and we will always be grateful to you.

Qin Feng: We hope that you can continue to be strong and create a better future for your homeland.

[Qin Feng and the villagers stayed in the neighboring villages for a while, and they did not return to their own villages until normal life was restored in the neighboring villages. Their good deeds were appreciated and appreciated by neighboring villagers. Act

19: Inheriting Love

[Back in his village, Qin Feng and the villagers continue their daily lives, but their love and help do not stop. Every year during the autumn harvest, they donate part of their grain to poor areas to help more people in need. At the same time, they have set up an education fund to help children from poor families get an education. Villager

B: Uncle Qin, our good deeds can really change the lives of many people.

Qin Feng: Yes, although our help is only a little, it means incomparable warmth and hope for those who need help.

Bob: Our love can be passed on and affect more people.

Qin Feng: It is precisely because of such kind and enthusiastic people as you that our village has become better.

[Qin Feng and the villagers continue to inherit love and help more people with practical actions. Their love not only makes their village happy, but also passes on to the wider society. Act

20: Eternal Inheritance

[As the years passed, Qin Feng's wisdom and courage remained forever in the long history of the village. The villagers continue to unite to create a better tomorrow together. At that time, Xiao Ming had become the leader of the village, and he inherited the spirit of Qin Feng and led the village to a more brilliant future. Every winter night, villagers sit around a campfire, telling the legendary story of Qin Feng, whose wisdom and courage will never be extinguished in the village.

The whole story emphasizes the importance of love, unity, courage and wisdom. Qin Feng and the villagers worked together not only to make their village prosperous, but also to convey love and hope, and change the lives of more people. Their spirit will be passed on forever and become the pride and glory of the village. 【


(Note: Through the joint efforts and love of Qin Feng and the villagers, this play shows their spirit of inheriting virtues and helping others.) The inheritance of love is not only for himself, but also to influence more people, so that

the twenty-first scene: Qin Feng's wisdom lives

on [After several years, although Qin Feng has passed away, his wisdom and spirit will forever remain in the heart of the village. At a village meeting, the villagers commemorated this great predecessor. Villager

A: Uncle Qin has been away for many years, but his wisdom and courage have always inspired us.

Villager B: Yes, we will always remember all his contributions to the village.

Xiao Ming: Uncle Qin's story is a legend in our village, and his spirit is also our never-extinguishing torch.

Villager C: He brings us not only prosperity, but also unity and love.

Villager Ding: Let us continue to pass on his wisdom and courage to make the village full of brilliance forever.

[In the memories and nostalgia of the villagers, Qin Feng's image has become more and more distinct, and his wisdom and courage inspire the villagers to continue to move forward. Act

22: The Inheritance

of Wisdom [Qin Feng's wisdom not only stops at the village, his story is also recorded in the historical documents of the village, becoming a model for future generations to learn. A nearby school invites older villagers from the village to share Qin Feng's story and wisdom. School

teacher: Mr. Village Head, we very much hope to hear Qin Feng's story, his wisdom will be a great inspiration to our students.

Village Chief (Xiaoming): Of course, I am happy to share Qin Feng's story with the students. His wisdom is a precious asset to our village.

[In the school speech, the village chief (Xiaoming) told the story of Qin Feng, and his wisdom and courage touched the students present. They all said that they wanted to learn from Qin Feng's spirit and be a responsible person. Student

A: Uncle Qin's story is really inspirational, and I also want to be a useful person.

Student B: Yes, we must not only learn knowledge, but also have the courage and wisdom to face the challenges of life.

Student C: I think we should be like Uncle Qin, helping others and passing on love.

Student Ding: Let's pass on his wisdom together and make our village and society better!

[In the school speech, Qin Feng's wisdom inspired the enthusiasm and motivation of the students, who were determined to inherit the spirit of Qin Feng and let the love and wisdom continue in their hearts forever. Act

23: Wisdom and Hope

[Over time, the village continued to prosper, and the students grew into adults, all of whom became the mainstay of the village and led the village to a more brilliant future. With the wisdom of Qin Feng and the unity of the villagers, the village has become a home full of love, hope and wisdom. Villager

A: Our village is getting better and better, and Uncle Qin's wisdom has always been by our side.

Villager B: Yes, his spirit fills us with confidence to meet the challenges ahead.

Bob (now an elder): Let us continue to unite as one, pass on his wisdom, and make our home always hopeful.

[In every corner of the village, Qin Feng's wisdom and courage are being inherited. The villagers work together to keep the village improving. They believe that with love and wisdom, their village will always be filled with brilliance

and the twenty-fourth act: a flash

of wisdom [On a beautiful morning, the villagers sat under the big tree at the entrance of the village, chatting about the changes in the village and

the prospects for the future.

Villager C: It's a pleasure that our village has become more and more prosperous over the years.

Villager Ding: Yes, our efforts were not in vain, thanks to Uncle Qin's wisdom and leadership.

Xiao Ming (village head): We must continue to inherit the spirit of Uncle Qin and make our village always full of hope.

Villager A: By the way, I heard that there are other places that have come to learn from the development experience of our village recently!

Villager B: Yes, Uncle Qin's wisdom shines brightly, not only illuminating ourselves, but also setting an example for other places.

[Suddenly, a strange traveler arrives in the village, his face full of curiosity and excitement. 】

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