Villager C: Uncle Qin, you have led us for so many years, and our gratitude to you is indescribable.

Qin Feng: Over the years, with your support and trust, we have been able to get through one difficulty after another. I am also grateful for your continued cooperation and help.

Villager Ding: Uncle Qin, I heard that you plan to leave the village for a trip, is it true?

Qin Feng: Yes, I have lived in the village all my life, and now I am not young, and I want to see the outside world and look for some new experiences and feelings.

Xiao Ming (already an adult): Uncle Qin, I can understand your thoughts. You have contributed so much to the village over the years, and it is time to enjoy life.

Qin Feng: Thank you for your understanding, Xiaoming. But I hope that you and the other villagers will continue to unite and help each other so that the village can continue to prosper.

Villager A: Uncle Qin, rest assured, we will continue to inherit your spirit and work together to make the village better.

Qin Feng: I believe you will be able to do well. I will always miss this village and each and every one of you.

[In the warm dialogue, Qin Feng and the villagers shared their feelings and reluctance. Between their relationship, there is a deep friendship and precious memories. Act

10: Farewell and Blessing

[The day of parting finally came, and the villagers gathered at the entrance of the village, preparing to see off Qin Feng. Villager

B: Uncle Qin, although we are reluctant, we understand your choice.

Qin Feng: Thank you for your understanding. Over the years, I have always felt that I am the happiest person because I have a group of kind and brave people like you by my side.

Villager C: Uncle Qin, we also want to thank you for leading us through many difficulties and making us more united and strong.

Xiao Ming: Uncle Qin, I will inherit your spirit and continue to do my part for the village.

Qin Feng: I have full confidence in you, and I believe that you will do better than me. I will miss you, but it is not a farewell, and I will come back to visit you.

Villager Ding: We will miss you too, Uncle Qin. You are our eternal hero!

[In the touching scene, Qin Feng hugged the villagers and said goodbye. Although tears welled up, it was a warm and sincere parting. Qin Feng carried his bags and took firm steps, left the land he loved so much, and began his journey with deep blessings and hopes for his hometown and villagers. 【


(Note: This play expresses gratitude and cherishing each other through the farewell between Qin Feng and the villagers. Parting is an inevitable part of life, but in parting, the flame of love and hope will continue to burn and be passed on. Qin Feng's departure means the opening of a new chapter, and Xiaoming and other villagers will continue to inherit and carry forward the spirit of Qin Feng, and under his guidance, the village will continue to prosper. Act

11: Qin Feng's Return

[A few months later, the village still maintains the good state in which Qin Feng left. As always, the villagers are united and cooperative, living a peaceful and happy life. Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared at the entrance of the village, and Qin Feng returned. Villager

A: (Surprised) Uncle Qin, you're back!

Qin Feng: (smiling) Yes, I'm back. I have traveled a lot, seen a lot of beautiful scenery and made a lot of new friends, but I will never forget our village and everyone.

Villager B: It's great that you're back! We have been missing you.

Qin Feng: I have always missed you too. I know you've been working hard since I left to continue to run the village better, it's really great!

Xiao Ming: Uncle Qin, I'm so happy that you're back!

Qin Feng: (gently patting Xiao Ming's shoulder) I'm also very happy to see you, it seems that you have grown up and become more sensible.

Villager C: Uncle Qin, do you have any new ideas after you came back?

Qin Feng: (with love in my eyes) I came back with some new experience and knowledge, and we can learn from some good practices from other places to continue to build a better village. I am confident that together we can make this village a happier home.

Villager Ding: That's great! Your return brings us new hope and motivation.

[Qin Feng's return made the villagers feel extremely happy and relieved. Together, they continue to plan and discuss the future. Act

12: Creating the Future

Together [Together with the villagers, Qin Feng made a new plan and plan. Under his leadership, the village began to introduce new agricultural technologies and develop new industries, bringing more opportunities and benefits to the villagers. Villager

A: Uncle Qin, your new idea is really amazing! We never imagined that there would be so many development opportunities in the village.

Qin Feng: Development is endless, as long as we maintain an innovative and enterprising attitude, our village will be more prosperous.

Villager B: Uncle Qin, we really appreciate your return. Your wisdom and courage are our treasures.

Qin Feng: I am just an ordinary villager, and I am very satisfied with being able to do something beneficial for everyone.

Xiaoming: Uncle Qin, your spirit has always inspired us. I will continue to pass on your love and bravery.

Qin Feng: (patting Xiao Ming's shoulder encouragingly) I'm sure you'll do well.

[Under the leadership of Qin Feng, the village is thriving, not only the economy is prosperous, but people's lives are also happier and more satisfactory. Qin Feng is not only a role model for the villagers, but also an eternal hero in their hearts. They work together to shape the future and make the village a haven of love and hope. 【


(Note: Through the return of Qin Feng, this play shows the spirit of him and the villagers working together to create a better future.) Qin Feng's wisdom and courage became an important driving force for the development of the village. Their unity and cooperation not only make the village prosper, but also convey confidence and hope for the future. Through this story, it expresses the importance of human beings working together to inherit and carry forward good qualities. Act

13: Qin Feng's Wisdom

[Time continues to pass, Qin Feng and the villagers have experienced many ups and downs together, and they have always maintained the spirit of unity and cooperation. One day, a young man in the village encountered some problems and came to ask Qin Feng for help. Young

man: Uncle Qin, I have encountered some difficulties recently and don't know what to do.

Qin Feng: It's okay, say it and let everyone discuss and solve it together.

Young man: I recently wanted to start a small craft workshop, but I ran into financial and technical problems.

Qin Feng: Starting a business is a very difficult process, but as long as you have confidence, we will definitely help you. First of all, we can find out if there are people in the village who are willing to support you.

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