Qin Feng: Thank you very much for the host's invitation and blessings! I will continue to work hard to pursue a higher realm in performing arts and music creation, and bring more wonderful works to the audience! Thank you all for your support!

Qin Feng showed his love and devotion to acting and music in radio interviews.


scene: Qin Feng participates in a variety show and has a dialogue with the host.

Moderator: Welcome Mr. Qin Feng to our variety show! As a popular star, you have achieved great success both in the entertainment industry and in the music industry.

Can you share your tips and learnings for success?

Qin Feng: Thank you very much for the invitation! Success may have a different definition for everyone, but for me, the secret to success is persistence, hard work, and constant learning.

I always maintain my requirements and pursuits, and constantly improve my acting skills and musical talents.

I also believe in the power of teamwork and work with great directors, musicians, and team members to create great work.

Most importantly, I always maintain my love and perseverance in my dreams, and I am not afraid of difficulties and setbacks, and I forge ahead.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, your acting skills and musical talent have been highly praised, and you have shown extraordinary strength in both the film and music fields.

Is there a more preferred area between your acting and music?

Qin Feng: I have the same love for acting and music, and I can't take sides in one field.

Acting allows me to express my emotions and inner world through characterization and acting skills.

Music allows me to express my emotions and creativity in a unique way.

I enjoy the feeling of singing and performing on stage, both areas giving me great satisfaction.

Therefore, I will continue to maintain a balance between acting and music, and present the best of both to the audience and fans.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, your musical works are diverse and full of personal style.

Are there any plans to try new styles or collaborations in music creation?

Qin Feng: Of course! I'm always exploring different musical styles and ways of creating.

Music is an expression of infinite creativity, and I hope to be able to experiment with more different styles and musical elements.

At the moment, I am working with some great musicians and producers on cross-border collaborations, hoping to create new and unique musical works.

I believe that the diversity of musical styles allows audiences and fans to see more of my musical talent and expressiveness.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, as a high-profile public figure, do you have any supporters or fans who have impressed you?

Qin Feng: There are many actions of supporters and fans that make me feel very warm and moved.

They have given me endless encouragement and support, whether through social media, meet-ups or other means.

Once, after a concert, many fans waited in the cold wind to take pictures and communicate with me.

Even though they felt chills while waiting, I was deeply relieved by their enthusiasm and support.

These fans are the source of motivation and strength for my struggle, and I will always be grateful for their support and love.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, your achievements and inspirational stories have inspired many young people who are chasing their dreams.

What would you like to say to them?

Qin Feng: I want to say to those young people who are chasing their dreams, bravely chase your dreams, and don't give up easily.

No matter what difficulties and challenges you face, believe in your talents and potential.

Study hard and improve your abilities

Moderator: Thank you very much Mr. Qin for your encouragement and inspirational words! Are there any particularly memorable experiences or stories you can share with us on your performing arts and music journey?

Qin Feng: There are indeed some particularly memorable experiences.

One of them was that I was involved in the filming of a challenging role.

This role requires me to invest a lot of time and energy to understand and figure out his inner world.

During the filming process, I worked closely with the director and other actors to explore the emotions and motivations of the characters.

The process was very fulfilling and challenging, but in the end, we managed to present a deeply rooted persona.

This experience made me realize the wonders and infinite possibilities of my acting career, and also made me cherish every opportunity to perform.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, your efforts and dedication in your acting career have not only brought success, but also brought many honors and awards.

Do you feel pressured or burdened behind receiving these accolades?

Qin Feng: Receiving honors and awards is an affirmation and encouragement for me, which makes me feel very happy and satisfied.

But at the same time, they also bring a certain amount of pressure and responsibility.

I understand that these accolades represent not only my personal achievements, but also the expectations that audiences and fans expect from me.

Therefore, I will work harder and maintain my passion and focus on acting.

I hope that through my performances and music, I will continue to surpass myself and bring more surprises and touches to the audience.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, your acting and musical works are deeply loved by the audience and fans.

Their support and affection for you gives you a lot of motivation, how do you stay connected and engaged with your audience and fans?

Qin Feng: The audience and fans are my most valuable assets, and I cherish my connection and interaction with them.

I keep in touch with them through social media, sharing my life and creative progress.

I also hold meet-and-greets and concerts from time to time to interact and communicate with them closely.

In addition, I regularly give back to my audience and fans, repaying their support and love through various activities and benefits.

I hope to be able to connect with viewers and fans on a deeper level and make them feel how grateful I am to them.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, your inspirational story has inspired many people to chase their dreams.

How do you maintain a persistent and positive attitude in the face of difficulties and setbacks?

Qin Feng: On the road to chasing dreams, difficulties and setbacks are inevitable.

But I believe that every setback is an opportunity to grow and improve.

When faced with difficulties, I stop to think and reflect to find solutions to problems.

At the same time, I seek support and encouragement to communicate and share with family, friends and team members around me.

Their support and advice gave me a lot of strength and confidence.

Most importantly, I will maintain a positive attitude and believe in my abilities and potential.

No matter what difficulties I encounter, I will persevere and believe that my dreams will come true.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, thank you again for sharing and insights! I wish you a continued success in the field of acting and music

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