Qin Feng: I hope that this donation can really help these children, give them the opportunity to receive a better education and pursue their dreams.

Scene: Donation ceremony

Qin Feng and Zhang Ying attended the donation ceremony of the orphanage and witnessed the launch of the expansion project.

Qin Feng: Today is an important day, and we witnessed the beginning of this project together.

I hope this orphanage will be a home for the children, giving them hope and love.

Director of the orphanage: Thank you Mr. Qin and your team, your donation will make this project a reality.

We do our best to ensure that children receive the best care and education.

Qin Feng: This is just the beginning, we still have a lot of work to do, and many people in need of help are waiting for us.

We will continue to work hard to make more contributions to society.

Zhang Ying: Yes, Mr. Qin, I believe that our good deeds will inspire more people to join us and build a better society together.

Through the efforts and generous donations of Qin Feng and his team, the orphanage was expanded to provide a warm and caring home for more children.

Qin Feng's kind deeds not only improved the living conditions of these children, but also inspired more people to join the public welfare undertakings and jointly build a more harmonious and loving society.

Qin Feng: (After the donation ceremony, talking to the director of the orphanage) I am very happy to help this project.

Children's smiles are the best reward.

Director of the orphanage: Thank you for your generous donation, Mr. Qin.

Your acts of kindness will have a profound impact on the future of your children.

Qin Feng: I hope that our support can inspire more people to pay attention to this orphanage and let more people participate in the cause of improving the lives of children.

We can do much more than that.

Zhang Ying: President Qin, I just got a message.

A nearby school is facing a shortage of teaching resources.

Many children do not have enough teaching materials and learning tools.

Qin Feng: Then we can consider providing them with the teaching resources they need.

Every child should have an equal opportunity to learn.

Ying Zhang: Yes, I have contacted the school to understand their specific needs.

They mentioned that the most urgent were books and scientific laboratory equipment.

Qin Feng: We can buy a batch of books and experimental equipment for them and build a complete scientific laboratory.

This will allow children to have a better learning environment.

Ying Zhang: I will start preparations immediately and make further contact with the school.

Scene: Qin

Feng and Zhang Ying came to the school and visited the library and

existing teaching facilities.

Qin Feng: (Observing the library) The variety of books here is quite limited.

We should try our best to provide more rich reading resources.

School Principal: Thank you for coming, Mr. Qin.

Our children are very eager to have more books to expand their knowledge.

Qin Feng: I understand their needs.

We are willing to donate a batch of high-quality books to enrich the library's collection.

School Principal: Thank you so much! This will have a great positive impact on our students' learning.

Qin Feng: In addition, we plan to build a modern science laboratory to allow children to learn hands-on.

They will be able to gain a deeper understanding of science and technology.

School Principal: This is great! The lab equipment we've always dreamed of will bring a whole new learning experience to our students.

Qin Feng: I hope that this science laboratory can stimulate students' creativity and spirit of exploration, so that they are passionate about science.

Scene: Donation ceremony

Qin Feng and Zhang Ying attended the school's donation ceremony and witnessed the delivery of books and laboratory equipment.

Qin Feng: Today is another important day.

I hope that these books and experimental equipment will bring students a broader world of knowledge and learning opportunities.

School Principal: Thank you for your generous donation, Mr. Qin.

This will have a profound impact on the quality of teaching in our schools.

We will make good use of these resources to cultivate more outstanding students.

Qin Feng: This is just the beginning, we will continue to look for more opportunities and make more contributions to society.

I believe that only by working together can we build a better world.

Zhang Ying: Yes, President Qin.

Let us contribute our part to public welfare undertakings and let more people share the fruits of social development.

Qin Feng and his team continue to find and participate in various public welfare projects, interpreting love and social responsibility with actions.

Their acts of kindness not only improve the environment of orphanages and schools, but also bring hope and opportunity to more people.

Qin Feng inspires the people around him with his practical actions to jointly build a more just, warm and progressive society.

Qin Feng: (Meeting with team members to discuss next philanthropic projects)

Qin Feng: We have achieved some results in orphanages and schools, but we still have a lot of work to do.

Are there any charitable projects related to medical care?

Zhang Ying: There is indeed a medical center program, and they need assistance to provide medical services to residents in poor areas.

They lack medical equipment and medicines to meet the needs of the locals.

Qin Feng: This project sounds very meaningful.

Everyone should have access to basic health care.

We can provide them with medical equipment and financial support to improve the medical conditions of local people.

Ying Zhang: I have contacted the person in charge of the medical center and learned about their specific needs.

We can provide some basic equipment and medicines, and fund some medical activities.

Qin Feng: Very good, we will donate 2 million yuan to this project and provide the necessary support.

We want to make sure that local people have access to timely medical care.

Scene: Qin

Feng and Zhang Ying came

to the medical center and visited the medical facilities and learned about the work of the medical team.

Qin Feng: (Observation Medical Center) The medical facilities here are still relatively rudimentary, and we should provide them with more advanced medical equipment.

Person in charge of the medical center: Thank you very much for your generous donation, Mr. Qin.

This will enable us to provide better medical services and alleviate the suffering of the local population.

Qin Feng: We will provide some basic medical equipment, such as electrocardiogram machines, blood pressure monitors, etc.

In addition, we will also sponsor some health education activities to raise residents' medical awareness.

Head of Medical Center: This will be a great boon for our medical team and patients.

Thank you for your attention and support!

Qin Feng: We hope that this medical center can bring hope and health to more people.

We will continue to look for more charitable projects to contribute more to society.

Zhang Ying: Yes, President Qin.

Let us continue to work hard and spread love and warmth with our actions.

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