Qin Feng: The Social Innovation Award was established by us to recognize social innovators.

In this era full of challenges and opportunities, social innovation is an important force for social progress and sustainable development.

We believe that everyone has the ability to innovate and that everyone can be a change-changer in society.

Whether individuals or organizations, as long as we have dreams and actions, we can solve social problems in innovative ways and make the world a better place.

The Creation Award aims to motivate more people to participate in the practice of social innovation, providing them with support and recognition.

By sharing and networking, we can learn together and continuously improve our projects and methods for greater impact and sustainability.

The participants in the room expressed their support and belief in the power of social innovation to bring positive change to the world.

Qin Feng and the Global Innovation Social Team will continue to work hard to promote the development of social innovation and provide support and platform for those pioneers who change society.

They believe that social innovation can be an important strategy for humanity to face challenges and contribute to a more inclusive, prosperous and sustainable future.

Under the impetus of the Innovation and Social Project, the concepts of social innovation and sustainable development have been widely disseminated and practiced.

More and more people recognize that social problems require innovative solutions and actively participate in social innovation actions.

Qin Feng decided to further expand the social innovation project and founded an organization called the "Social Innovation Fund".

The fund aims to provide financial support, resource matching and professional guidance to social innovators to help them achieve the implementation and sustainable development of social innovation projects.

Qin Feng: The Social Innovation Fund was established to promote the development of social innovation and support innovators with passion and ideas.

We believe that with financial and resource support, they can achieve their social mission and solve social problems.

The Social Innovation Fund will fund a variety of social innovation projects, whether in education, environment, health or other fields.

We encourage innovators to come up with viable and impactful projects and provide them with investment, training, and mentorship to help them turn their ideas into reality.

Through the support of the Social Innovation Fund, many potential social innovation projects have been given the opportunity to be implemented and developed.

These projects cover a wide range of fields, and innovators use technology, business models, and community dynamics to solve social problems and advance social progress.

Among them is a social innovator named Zhang Hui, who launched a program called the "Read and Enjoy Project" to promote reading and improve equity in educational resources.

Zhang Hui: Through the "Read to Enjoy Program", we are committed to sending high-quality book resources to those areas with few educational resources, so that every child has equal opportunities to read.

We have set up a small reading corner and organized volunteers to carry out reading activities to help children develop reading interests and habits.

The Social Innovation Fund provided financial support and professional guidance to Zhang Hui's project.

Through their support, the Reading Enjoy Program has expanded its resources and influence, covering more regions and children.

The team at Qin Feng and the Social Innovation Fund is also actively looking for partners to work with governments, enterprises and non-profit organizations to jointly promote the development of social innovation.

They partnered with a tech company to develop an online platform called the Social Innovation Platform that connects social innovators and potential partners.

The platform provides social innovators with project display, resource matching and cooperation opportunities, and promotes mutual learning and cooperation among innovators to jointly solve social problems.

Through the social innovation platform, more and more social innovators have received widespread attention and support.

They have established partnerships with investors, businesses and social organizations to gain access to more resources and opportunities for their projects.

Qin Feng believes that through the support of social innovation funds and social innovation platforms, the power of social innovation will be further released.

He encouraged more people to join the ranks of social innovation and jointly find innovative solutions to promote social progress and sustainable development.

Under his leadership, social innovators will continue to work hard to contribute to solving social problems with innovative thinking and action, and achieving a more equitable, inclusive and sustainable future.

Driven by the Social Innovation Fund and the Social Innovation Platform, the ecosystem of social innovation continues to grow.

More and more social innovators are receiving resources and support, and their projects have a positive social impact.

In order to further promote the development of social innovation, Qin Feng decided to hold an event called "Social Innovation Summit".

It is a global event that aims to bring together social innovators from different countries and fields to share experiences, showcase results, and find more opportunities for collaboration.

The Social Innovation Summit attracts social innovators, investors, entrepreneurs and government officials from around the world.

During the conference, they gave keynote speeches, project presentations, roundtable discussions and cooperation negotiations.

Qin Feng delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, emphasizing the importance and potential of social innovation.

Qin Feng: Social innovation is the key to our response to global challenges.

Through innovative thinking and methods, we can find more effective and sustainable solutions that drive the progress and development of society.

The Social Innovation Summit provides a platform for social innovators to learn, exchange and collaborate with each other.

We believe that by working together, we can solve social problems together and achieve greater impact and sustainability.

During the Social Innovation Summit, many exciting social innovation projects were showcased and recognized.

A social innovator from Africa who has improved drinking water in remote areas through the use of solar technology; A social enterprise has successfully launched a biodegradable plastic alternative that contributes to environmental protection.

Participants shared their experiences and stories with each other, inspiring more innovative inspiration and willingness to collaborate.

Many investors and business representatives have also expressed interest in social innovation projects and looking for opportunities to work with innovators.

Qin Feng is very encouraged that he sees the power and potential of social innovation.

He knew that only through cooperation and innovation can we truly transform and progress society.

The Social Innovation Summit is not only an event, but also a starting point.

After the event, social innovators continued to stay in touch, explore collaboration opportunities, and take their projects to the bigger stage.

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