Persona: Qin Feng (male, 30 years old, party member, organ cadre) Li Xiaoyan (female, 27 years old, Qin Feng's wife, from a rural area) Wang Jianguo (male, 35 years old, Qin Feng's

friend, revolutionary comrade-in-arms) Yang Hong (female, 25 years old, Qin Feng's sister, student) Professor Liu (male, 50 years old, university professor, intellectual)

scene: a simple family house with a portrait of Mao Zedong on the wall, The table was piled with books and newspapers.

In 1963, Qin Feng, a young party member, and his wife, Li Xiaoyan, lived in a modest house while they read a copy of the latest People's Daily.

Qin Feng (excitedly): Swallow, look, here is a report that our county's agricultural cooperatives have taken the lead in achieving success in the province! The rural reform led by our party is really changing the lives of peasants.

Li Xiaoyan (excitedly): Yes, Brother Feng, we are all from the countryside, it's great to be able to witness all this with our own eyes! I believe that as long as we work hard, our life will be better and better!

Suddenly, Qin Feng's friend Wang Jianguo knocked on the door.

Wang Jianguo (smiling): Qin Feng, I heard that you are reading the newspaper here, so I will come and take a look. Recently, the party organization wants to send cadres to the countryside to support teaching, have you considered it?

Qin Feng (thinking for a moment): I thought about it, but I think I should still work in the government and make greater contributions to the party and the people.

Wang Jianguo (encouragingly): Yes, the party needs talents from all walks of life, and everyone can play a role in their own posts. As long as we have faith in our hearts and are down-to-earth, we can contribute to the cause of socialism.

A few days later, Qin Feng's sister Yang Hong returned from a college vacation.

Yang Hong (excitedly): Brother, you know what? The university is now very keen to study Chairman Mao's works, and we must deeply implement the Cultural Revolution!

Qin Feng (smile): Hongmei, you are a student and have received more education than us, I hope you can become a thoughtful intellectual and contribute to the construction of socialism.

Yang Hong (firmly): Brother, I will definitely work hard!

A few months later, Qin Feng met a well-known professor, Professor Liu, at a lecture at the university.

Professor Liu (seriously): Comrade Qin Feng, what suggestions do you have for the educational reform of our college?

Qin Feng (after thinking): Professor, I think we should pay more attention to cultivating students' sense of social responsibility and practical ability, so that they can truly become pillars of socialist construction.

Professor Liu (nodding): Your suggestion is very pertinent, and we will seriously consider it and implement it.

The story continues with the efforts of Qin Feng and his family, who struggled, learned and improved during the red years of the 60s. They witnessed the development and transformation of the motherland, actively participated in the construction of the socialist cause, and worked hard to realize the communist ideal.

A few years later, in 1968, Qin Feng and his friend Wang Jianguo were drinking tea in a teahouse, chatting about the recent social situation.

Qin Feng (contemplatively): Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the recent Cultural Revolution has brought great turmoil, and there has been some chaos and instability in society. There have also been some mistakes in our country, which require us to seriously think about and correct them.

Wang Jianguo (sadly): Yes, Brother Feng, the original intention of the Cultural Revolution was good, but now some people use this opportunity to carry out personality cults and power struggles, neglecting social stability and economic development. We need to resolutely oppose those acts that undermine the interests of the Party and the country.

Qin Feng (seriously): It is precisely because we have faith in our hearts that we can recognize and firmly oppose wrong behavior. We must continue to maintain loyalty to the party and strive for the interests of the party and the people.

Just as they continued to talk, Qin Feng's sister Yang Hong hurriedly walked into the teahouse.

Yang Hong (panting): Brother, I heard that you are here, I just participated in an event organized by the Red Guards, and we want to thoroughly criticize the bourgeois ideology.

Qin Feng (mildly): Hong Mei, it is a great social movement on the cultural side, but we need to pay attention to the methods and goals. We must correctly criticize erroneous thinking and at the same time protect social order and the interests of the people.

Yang Hong (thinking for a moment): Brother, you are right. I will act more carefully and not bring unnecessary harm to society.

The three of them continued to explore how to make the right choices in the current social environment, remaining sane and determined. They believe that only through correct thinking and action can they make a positive contribution to the cause of building socialism and realize the beautiful vision of communism.

A few years later, in 1972, Qin Feng and Wang Jianguo met again at a meeting of the party organization. They all already have some work experience and achievements.

Qin Feng (proudly): It has been almost ten years since I was sent to work in the countryside since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and I have witnessed the development of cooperatives and the significant improvement of farmers' living standards. Our party's rural policy has really played a big role.

Wang Jianguo (approvingly): Yes, Brother Feng, your efforts and efforts are worth it. I worked in cities and saw the process of industrialization and the huge changes taking place in our country. Our efforts were not in vain, we contributed to the cause of socialism.

Suddenly, a leader of a party organization walked up to them.

Leader (excitedly): Qin Feng, Wang Jianguo, you are all excellent party members, I appreciate your work and dedication. The Party Central Committee decided to promote you both and let you participate in higher-level work.

Qin Feng and Wang Jianguo glanced at each other, and excitement and responsibility surged in their hearts.

Qin Feng (excitedly): Thank you for the leader's trust! I will continue to work hard to serve the party and the people.

Wang Jianguo (solemnly): I will also go all out to live up to the expectations of the party and the people.

They encouraged each other and were determined to continue to struggle for the cause of the party and the people. They are well aware that the new job will bring greater responsibilities and challenges, but they are willing to take up this mission and work tirelessly to achieve the great goal of communism.

The story continues, and the struggle of Qin Feng and Wang Jianguo is not over. They will continue to serve the Party and the people in different posts, witnessing and participating in the tremendous changes and development of Chinese society. Their dialogue will continue to write the glory and struggle of that era.

The story jumps to 1976, when Qin Feng and Wang Jianguo meet again at a party forum. At this time, not long after Mao Zedong's death, the whole country fell into deep grief.

Qin Feng (sadly): The founding of the People's Republic of China, the death of Chairman Mao has brought us a great shock, he was our great leader, and we will always remember his contribution.

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