Lao Wang looked at the projector and said in an extremely firm tone.

"That's right, if this game is made, the effect will probably be stronger than the encounter, and the matter of Xiao Yuanyuan will definitely make everyone cry, and I agree with this plan."

Li Dong also held his chin and expressed his opinion very thoughtfully.

"The most important thing is that in this way, Xiao Yuanyuan will be known to everyone in the future, even if we miss her, we can go to this game, I believe that not only we agree, but Xiao Yuanyuan's father Uncle Chen must also raise his hands in agreement!"

Fang Ping immediately said the key, and everyone nodded happily.

Qin Feng stood next to the projector at this time, frowning and pondering.

"This game now I only think of a preliminary plan, it is not like Encounter, the original encounter is only a simple blind perspective game, many scenes can be omitted, but this game has to build a lot of scenes and plots, definitely not a simple thing."

"If we start the production of this game, the next thing about the company will be entrusted to you."

"And I alone will definitely not be able to complete such a huge amount of data and scenes."

"We're also going to hire a couple of experienced game designers to work with me to build the game."

Hearing Qin Feng's conditions, Fang Ping and the three all smiled easily.

"Brother Qin, you can rest assured, the next thing of the foundation, we can complete it with a few of us."

"That's right, Brother Qin, you can rest assured to invest in the production of the game, I can see it, in the future, our Fraternity Foundation will all rely on your game to drive."

"I suggest that we directly start a game production studio, and when the time comes, listen to Brother Qin's arrangement, recruit a few more people, and specially make games to promote our public welfare."

Hearing Fang Ping's last words, everyone nodded in agreement.

Qin Feng also smiled with satisfaction: "Well, starting tomorrow, we will directly change the big office vacated next door into a game studio, Li Dong, you are responsible for publishing news on the Internet and recruiting some game designers."

"What about the salary, Brother Qin, how should the salary be opened?" Li Dong suddenly thought of the most crucial point.

"Those game designers pay more attention to the salary, so far, the general salary is more than 20,000, and in our place, the salary must not be high for everyone."

"At the beginning, Mr. Qin set the rule that the salary in the company cannot be high, because we are a charity, not a business organization, so even the salary of several of our bosses is actually a little."

Qin Feng smiled: "Yes, we are an institution that generates electricity for love." After

thinking for a long time, in the end, Qin Feng still decided to stick to the fundamentals.

That is the rule that Old Qin always set.

Some things cannot be changed.

Because once it changes, it really changes too much.

The human heart is the most difficult to figure out....

"Salary, according to the highest number, that is, the salary of a few of us, I know, this salary is definitely not as good as the salary given by other game manufacturers, or even much lower, but there is really no way, we are a charity after all, not really a game manufacturer."

"We can't change our nature, so we can only announce it like this, and then we can summon a few and count a few."

"Luckily, we don't need particularly high-end game designers, we just need some people to help, so some lower-level ones can also be used."

This game production, Qin Feng knew that it was a big project, so he had to find some helpers.

But those difficult production points on the game, Qin Feng still did not expect others to complete.

The launch of this encounter has already earned 500,000 points.

He can redeem a lot of this technology on the system.

"Fang Ping, you go and discuss with Uncle Chen to see if we can get his consent and adapt this matter into a game, after all, Xiao Yuanyuan is his daughter, and we can't move this matter into the plot of the game without his consent."

Hearing Qin Feng's order, Fang Ping hurriedly nodded here.

"Good Brother Qin, I'll go early tomorrow morning!"

"Then let's go clean up the office next door, I'll go get a few more signs tomorrow and hang them at the door, and then our fraternal game studio will be established."

"To be honest, we have a game with a base of so many players, I am very confident in the future studio, but unfortunately, at present, it seems that the game studios on the market, our fraternity is the most shabby!"

Hearing Fang Ping's words, several people smiled helplessly.

But no one cares, because doing so much is to enlarge the heart of everyone who loves public welfare.

With the exploration of meeting this game, everyone believes that the game studio of Boai will be more popular in the future!

After a night of tidying up.

Boai Game Studios has taken shape.

Qin Feng moved the computer over, and Lao Wang installed the few remaining computers in the company.

Although the studio is simple, everyone knows that this is a place where dreams set sail, and it is also a place to contribute to the public welfare.

And Li Dong's side also posted the job of recruiting game designers.

Moreover, the words Fraternity Foundation are specially marked.

As long as there are these few words.

Everyone understands that this is the birthplace where they met that game.

Now, just wait for "like-minded" people to call and apply.


The next morning.

Assistant Xiao Li went to work on time.

As soon as I came to the company, I saw several CEOs sitting at the computer seriously.

Qin Feng's side has directly exchanged two million points in the system for the game professional.

The production of this game focuses on the scene, plot, and the warmth that players have with their daughters in the early stage.

As long as these are created, the huge contrast in the later stage will make people deeply feel the difficulty of an old father!

Fang Ping had already gone out to discuss with Uncle Chen, and before leaving, Qin Feng gave him another 50,000 yuan of funds, as long as Uncle Chen agreed, this 50,000 yuan would be regarded as the cost of adaptation.

Li Dongshou waited at the computer for the applicant's call, while Lao Wang was preparing the foundation's visit to the blind.

Everyone is doing their job and working in the office seriously.

At this moment, Li Dong's mobile phone rang.

"Hey, hello, Fraternity Foundation!"

"Well, yes, yes, we are hiring, yes, yes, the meeting is our company."

"What? You agreed?

"Well, you can come over at any time!"

A moment later, everyone looked at Li Dong.

I saw him say incredulously: "God, Brother Qin, someone called so early to agree, the other party still has five years of work experience!" "

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