Qin Feng and Lin Feiyang shared their educational philosophy and experience at the forum, and they emphasized the importance of education, especially the pursuit of educational opportunities for poor areas and disadvantaged groups.

They called on governments and educational institutions to invest more in providing equitable and quality educational resources to advance equity and sustainable development in education globally.

In addition to the forum, Dream Education Academy offers a series of training programs, including courses in educational leadership, innovative educational methods, and educational technology.

Through these courses, students can gain professional knowledge and practical skills to further enhance their educational ability and the impact of public welfare.

Over time, the influence of Dream Education Academy gradually extended beyond the world of education.

Qin Feng and Lin Feiyang began to cooperate with non-profit organizations and social enterprises in other fields to jointly promote the achievement of sustainable development goals and social responsibility.

They pay attention to environmental protection, child welfare, social welfare and other fields, and strive to solve social problems through cross-border cooperation and innovative projects, and contribute to the sustainable development of the world.

The story of Qin Feng and Lin Feiyang is not only the story of educational reform, but also the story of dreams and actions.

They have changed the fate of countless people with their dreams and efforts, bringing hope and change to society.

Their stories tell us that as long as there are dreams and perseverance, everyone can become a force for change and create a better future for the world.

During the growth of Dream Education College, Qin Feng and Lin Feiyang met many like-minded friends and partners.

One of the key partners is Li Feng, founder of environmental organization Green Future.

Li Feng is an environmental expert who is committed to promoting sustainable development and environmental protection.

He teamed up with Qin Feng and Lin Feiyang to launch a project called "Green Campus".

The "Green Campus" project aims to integrate the concept of sustainable development into school education and cultivate students' environmental awareness and practical ability.

The project provides training and resource support to help schools establish a sustainable education system and promote environmental protection activities and practices, such as energy conservation and emission reduction, garbage classification, ecological protection, etc.

Qin Feng, Lin Feiyang and Li Feng visited an elementary school near the Dream Education Institute, where they met a group of nature-loving elementary school students, who grew vegetables and raised small animals in the school's garden, paying attention to the importance of environmental protection.

Qin Feng was pleased with the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the students, and he encouraged them.

We strive to contribute to the protection of the environment and sustainable development.

He told them that everyone can change the world through their own actions, and that protecting the future of the planet requires everyone's participation.

Lin Feiyang also shared his educational experience and philosophy with the students, and he encouraged them to pursue their dreams, bravely face challenges, and always maintain their thirst for knowledge and spirit of exploration.

Li Feng introduced the "Green Campus" project to the students and invited them to participate in it to jointly promote environmental protection actions.

He stressed that protecting the environment is not just the responsibility of governments and organizations, and that everyone should actively participate in creating a better planet for the future, starting small.

In this scene full of hopes and dreams, Qin Feng, Lin Feiyang, Li Feng and the students encouraged and inspired each other, and their dialogue and actions inspired more people's enthusiasm and participation.

Over time, the "Green Campus" project has been gradually promoted and implemented in more schools.

More and more students and teachers are joining the group and actively participating in various environmental activities and projects.

Under the leadership of Dream Education Institute, the "Green Campus" project has been recognized and supported by the international community.

Educational institutions in many countries have followed suit by launching similar environmental education projects, forming a global ESD network.

The cooperation between Qin Feng, Lin Feiyang and Li Feng did not stop there.

They work with other social enterprises and organizations to promote more public welfare projects and social innovation.

They actively participate in international education assistance programs to help poor areas improve educational conditions and provide equal learning opportunities for more children.

They also work with medical organizations to provide medical services and health education to remote areas.

They focus on child welfare and support for poor families, and actively promote social equity and inclusion.

The efforts of Qin Feng, Lin Feiyang and Li Feng have not only won praise at home but also widely recognized internationally.

They became leaders and role models for public welfare, and were invited to speak and share their experiences around the world.

Their stories have become inspiring legends, inspiring more people to join the public welfare and contribute to the development of society.

On a bright night, Qin Feng, Lin Feiyang and Li Feng stood on the campus of the Dream Education Institute, reviewing their struggle and feeling full of emotion.

They hugged each other, their hearts filled with expectations and hopes for the future.

They are determined.

Stick to the original intention, do not forget the mission, and carry out public welfare undertakings to the end.

They believe that as long as everyone strives for dreams and social responsibilities, the world will definitely become a better place, and Qin Feng, Lin Feiyang and Li Feng decided to share their experiences and achievements with more people in the form of books.

They believe that through the power of words, they can convey their ideas and values to a wider audience.

They put a lot of time and effort into writing a book called The Power of Dreams.

This book records their growth experience, entrepreneurial stories, and exploration and harvest in public welfare.

Through this book, they hope to inspire more people to pursue their dreams bravely and contribute to society in the process of realizing their dreams.

"The Power of Dreams" quickly attracted a lot of attention.

Readers were moved by the persistence and fighting spirit of Qin Feng, Lin Feiyang and Li Feng, and expressed that they benefited a lot.

Their stories have become role models and inspirations for many, inspiring them to rise to challenges and pursue their dreams.

After the publication of the book, Qin Feng, Lin Feiyang and Li Feng organized a symposium that invited many readers and supporters to attend.

They shared the stories and reflections in the book, interacted with everyone, and discussed how to realize their dreams and impact society in real life.

The symposium became an important event and attracted a lot of media attention.

The stories of Qin Feng, Lin Feiyang and Li Feng were reported on major media platforms, spreading positive energy and positive values.

Over time, their influence has expanded.

They are invited to participate in various philanthropic forums and educational summits, sharing experiences and exchanging ideas with experts and scholars from all over the world.

Their voices have become an important force for social change and educational reform.

Qin Feng, Lin Feiyang and Li Feng understood that there were still many things in this world that needed to be changed and worked on.

They are determined.

Move forward on the road of public welfare, and use your practical actions to influence and change more people and society.

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