Player A: Lin Feiyang, Qin Feng, I am a loyal player of yours, and I really like "Endless Realm"! Your games have given me a lot of fun and challenges.

Thank you very much!

Lin Feiyang: Thank you very much for your support! We're glad to hear that you enjoyed the game.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, we are all willing to listen.

Player A: Actually, I've been wondering, how do you keep the game fresh and challenging? Is there anything special about each update?

Qin Feng: That's a good question! We always focus on innovation and evolution of our games.

With each update, we introduce new game mechanics, quests, and challenges to ensure players always have new content and goals to explore and pursue.

Lin Feiyang: In addition, we actively listen to the voice of the player community.

The suggestions and opinions of the players are invaluable to us.

We carefully study and analyze this feedback and try to incorporate player expectations into the game update.

Player B: I had some difficulties in the game, but your customer service team was always able to help me solve the problem in a timely manner.

How do you ensure that players receive thoughtful support?

Qin Feng: We attach great importance to the experience and satisfaction of our players, so we have set up a dedicated customer service team.

Whether it is the problem encountered in the game or the feedback of the players, they will reply as soon as possible and provide a solution.

Feiyang Lin: We believe that good customer service is an important part of maintaining the player community.

We are not only game developers, but also partners who grow with players.

Through active communication and support, we hope to give players an enjoyable and hassle-free gaming experience.

Player C: I heard that you have set up a charitable foundation, which is really admirable! You


Qin Feng: Yes, we set up a charitable foundation, which is a way for us to hope to give back to the community and help those in need.

We donate a portion of the proceeds from the game to the Foundation to support various public welfare projects such as education, medical care and environmental protection.

Lin Feiyang: We believe that games are not just for entertainment, they also have the potential to influence and change society.

Through the charitable foundation, we hope to use the power of games to transmit positive energy and make positive contributions to society.

Player C: That's awesome! Seeing that you care not only about the game itself, but also about social responsibility, I have even more admiration for your game and team! I hope you can.

Do more meaningful things.

Lin Feiyang: Thank you very much for your support and encouragement! We will.

Strive to innovate and improve to bring more wonderful gaming experience to players and make more contributions to society.

Qin Feng: We would also like to thank all the players, it is because of your support and companionship that we have been able to get to where we are today.

We will.

Work hard to live up to everyone's expectations, and hope that our game can bring you endless joy and memories!

Players A, B, C: Thank you! We will always support you and look forward to more exciting games and activities!

Lin Feiyang: Thank you for your support and encouragement! We will.

Work hard to bring you a better gaming experience.

Let's create our own endless realm together!

In the days that followed, the popularity of the game "Infinity Realm" quickly climbed, and players continued to praise the game.

At the same time, charitable foundations have also received extensive attention and support.

Qin Feng and Lin Feiyang decided to organize a grand charity event and invited players to participate.

The purpose of the event is to raise more funds and support more charitable projects.

They plan to set up a special mission in the game that players can complete to donate to the foundation.

On the first day of the event, tens of thousands of players actively participated, and the difficulty of the mission gradually increased.

They team up in the game, assist each other, and use their wits and skills to complete various challenges.

Qin Feng and Lin Feiyang not only participated in the planning of the event, but also personally joined the game and fought with the players.

They appear in special areas of the game with their game IDs to interact with players.

Player D: Wow! I really didn't expect Qin Feng and Lin Feiyang to appear in the game in person! They are not only game developers, but also our comrades!

Player E: Yes, they are really strong! It was amazing to fight with them! I never thought I could fight alongside them.

Over time, the charity event has been a great success.

Donations from players continued to increase, exceeding expectations.

The funds will be used in areas ranging from education funding, medical assistance to poor areas and environmental protection.

On the last day of the event, Qin Feng and Lin Feiyang held a grand thanksgiving banquet in the game, inviting all players who participated in the charity event to participate.

At the banquet, they expressed their gratitude to the players and announced the total amount of donations for the charity event.

Lin Feiyang: Thank you for your enthusiastic participation and generous donations! Because of your support, our charitable foundation is able to provide help and support to more people in need.

Qin Feng: Yes! Your good deeds will change many, many lives.

We hope to pass this



events, can arouse more people's attention and participation, so that philanthropy continues to expand and develop.

Player F: It is a real honor to participate in this event and to be able to contribute to society.

Player G: Yes, this event not only made us experience the fun of the game, but also made us realize our responsibilities and abilities.

Qin Feng: It is precisely because of players like you that our game is no longer just a tool for entertainment, but a platform that can transmit positive energy and change the real world.

Lin Feiyang: We believe that games can not only bring joy to people, but also become a bridge between people.

Through play, we can unite and work for a better future.

The players cheered in unison, and the atmosphere was warm and warm.

At the thanksgiving banquet, they exchanged each other's game experiences, shared the bits and pieces of life, and formed a deep friendship.

The success of the charity event not only brings players a sense of accomplishment, but also makes them realize their abilities and influence.

Qin Feng and Lin Feiyang hope that this event can inspire more people's sense of social responsibility and let more people join in charity.

After the event, the "Endless Realm" game.

Attract the attention of a large number of players, they.

Explore the mysteries of the game world, challenge more difficult tasks, and actively participate in public welfare activities in real life, using your own power to influence and change the world.

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