Alkus said: "Brave men, you have bravely stepped into the forest of destiny in search of the true successor of destiny.

Now, I will tell you the truth about fate.


Feng and the team waited nervously and expectantly for Alkus's answer.

Alkus continued: "Destiny is not a single path, it is an interweaving and changing of possibilities.

Everyone has their own destiny, but fate is not entirely preordained.

The Stone of Destiny that you have is a tool that can guide and shape the direction of destiny, but the ultimate choice is still up to you.


Feng's team felt a pang of shock, and they began to understand that fate did not completely bind them, but gave them the power to choose and decide.

Alkus continued: "You are the heirs of destiny, and your choices will affect the destiny of the entire world.

But remember that fate is not an abuse of power, but a commitment to responsibility.

Only guided by wisdom and justice, and guided by heart and courage, can we bring true peace and progress to the world.

Qin Feng and the team members nodded silently, they understood that they had a great mission and responsibility on their shoulders.

Alkus gave Qin Feng's team an ancient scroll containing the wisdom and guidance of fate.

He said: "This is the Forest of Destiny's Scroll of Wisdom, which will guide you in your search for truth and answers on the path of Destiny.

May you use

Chapter 91: The Wisdom of Destiny

Qin Feng's team to take over the Scroll of Wisdom

, with a heart full of anticipation and awe.

The words on the scrolls shimmer with mysterious light, seemingly containing endless wisdom and truth.

Elena stroked the scroll and said, "This is a precious gift, and we must cherish it."

The wisdom in the scrolls will guide us in the right steps on the path of destiny.

Qin Feng nodded in agreement, knowing that the power of wisdom would be the key to their success.

Alkus looked at Qin Feng's team and said with a smile: "You are brave and wise.

In the journey of the Forest of Destiny, you will face many trials and difficulties, but as long as you maintain wisdom and courage, you will overcome everything.

The team members responded in unison: "We will!" We will guide our destiny with wisdom and courage and bring peace and hope to the world.

Alkus smiled and nodded, and continued: "There are many hidden wisdom gates in the forest of destiny, and only through the test of wisdom can deeper wisdom and power be obtained.

Go, brave men, keep going, and explore the mysteries of the Forest of Destiny.


Feng's team felt the blessing and encouragement of Alcus, and they were ready to continue their journey to the forest of destiny to pursue the door of wisdom and find the truth of destiny.

They know that only through the test of wisdom can they truly understand the mystery of destiny, become true successors of destiny, and bring light and hope to the world.

The adventure of the Forest of Destiny continues, and Qin Feng's team is full of confidence to meet the unknown challenge, believing that their wisdom will guide them to the peak of destiny.

Chapter 92: The Test

of Wisdom Qin Feng's team continued to move forward, and they came to a mysterious misty place in the forest of destiny.

In the fog emerged a young woman in a white robe named Yana.

Yana has bright and wise eyes, and she is the guardian of the Gate of Wisdom.

She smiled at Qin Feng's team and said, "Welcome to the Gate of Wisdom."

This is where you will be tested of wisdom.

Only by passing the test can the true power of wisdom be gained.

Qin Feng's heart moved, and he said to Yana: "Please tell us, what is the test of the Gate of Wisdom?" We will do our best to get it done.

Yana smiled and explained, "The test of the Gate of Wisdom is a journey of the heart.

You will face a series of puzzles and puzzles that will need to be solved with wisdom and insight.

Only by finding the right answer can you pass the test.


Feng's team members said in unison that they were ready to meet the test of the Wisdom Gate.

Yana smiled and said, "Good, the first puzzle is about to begin.

Please listen carefully.

She began to read the puzzle: "I am invisible, but everywhere."

I am the source of knowledge and the cornerstone of wisdom.

People pursue me, but they often run away.

I can change my destiny and I can ignite hope.

What am I? Qin

Feng's team fell into thought, and everyone was engrossed in thinking about the answer to the puzzle.

After thinking for a while, Qin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he replied confidently: "The answer is knowledge."

Yana smiled and nodded: "Congratulations, Qin Feng, you answered correctly."

Knowledge is the source of wisdom, and it is the key to mastering wisdom.

You have passed the first test, and the power of the Gate of Wisdom will be at your disposal.


Feng's team felt a powerful force of wisdom pouring into their hearts, and they knew that under the guidance of wisdom, they would face the challenges in the forest of destiny more easily.

Moving on, Qin Feng's team was full of confidence and wisdom, and they moved towards

the next test in the Gate of Wisdom, looking forward to

Chapter 93: Qin Feng's team

, the guardian

of wisdom, entered the next test area of the Gate of Wisdom, which was surrounded by a huge library with countless ancient wisdom books on the shelves.

In the center of the library, a purple-robed man appeared in front of them, the guardian of the Gate of Wisdom, named Adrian.

With black hair and bright blue eyes, Adrian revealed erudition and wisdom in his eyes.

He smiled and said to Qin Feng's team, "Welcome to the library of the Gate of Wisdom.

Here you will be tested by knowledge.

Only by learning and applying the knowledge gained can we move forward.

Qin Feng said with emotion: "Knowledge is indeed the cornerstone of wisdom, and we are willing to accept the test of knowledge."

Adrian nodded in approval and explained, "In every corner of this area, there is a book of wisdom hidden.

You need to choose one of the texts, read and understand its meaning, and then apply the knowledge you have gained to a real-world situation to solve the problem.


Feng's team members were scattered in the library, focusing on finding the wisdom books they were interested in.

Elena chooses a book about ancient magic, and she hopes to solve the puzzle with magical knowledge.

Elena delves into the texts and tries to apply the principles of magic to real-world situations.

After some hard work, she successfully solves a magic puzzle and gains knowledge about the use of magic.

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