Qin Feng opened the letter and looked at the determination and desire written by Kevin in the letter, and felt a sense of intimacy.

He decided to give Kevin a chance and invited him to join the team.

Soon after, Kevin came to Qin Feng, he was tall and powerful, holding a sword that flashed with cold light.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Kevin, welcome to our adventure team.

Your swordplay will surely bring us more victories.

Kevin saluted, "Thank you for acceptance, I will do my best to protect the peace of the team and the game world."


17: Overcoming the Inner Challenge

With Kevin's joining, Qin Feng's team has become stronger.

Together, they explore new regions and face more complex and dangerous missions.

However, it is not only external challenges on the road to adventure, but also inner confusion and contradictions.

During a mission, they were faced with a difficult moral choice.

Is some innocent person given up for personal gain? This decision haunts everyone's psyche.

The team members started arguing, each with their own point of view and position.

The atmosphere became tense.

Qin Feng looked at everyone and took a deep breath: "Partners, we must face this challenge, but we must not allow ourselves to deviate from our original beliefs.

Our adventures are not just for individuals, but for the protection of the innocent.

We need to find a way to solve problems while protecting justice.


teammates pondered silently, and they began to re-examine their values and decisions.

In the end, they reached a consensus and decided to choose the path of protecting the innocent.

Chapter 18: The Power of

Friendship Through joint efforts and unity, Qin Feng's team overcame their inner confusion and moved on.

They increasingly believe in the power of camaraderie and build deeper trust and understanding among team members.


Chapter 19: The Pull

of Fate Qin Feng's team, in the process of continuing their adventure, meets a mysterious girl named Arya.

Arya has a unique magical power, being able to manipulate the power of the elements.

Qin Feng and the team were curious about Arya's appearance, and they decided to talk to her and learn more.

Arya said mysteriously: "I have been looking for you guys, and I believe that our encounter was not accidental.

Destiny brings us together for a common mission.

Qin Feng asked curiously, "Arya, how did you know about us?" Also, what is the common mission you mentioned?

Arya smiled and replied, "I have a special ability to sense those who are related to my destiny.

Our common mission is to protect the world from threats from the forces of evil.

I believe you are the partner I am looking for.


Feng and the team looked at each other and felt the resonance of each other's hearts.

They decide to accept Arya and the team strengthens again.

Chapter 20: Before

the decisive battle, Qin Feng's team continued to advance, and the addition of Arya strengthened their determination to fight the evil forces.

By chance, they learn that the forces of evil are about to wage a devastating war in an attempt to conquer the entire game world.

Qin Feng's team decides to stop their plan and protect the peace of the world.

They begin to prepare, gather information, study strategies, and prepare themselves fully for the final decisive battle.

The bonds of camaraderie and trust are stronger among team members.

They encourage each other and work towards a common goal.

They know that only by uniting can the forces of evil be defeated.

Chapter 21: The Final Duel

Finally, Qin Feng's team came to the lair of the evil forces.

They face off against the leader of the forces of evil, and a final showdown that will determine the fate of the game is about to begin.

The leader sneered Chapter

22: The Light

of Redemption Just as Qin Feng's team was confronting the leader of the evil forces, suddenly a dazzling light descended from the sky, shrouding the battlefield.

The light dissipated, and the crowd was surprised to find a paladin named Arthur standing in front of them.

Arthur is a legendary hero with unparalleled powers of justice.

Arthur smiled at the crowd and said, "I heard of your bravery, and I am here to help you defeat the forces of evil."

Let us unite against the threat of darkness.


Feng and his team looked at Arthur gratefully, knowing that Arthur's addition would bring them great strength and hope.

Chapter 23: The Power of

Unity Arthur's addition made Qin Feng's team even stronger.

They come together to fight against the leader of the evil forces.

The battle begins, and everyone uses their strengths and strengths.

Qin Feng wields a giant sword, Kaiwen's superb swordsmanship as a swordsman is on display, Ruiya unleashes powerful magic, Arya controls elemental powers, and Arthur dispels darkness with the light of justice.

The tacit understanding and cooperation between the team members make them impeccable.

They support each other, protect each other, and fight together for justice.

Chapter 24: Victory and Peace

After a hard battle, Qin Feng's team finally defeated the leader of the evil forces.

The dark threat is completely eliminated and the game world returns to peace and tranquility.

The members of the team stood on the battlefield of victory, feeling the joy and pride of victory.

Qin Feng smiled at his partners and said, "Partners, we have succeeded!" We defeated evil and kept the peace of the game world.

This is a victory for our team to work together.


partners cheered in unison and celebrated the victory.

They knew that this adventure not only deepened the

twenty-fifth chapter between

them: after the new mission

was restored peacefully, Qin Feng's team was invited by a letter.

The letter was sent by a female warrior named Linna.

Linna is an honest and brave warrior who hopes to join Qin Feng's team and face new challenges together.

Qin Feng read the letter and felt Linna's sincerity and determination.

He decides to accept Linna's join and invites her to join their team.

Linna came to the team, she gritted her teeth, her eyes were firm, and she said: "I am willing to fight for justice and protect innocent lives."

Please make me your partner.

Qin Feng smiled and stretched out his hand, clasping it with Linna: "Welcome to our team, Linna."

Together, we will face a new mission to safeguard peace and justice.


26: Pursuing the Truth

With Linna's joining, Qin Feng's team grew again.

They begin to take on a new set of missions, searching for a hidden truth.

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