Qin Feng himself has also become a legendary name. His wisdom, courage and leadership skills were widely celebrated and became a goal and role model for young adventurers. His speeches and experiences around the world inspire more people to devote themselves to the cause of protection and justice.

The interior of the college is full of energy and innovation. Young adventurers grow and break through a variety of activities and challenges. They form teams and work together to respond to a variety of tasks and crises. Their friendship and trust are the key to overcoming their difficulties.

At the same time, the School continues to explore and research new areas and knowledge. Scholars are constantly pushing the boundaries of science and magic, looking for innovative solutions and technologies. Their efforts have made the School a temple of knowledge, attracting researchers and scholars in a variety of fields.

Under the guidance of the player, Qin Feng will face more challenges and choices. He needs to deal with the development and influence of the Academy, but also with conflicts and threats from inside and outside. Players' decisions will determine the fate of the Academy and shape a brighter future.

The ending of this sequel story shows the great achievements of Qin Feng and his academy. Through solidarity, wisdom and courage, they have promoted progress and peace in the world. Qin Feng became a legendary figure who was forever admired and commemorated, and his academy became a symbol of hope and justice.

This story is not only a story of adventure and battle, but also a story of human strength and unity. Qin Feng and his academy proved to the world that everyone can

transcend themselves and become a symbol of justice and hope. They have shown the world the importance of solidarity, cooperation, courage in the face of challenges and protection of the weak.

Over time, Qin Feng's academy became a gathering place for heroes from all over the world. Adventurers from all countries and races gather in the Academy to share their experiences and skills. They forged deep friendship and trust here, and worked together for world peace.

The School has expanded its influence and is actively involved in global affairs. They work with governments and international organizations to address threats and crises. The Academy's experts and adventurers became the backbone of solving problems and crises, and their voices and actions had a wide impact on the world.

Qin Feng himself also continues to play an important role. He became a symbol of wisdom and justice, known as the "Guardian's Heart". He nurtures and guides a new generation of leaders in the academy, passing on his wisdom and experience. His stories and adventures became legends that inspired countless people to pursue their own path as heroes.

The academy is also constantly evolving and growing internally. New training facilities and laboratories were established to provide more resources and opportunities for trainees. New disciplines and fields have been explored and studied, providing students with a broader space for development.

Under the guidance of the player, Qin Feng will continue to face various challenges and choices. He needed to manage the development and resource allocation of the College, dealing with complex political and diplomatic relations, while also facing new threats and crises. The player's decisions will shape the future of the Academy and determine the fate of the world.

The ending of this sequel story shows the great achievements and influence of Qin Feng and his academy. Through justice, courage and wisdom, they have brought lasting peace and prosperity to the world. Qin Feng became a legend that was forever admired and remembered, and his academy became a home and symbol of hope for heroes.

This story is not only a story of adventure and battle, but also a story of human struggle and

faith. Qin Feng and his academy showed the world the power to uphold justice and pursue truth. They transcend personal interests and difficulties to put human dignity and peace first.

The Academy's influence permeates at all levels, not only within the boundaries of the adventurer, but also into the political, cultural and social spheres. They maintain close ties with leaders and organizations to build a more just and harmonious world. Qin Feng's Academy has become a voice full of wisdom and power, playing an important role in the progress and change of society.

Cadets receive comprehensive training and education in the academy, including not only combat skills, but also the values of ethics, leadership and human care. They are encouraged to explore their potential and uniqueness and apply these strengths to practice. Cooperation and solidarity among the participants became the key to overcoming their challenges.

Qin Feng himself led by example and inspired the trainees with his actions and words. He remained humble and upright in training and fighting, staying true to what he believed in. He became a mentor and friend to the mentees, giving them support and guidance. Qin Feng's wisdom and sense of justice made him a model for a generation.

Over time, Qin Feng's Academy became a global institution, forming a close network with other colleges and organizations. They collaborate on a variety of international projects to solve global problems. Their efforts and contributions are widely recognized and bring peace and hope to the world.

Under the guidance of players, Qin Feng will continue to face new challenges and decisions. He needed to balance the internal development and external relations of the College and deal with complex political and ethical issues. Players' decisions will determine the path and future of the Academy, affecting the fate of the world.

The ending of this sequel story showcases the remarkable achievements and lasting impact of Qin Feng and his academy. Through courage, wisdom and solidarity, they have brought peace and justice to the world. Qin Feng became a legend that was forever admired and remembered.

His academy became the cradle of heroes, and every adventurer aspired to be one of them.

The Academy's influence extends to various fields, including education, culture, technology and politics. They have forged partnerships with governments and organizations to work together to solve global problems. The Academy's experts are dedicated to researching and developing new technologies and solutions that drive progress and innovation in the world.

Qin Feng's academy also assumes the responsibility of protecting nature and the environment. Aware of the importance of ecological balance for people and the planet as a whole, they are committed to promoting sustainable development and actions to protect biodiversity. The School works with environmental organizations and scientists to protect natural resources and preserve the beauty and wonders of nature.

The Academy is constantly evolving and innovating within the Academy. They have built more advanced training facilities and laboratories to provide more opportunities and resources for trainees. The College's education system is constantly evolving, combining traditional knowledge and modern technology to produce well-rounded risk-takers.

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