Pi Shu waved his arm at the camera and introduced the functions of the live broadcast room.

The girl had been staring intently at the computer screen and listening carefully to Pi Shu explaining the various facilities.

The girl looked at Qin Feng's equipment, and then at her own, and she suddenly felt a little ashamed.

Although her skills are relatively good, she is only an amateur after all, and the gap compared to professional players is too big.

She told herself secretly in her heart.

You must work hard, strive to do your job well, and raise your level.

At the same time, the announcement of the game has attracted widespread attention.

Especially the recruitment office.

Inside the recruitment office, the dim light casts a faint glow, reflecting a simple office.

National and military flags hung on the walls, and on the table were an old computer and several thick recruitment manuals.

The noise of the street outside the door contrasts with the silence inside.

Several recruitment officials were sitting at the table, all with a hint of worry and helplessness on their faces.

One of the young men with thick eyebrows sighed: "It's so difficult to recruit troops this year."

His colleague nodded: "Yes, young people don't like to be soldiers, what can I do." Just

then, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Several officials turned their heads and saw a young man walk in from the doorway.

The young man was dressed in plain clothes and had a smile on his face, looking very confident and determined.

"I'll recommend you a game called Soldier Sanduo, you might as well take a look."

"Three more soldiers? What kind of game is that, we haven't played it!

"Is it? Then give it a try first!

With that, the young man placed a notebook on the table and opened the game interface.

Several officials leaned over and looked intently at the game footage in their notebooks.

A moment later....

Several officials looked at each other and shook their heads with wry smiles.

"Military theme?."

"That's it! How good it should be that young people are now reluctant to become soldiers. The

young man seemed to have expected such an outcome.

The corners of his mouth hooked a curve, and he gently patted his palm: "Do you know, this game is made by Qin Feng Studio."

Several officials showed surprised expressions, and they quickly asked.

"Who created this game?"

The young man replied, "Qin Feng Studio." "

Oh? It turned out to be developed by Qin Feng Studio! The

young man continued: "Qin Feng Studio has even more powerful, they have developed many new types of games, and all of them are very popular.

Several officials once again showed puzzled expressions: "They are all public welfare games." Is this also a game like that? The

young man nodded, took out his phone, and found a recording.

"Our name is Soldier Assault."

Immediately, the owner of the recording read it aloud in a hoarse, deep voice.

They seemed to have ignited hope for conscription.

"Well, I'm sure that after playing this game, young people will be willing to become soldiers."


"However, the difficulty of this game should be high, right?"

"It's not high, I just heard from the people of Qin Feng Studio that the difficulty in this game is very low and very easy to operate."

"And they're confident they'll be able to help us recruit."

The people in the office know that every game of Qin Feng can bring a high boom.

They were all enthusiastic and believed that the release of this game would inspire young people to become soldiers.

The atmosphere of the office instantly becomes relaxed and pleasant.

Outside sunlight streams in through the windows, creating dappled light and shadows that shine on the ground, making you feel as if you are in a vibrant space.

The whole room is filled with a faint fragrance, which is the fragrance of fresh flowers from the vase.

In such a comfortable environment, everyone's faces also become relaxed.

The computer screen on the desk glows faintly, while everyone watches intently at what's on the computer screen.

They had different body postures, with some leaning back in chairs and others staring at the screen, meticulously handling the task at hand.

Suddenly, a young female clerk stood up, easily walked to the coffee machine, and pressed the button.

With the click of the coffee machine, the aroma of coffee fills the room, filling the room with a warm atmosphere.

Others followed suit, walked over to the coffee machine, picked up their own cups, and prepared to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee.

An older male clerk walked to the window and quietly watched the scenery outside.

His eyes were far away, as if he was thinking about something.

The leaves outside the window gently swayed and the breeze blew through, bringing some coolness and freshness.

He took a deep breath and felt his mood become more comfortable and relaxed.

Such an environment makes people feel as if they are in a leisurely and beautiful world.

Everyone is working intently, yet lightly and pleasantly.

They all believe that with the help of the Soldier Three More Game, this year's recruitment task will be completed quickly.

"I've decided I want to play this game!"

The young female staff member excitedly shouted, and then walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass window with her coffee and tasted it slowly.

"I want to play too."


Inside a mansion, a young man in a black suit and black-framed eyes who looked Sven was standing in the living room.

He was wearing headphones, listening to music, and holding a stack of papers.

The young man's name is Li Hao, the mayor's secretary, who is in charge of all public facilities in the entire city.

At this time, his personal assistant walked in and reported in a low voice.

"Secretary Li, there is news on the Internet about the game 'Soldier Sanduo' developed by Qin Feng Studio."

Hearing the assistant's words, Li Hao took off the headset.

"Oh? Is the game playable today? Then I'm going to give it a try. The

assistant immediately said: "Okay, Secretary Li, please wait a moment, I will arrange for you to log in to the game immediately." "


Soon, Li Hao logged in to his account.

On the game page, there is a line of eye-catching red handwriting - Welcome to "Soldier Sanduo", I wish you a happy game.

In the background music of the game, Li Hao begins to pick his own character.

He quickly found his favorite role "squad leader".

This game is like this, you can choose the class leader, the three more, the talented and so on.

Of course, players can choose more than three at most.

For example, the big anchor Pi Shu, yesterday he chose Sanduo, and today his game live broadcast has started again.

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