She sat quietly, enjoying the rare tranquility.

Suddenly, she thought of something, picked up her phone and started dialing.

Her voice was warm and kind: "Hey, Xiaohua, are you coming soon?" The live broadcast is coming to an end.

On the other end of the phone, Xiaohua's voice was a little urgent: "Well, I'm on my way." Don't worry, I'll be there on time. Sister

Zhou put down her mobile phone and felt much more relaxed.

She knew that Xiaohua was a very reliable person, and he would never let her down.

At this point, the text on the screen has become more lively.

Sister Zhou knows that these game fans have already begun to look forward to Pi Shuo's performance.

She stood up, walked to the mirror, and straightened her hair.

She smiled slightly, and her mood became even more cheerful.

She knows that tomorrow's live broadcast will be very exciting.

Sister Zhou and Qin Feng sat on the comfortable sofa in the live broadcast room, their eyes focused on the comment area on the screen.

Sister Zhou's fingers flew nimbly on the keyboard, replying to fans' questions and messages, while Qin Feng quietly observed Sister Zhou's movements, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

The lighting in the live broadcast room is soft and warm, creating a cozy atmosphere.

The greenery in the corner exudes a fresh breath, making people feel like they are in nature.

The moonlight outside the window poured in through the window, reflecting the wall of the live broadcast room clearly.

Sister Zhou's hair swayed gently, swaying gently to the rhythm of her fingers tapping on the keyboard.

Qin Feng leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes slightly, and immersed himself in the quiet and harmonious atmosphere of the live broadcast room.

The time in the live broadcast room gradually passed, and the messages from fans gradually decreased.

Sister Zhou and Qin Feng exchanged a look, knowing that it was time to end the live broadcast.

Sister Zhou gently pressed the close button, and the picture in the live broadcast room gradually became blurry, and finally disappeared on the screen.

Sister Zhou raised her wrist and glanced at the time, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Feeling a little tired in her body, she stretched her waist and moved her stiff neck before standing up.

She walked lightly to the sofa and saw Qin Feng lying there asleep.

Sister Zhou approached Qin Feng and gently helped him cover the quilt.

She saw Qin Feng turn over, his back facing the direction of the door, so she whispered.

"Sleep a little longer, and I'll wake you up at half-past five."

Qin Feng didn't react, still asleep.

Sister Zhou smiled slightly and brought the door for him.

Seeing Qin Feng sleeping peacefully, Sister Zhou also felt a sense of relief in her heart.

As soon as she returned to her desk and sat down, she saw a few emails.

Sister Zhou picked up the computer, opened the mailbox, and browsed the contents inside.

The glow on the computer screen illuminated her face and made her look even more moving.

After browsing, Sister Zhou turned off the computer and prepared to wash and rest.

She turned on the faucet in the bathroom, and water droplets dripped from the faucet with a banging sound.

Sister Zhou took a bath, put on skin care products, and was ready to rest for the night.

She changed into her pajamas, lay down on the bed, and gently closed her eyes.

She felt her body gradually relax and her mood become happy.

She heard the sound of insects outside the window and felt as if she was in the middle of nature.

She remembered her childhood days in the countryside, when she often heard such voices.

Sister Zhou smiled and slowly fell into a sweet sleep.

At six o'clock the next morning, Sister Zhou opened her eyes, looked at the empty people around her, a smile appeared on her face, and then walked out of the bedroom and came to the kitchen to make breakfast.

She opened the refrigerator, took out some ingredients, and got busy.

She cooked a pot of porridge and an omelette with the aroma of the porridge and the golden color of the omelette making people mouth-watering.

Sister Zhou brought breakfast to the living room, and then began to clean up the kitchen.

She opened the window to let the fresh air flow into the room, making it feel comfortable.

There was a slight movement in Qin Feng's room, and he slowly pushed open the door and walked out.

He looked at Sister Zhou in the living room, smiled and nodded in thanks.

"It was hard last night." Sister Zhou quickly waved her hand: "It's okay, it's very nice that you can participate in this live broadcast."

Qin Feng bowed his head slightly, he looked around, did not see Sister Zhou's assistant, and guessed that she had not gotten up yet.

Qin Feng came to the kitchen, took out two pieces of toast, tore off a piece of bread and put it on a baking sheet, then poured the milk and put it on the fire to bake.

Soon, the bread in the baking pan turned yellow and fragrant.

Qin Feng put the baked bread into the lunch box, then took it out of the kitchen and placed it on the dining table.

Seeing this scene, Sister Zhou smiled and said, "Thank you for breakfast."

Qin Feng smiled and sat down to enjoy this delicious breakfast.

This morning, the task was heavy, and after Qin Feng had breakfast, the first thing he did was to go to the company.

On the road, the breeze blows and the fresh air makes people feel refreshed.

He walked briskly all the way.

Finally arrived at the company, he greeted the big anchor Pi Shout.

Pi Shu was tall and powerful, and his big eyes flashed with intelligence.

His hair was black and shiny, neatly combed, setting off his masculinity.

After seeing Qin Feng, Pi Shu showed a bright smile and greeted him cordially.

Next, Qin Feng and Pi Shu walked into the conference room together and began to prepare for the live broadcast.

The studio is full of busy atmosphere.

The staff was busy debugging equipment, checking cameras, and testing sound.

In one corner, a young anchor is seriously applying makeup, using a delicate makeup brush and gently applying foundation to make herself look more energetic.

On the other side, a staff member is preparing fruits and drinks for streamers to ensure they can maintain enough energy during the live broadcast.

He carefully arranges all kinds of fruits and constantly communicates with the anchors to ensure that their needs are met.

In the center of the studio, a huge screen is flickering non-stop.

There are many barrages and comments on the screen, and the staff are carefully reviewing these comments to make sure they don't have any adverse effects on the stream.

With nimble fingers, they easily swipe the screen and quickly filter every comment.

There is a warm atmosphere throughout the studio, and everyone is working seriously.

They use efficient movements and meticulously prepare each live broadcast to ensure that the audience can enjoy the best audiovisual experience.

Of course, in such a stressful state of work, there will always be one or two people, which are more special.

They are not nervous or excited to participate in such a tight work, on the contrary, their performance is very flat.

These two people were chatting leisurely, and one of them was none other than Qin Feng.

His gaze was fixed on the computer screen, and there was a faint smile between his eyebrows.

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