On a hot summer day, Qin Feng came to the headquarters building of the game company.

Wearing a white T-shirt and a cup of cold coffee in his hand, he walked along the glass curtain wall of the hall, looking at the city scenery in the distance.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

He picked up his phone and saw a text message that read: "Boss, the Internet has started to spray, saying that we imitate other people's games."

Qin Feng frowned, and his heart began to feel a little worried.

He walked to the door of a conference room, pushed it open and walked in. There were several people sitting in the conference room, discussing something.

"Well, our water army is still quite strong, now as long as the technical department keeps an eye on it." Inside the tech company, a young man said.

Qin Feng's side.

He walked to the center of the conference room, faced several people, and began his speech.

"As you know, our game went live after repeated design and improvement."

"I believe that our game is unique and in no way imitates others."

"But now that there are such questions on the Internet, we have to take steps to maintain our brand image."

After saying this, Qin Feng paused for a moment, and then continued.

"Although the enemy's water army is powerful, we cannot rely on their words alone to fall into passivity."

"I suggest that we set up a dedicated team to deal with situations like this."

"The team's mission is to monitor online speech and take timely action to prevent damage to our brand image."

After Qin Feng said this, the atmosphere in the venue became tense.

As we all know, this proposal means increasing the company's expenses, and the establishment of this team requires a certain amount of time and human resources.

But Qin Feng ignored these objections and continued.

"I believe that as long as we adhere to our own principles and continuously improve our quality and service level, we will be able to create a game kingdom that truly belongs to us."

The atmosphere in the room gradually eased and everyone began to discuss this proposal.

They realize that only through continuous efforts and improvement can they truly gain the trust and support of their users.

So, they began to set up this team, and Qin Feng also began to develop new game strategies, hoping to make his game better.

Qin Feng sat in the office, his fingers tapping on the desktop.

The sunlight outside the window shines through the blinds, casting dappled shadows.

He was very depressed because he didn't expect such a thing to happen when the game was about to be released.

He wondered which studio had leaked the details of the game?

It occurred to him that maybe something was wrong with his team.

He rubbed his eyebrows, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

It was a call from his partner.

Qin Feng pressed the answer button, and the other party's voice came from the mobile phone: "President Qin, the details of our game have been leaked, do you know?"

"yes, I just heard that."

Qin Feng sighed, "It's not strange to see such a thing.

He looked around the office, stood up abruptly, and came to the window.

The sunlight shone through the window and on his face, reflecting his stubborn expression.

"No matter what, we must do the game well and not let the imitators succeed."

Qin Feng said, took out his laptop, and began to carefully modify the details of the game.

He checks the game's graphics, movements, and sound over and over again, making sure every detail is perfect.

His fingers tapped rapidly on the keyboard, as if he were fighting a war without gunsmoke.

His brows furrowed, his face full of concentration and seriousness.

Time was quietly passing, and it was not until the evening that Qin Feng completed the modification of the game.

He felt very tired, but there was a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

He knew that the game was going to be a classic.

Li Changming sat in a wide office chair and stared at the scenery outside the window.

On the walls of the office hangs the company's logo, a solemn and mighty Arctic goose.

The air was filled with a fresh scent, which was his favorite smell of incense.

His fingers tapped on the desktop, his eyes staring at the numbers on the computer screen.

This is his statistics on the sales of the company's latest game, "Military Sanduo".

"Xiao Li, how is the hype on the Internet?" The boss of the company walked into the office.

The Xiao Li he said referred to was the young and promising Li Changming, the company's sales director.

Li Changming raised his head and looked at his boss with a smile.

The boss is tall, wearing a decent suit, and a pair of deep eyes reveal his wisdom and experience.

Li Changming knows that his boss has experienced many ups and downs, and his current success is the result of his unremitting struggle over the years.

"Pre-sales have risen steadily and our games have gained popularity in the market." Li Changming replied.

The boss nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

He trusted Li Changming, and the cooperation between them had lasted for many years.

Although Li Changming is young, his talent and leadership skills have been recognized by the company's top management.

The company's offices are spacious and bright, and are very comfortably furnished.

Exquisite oil paintings are hung on the wall, giving people the enjoyment of beauty.

The staff are working conscientiously in their posts and show no signs of slackening.

Li Changming got up and walked to the window.

He stared out the window and pondered.

Outside the window is a small tree-lined garden with lots of flowers and trees.

This garden is kept by the company's employees to allow everyone to relax and comfort after work.

Li Changming's thinking returned to work.

He opened the game on the computer screen and studied it carefully.

He found that some details of the game needed to be improved, so he opened the company's internal communication software and talked to the game development team.

Li Changming's every movement shows his concentration and persistence.

He is not only the sales director of the company, but also one of the core figures of the company.

He leads the company's team to work together to keep the company growing.

Xiao Li sat in his office and listened to the report of his subordinates.

His fingers tapped on the tabletop, his eyes deep, as if thinking about something.

"Xiao Li, our hype is in place." The subordinate said excitedly.

Xiao Li smiled slightly, and a hint of pride flashed in his eyes.

He knew that this was just the beginning and that there was more work to be done.

"This is pre-sales, not necessarily final sales, so we not only touched the name, but also tried to resemble some of the later content."

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