"President Qin, are you sure you want to reject us?" Li Wentao repeated again.


Qin Feng nodded without hesitation.

"Why? I remember Mr. Qin, you are also a top planner in the game industry, why are you not willing to condescend to join our software of Huaxia Technology Co., Ltd.?

Li Wentao couldn't help but ask suspiciously, in his opinion, Qin Feng's ability was completely worthy of his identity and value.

"There's no why, I don't need to profit this way." Qin Feng said indifferently.

"But President Qin, this is not a loss for you." Li Wentao doesn't seem to be planning to give up.

"Such a good opportunity, I believe that people all over the country are watching, President Qin, you have to consider it."

"Thank you for your kindness, I am indeed very impressed, but I will not be involved in any projects." Qin Feng still said indifferently.

Li Wentao took a deep breath and suppressed the flames of anger.

He knew that he couldn't use his fiery temper in the face of Qin Feng.

He forced his temper and squeezed out a smile, "President Qin, in fact, I know that you are a game genius, but you are still young now, you have a better choice, why don't you try it?" "

I'm not going to join any company, I'm just focusing on public benefit games." Qin Feng said firmly.

"President Qin, you know, everyone has been in the industry for decades, but in the end there are few achievements, what is this about?"

"Because of the lack of passion." Qin Feng blurted out.

He sincerely agrees with Li Wentao's words, if game companies want to rise, they must have enough passion, otherwise they will never become a big climate.

"Not bad," Li Wentao showed an appreciative expression, "but you have to know that people not only have passion, but also perseverance, and only by paying sweat and blood can they achieve success."

"Sorry, I know all that."

When Li Wentao heard this, the smile on his face froze, "President Qin, I want you to recognize clearly that the game is your work, which means that it should belong to you, and the monetary reward you get also belongs to you."

Qin Feng shook his head, "I'm not interested. I never look ahead.

He declined to comment.

"President Qin, don't rush to refuse, you must know that once the open beta of the game you make is released, it will attract countless players."

Li Wentao persuaded.

He believed that as long as Qin Feng saw this opportunity, he would absolutely seize it desperately, and even willingly give up his principles.

"Mr. Li, I'm really not interested." Qin Feng is still that sentence.

Li Wentao took a deep look at him, stood up, said goodbye to Qin Feng, and then turned and left.

Qin Feng shrugged his shoulders, did not care, and continued to bury his head in front of the computer.

In the past few days, he has been busy making the "Soldier Sanduo" game novice teaching system, although it has not been done well, but it is almost the same.

The whole studio is busy every day.

The busiest one was Qin Feng, because there were too many people who came to find him.

It's nothing more than wanting to dig into his past to collaborate on games.

The ultimate purpose of the game is to circle money, but Qin Feng found a position in the industry, self-sufficiency only to do public welfare games.

Because the public's acceptance of public welfare games is relatively high, Qin Feng's reputation has become more and more famous in the past two years.

Now he has created the world's first public welfare game.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Qin Feng agrees to the invitation of any company, it will definitely drive the development of the entire game industry.

However, Qin Feng still refused!


The night is getting darker.

The computer screen next to your desk suddenly lights up, showing unread messages.

Qin Feng stretched out his finger, quickly tapped it on the keyboard, and finished reading the content of the email in less than a moment.

The content of the email is an interview transcript.

Interviewer: Chen Jun, editor-in-chief of Jiangnan City Entertainment News.

"Xiao Qin, you have been red for half the sky recently, I heard that many large enterprises are planning to recruit you, but what do you think?"

Chen Jun's interview was calm at first, but then became aggressive.

Qin Feng frowned.

He knew that Chen Jun was deliberately trying to embarrass himself, but he was not afraid of things, so he said directly, "Sorry, I will not join any company for the time being." "


Seeing that Qin Feng directly refused, Chen Jun laughed loudly, "Xiao Qin, you can think about it, you are now a fragrant food in the eyes of thousands of players, if you don't join any company, I'm afraid you will be snatched away immediately."

"I trust my decision." Qin Feng muttered.

"Hehe," Chen Junpi smiled without smiling, "Then I wish you good luck." After

he said that, he hung up the video communication.

Qin Feng frowned slightly, and then turned off the video communication.

He felt that he and Chen Jun couldn't talk at all, so he simply ignored it.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the office door.

"Knock knock!"

"Come in!" Qin Feng said without raising his head.

The door opened, and a woman in professional clothes walked in, her name was Zhou Ya, Qin Feng's hired assistant.


Zhou Ya walked in, shouted respectfully, and handed over the information in his hand, "This is the latest issue of the entertainment magazine." "

Well, leave it there."

Qin Feng waved his hand, picked up the notebook on the table, and prepared to start processing some documents.

"Boss, there's another email here." Zhou Ya said again.


Qin Feng stopped the movement of his hand, picked up the mail that Zhou Ya had just put down, opened the package, and pulled out a file bag inside.

Open the bag and remove the folder inside.

The folder is printed with a line of eye-catching titles - "Shock, the super dark horse of contemporary gaming".

This title surprised Qin Feng, and quickly opened the folder to check it.

"Soldier Sanduo?"

After reading the contents of the folder, the corners of Qin Feng's mouth couldn't help but show a bitter arc.

The content of the folder is very simple, that is, it introduces some basic information of "Soldier Sanduo", as well as the design ideas of the game, as well as the rules of gameplay, etc.

This is a column for "Soldier Sanduo".

This kind of column is not uncommon in the online game industry, usually written by a well-known game producer or the head of a game company, and then posted on the forum.

This can not only promote the game, increase the popularity of the game, but also attract a group of fans.

And such a column has another meaning, that is, it can help players solve puzzles, provide some suggestions and analysis.

Qin Feng had also written this kind of column, but he only wrote some of his thoughts and speculations, not the official version.

Qin Feng scoffed, "I'm too lazy to mix such a thing." He

tossed the papers aside, ready to dispose of the rest.

At this moment, Qin Feng suddenly saw a photo on the bottom layer of the folder.

The man in the photo is twenty-seven or eight years old, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and is gentle.

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