In a complex with a small detached yard.

The courtyard is full of various flowers and plants, which is very delicate.

In the middle of the yard is a jujube tree, with lush foliage, seemingly waiting for someone's arrival.

A window in the courtyard slowly opened, and the face of an old grandmother appeared in the window.

She narrowed her eyes, looked at the jujube trees in the yard, and said with a smile: "Finally back." "

There was a spacious room in another complex.

The walls of the room are covered with pictures of children, some of families.

An old grandfather in the room sat in a chair, waiting for their arrival.

He closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

The old man opened his eyes, smiled and walked to the door, opened the door, and looked at the people in front of him, a happy smile appeared on his face.

In the live broadcast room, Pi turned off the computer and walked to the window.

He opened the curtains, and through the window, he saw the view outside.

The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, and the leaves are rustling. He took a deep breath, feeling this beautiful moment, and a warm feeling could not help but surge in his heart.

"It's a good game, thank you for your support!" Pi said hesitantly:

"See you tomorrow~" "Bye bye

~" "

See you tomorrow ~"

The audience took their leave, and the live broadcast room suddenly became clean.

Pi Shu closed the computer and walked towards Qin Feng's office.

He was extremely emotional, and his tears never stopped from beginning to end.

Not only him, but also the audience at the scene.

"I thought the cruelest and most indifferent thing in the world was money and power."

"However, in today's game, I realized that I was too narrow-minded."

"Those cold-blooded, selfish rich second generation will not hesitate to abandon their relatives when they encounter danger;

Those who regard their parents and younger siblings as burdens and do not treat them as relatives..." "

I suddenly understood that real life is not measured by money!"

"It turns out that people's kindness is not disguised, but no one wants to express it."

"I want to go home, I really miss home, Mom, I'm back!"

"I miss my parents and my brother, we all miss them so much!"

"Oh, I miss mom and dad and brother!"

"I miss them too..."


It's a soul-deep education.

This game not only gives people hope, but also awakens the softest parts of their hearts.

They know how important family is to them, and they cherish their home even more.


The next day, there was a frenzy of heated discussions on the Internet, and the game's promotional activities became hotter and hotter, even surpassing the monthly hot search list of "King Pesticide".

Many people discussed the game online and were also moved by the game and expressed that they wanted to play it.

Under such circumstances, Qin Feng and the game production team agreed on a set of strategies.

First, place advertising on the Internet to create a game that everyone knows.

Secondly, make offline recommendations through the game platform to enhance the popularity and influence of this game.

Third, promote the game as much as possible through the channel of game push.

The three strategies combine to form a complete set of operational plans.

After a long period of research, the game's production team developed a detailed plan.

In fact, there are already tens of millions of people downloading the game without their promotion, and the number of downloads of this game is still increasing.

It has broken the most downloaded game in Huaxia history.

This game allows people to rediscover the warmest parts of life.

They begin to value their families and be grateful to their loved ones.

Everyone tries to make a better life for their characters, and this inspires their strongest desire: to pursue true happiness.

In the game, they explore this magical world, through the jungle, over the mountains, and in every corner.

Sometimes they meet some strange creatures, but they are not afraid because this game is full of surprises and wonders.

The game production team is also constantly working to add more elements to the game, making the game's graphics more detailed and the sound more realistic.

They are also constantly fixing bugs in the game to ensure that everyone can play smoothly until the end of the game.

On the night of the hot game discussion, Qin Feng and the game production team were busy working.

They divided up the work and invested a lot of time and energy.

Qin Feng constantly communicates with the team to ensure that each task can be completed smoothly.

The game production team is working intensively to fix bugs in the game to ensure that everyone has the best possible experience.

The next day, when they opened the game's download page, there were already more than 20 million downloads.

They were extremely relieved.

On this number, they feel recognized and supported by the players.

This game makes them feel incredibly proud.

Then, they started working hard to improve the game.

They added more levels, more missions, more plot and tears to the game.

They know that the game will only grow in popularity if it makes players feel authentic and satisfied.

Over time, the game has become more and more popular.

Major TV stations are also scrambling to cover the game.

In the game, every player can find their own fun and challenge.

Whether playing as a grandmother or a little boy, everyone can find their place in the game.

All doubts disappeared.

They are all marveling at the excitement of the game and have developed a strong interest in the game.

One game fan after another enters the game, and they enter the game world with hope for the future.

In the game, there are various scenes.

There are beautiful lakes, towering peaks, and vast grasslands.

Every scene is extremely impressive.

In this game, you can not only experience the joy of the game, but also feel the beauty that cannot be obtained in reality.

Especially the beautiful and simple painting style of that mountain village.

In the game, a wide variety of characters are added.

Good neighbors, simple villagers, etc.

Each character has its own uniqueness and characteristics.

Their appearance makes the game more diverse and rich.

In the game, there are also various actions.

Different expressions were later added.

In this game, you will not only be able to feel the fun of the game, but also improve your skills.

It's all worth it.

The success of the game makes them feel extremely proud and the players feel extremely satisfied.

In this game, everyone can find their own fun and want affection.

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