
Such comments are rare.

Basically, most of the people are on Pi Shhh

After all, Pi Zhao's character is worthy of recognition, and he is also a relatively excellent star.

Such stars are also relatively rare in the entertainment industry.

In the game, Grandma mends her own broken shoes.

In the same plot of threading the needle, the little boy still shows impatience.

He sat on a stool and looked at the game on the screen, not knowing that the game was already messed up.

Finally, the battery of the little boy's game console ran out.

In such a desolate village, after receiving the game console, his fun is directly less than half.

He ran to ask his grandmother for money, but the grandmother who was cooking indicated that her pocket was empty and there was no money at all.

So the little boy began to rummage through the cabinets, trying to rummage through the money.

But he searched all the places in the house where he could hide things, and still found nothing.

"Grandma! Do you have any money to give? "The little boy was a little angry.

Although he is still very young, he already knows how to communicate with people, especially his own old people.

He didn't understand why his grandmother, who was usually so good to him, would refuse to give him even a dollar.

His tone turned cold, with a slightly questioning tone.

Grandma sighed and said that there was no money in the family.

She also didn't expect that she thought that today was a happy day, but this kind of thing happened.

While his grandmother was washing clothes by the river, the little boy made a move to steal money.

But I still couldn't find anything.

At this time, the skin who experienced the game could not do it.

"This kid's behavior is too bad, right?"

"Yes, I don't understand politeness at all, and I don't know what kind of virtue it will be when I grow up!"

"Really... This kid is also too undisciplined! "

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

The little boy, on the other hand, was standing on the bank of the river, looking aggrieved and dazed.

He didn't know what to do.

Netizens also heated up the discussion.

"This kid doesn't know anything about it?"

"He's still a kid, there's no need to spray like this, right?"

"Why can't you spray? It's what parents like you are used to.

"Others can endure it, this kind of petty theft is not advocated."

"You didn't steal money from your family when you were a child? I stole it anyway.

"I've done something like that too."

"Don't talk about this child, it is psychologically uncomfortable for any normal child to be treated like this."

"In that case, is this game still played?"

"I think we should continue, after all, this is one of the favorite games of little boys."


At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, something is exposed in his backpack."

Everyone followed the video and saw that the zipper of the little boy's backpack seemed to be opened.

And vaguely it seems that a hairpin can be seen coming out.

It turned out that the little boy took the hairpin from his grandmother's head while he was sleeping.

He planned to use his grandmother's only hairpin to exchange for the battery.

This scene shouted that he couldn't stand it, and he couldn't wait to beat him up in the game.

This is simply more intolerable than a thief.

"This bear child!"

Someone in the audience scolded, and then many people began to condemn the child's behavior.

It's a pity that the little boy didn't know that everyone in the audience was scolding himself, after all, this is a game NPC.

He escaped from his grandmother's house with a hairpin.

However, he seemed to underestimate the size of the ravine.

First of all, there are no shops in the ravine, and secondly, I don't know where there are shops.

This is still he inquired about a kind uncle.

I don't know how long he walked, he finally came to the store...

Unfortunately, there was no battery he needed.

There was no way but to continue walking to find other shops.

Again, there are no batteries anywhere.

Not only that, but the boss beat him away after he learned that the kid was stealing the hairpin to change the battery.

This boss was righteous and didn't exchange anything for him.

The aggrieved little boy walked down the country road and sobbed.

As the sun set, the red afterglow stained his clothes, setting off this lonely figure more and more desolate.

The little boy didn't know where he was going, and he didn't even dare to go back to his grandmother's house.

As the boss just said, a thief will never get a good ending.

He was afraid to go back, afraid that he would never be able to leave this world again.

The kind uncle met him and took him back.

At this time, my grandmother was waiting for him to go back outside the village...

Grandma didn't blame him for not even asking.

He found that his grandmother's hair was stuck in her head with a spoon for eating.

He had never imagined his grandmother wearing such bizarre ornaments on top of her head.

He thought it was funny, but he didn't dare to laugh.

This scene could not stand it, and felt that the boy was too much.

At the same time, I also think that my grandmother's people are really good.

The game continues, and the live broadcast room or the audience watches with relish.

The little boy's coke and canned food finally ran out.

He began a hunger strike, thinking that his grandmother's meal was too broken and he had no appetite at all.

He lay down on the straw mat and did not dare to look at it.

Grandma summoned him to dinner, and he wouldn't answer.

Helpless, Grandmother left the food on the table and turned back into the house.

At this time, suddenly it was overcast, and then it rained heavily.

The little boy found that one of his grandmother's launts had not been recovered.

He didn't want to care about this, but he ran out and got his clothes back, and of course he helped put away his grandmother's clothes.

Such a move has aroused the approval of netizens...

They have left messages on the Internet.

"This is a good boy."

"That's how it should be."

"This kid is really good, so my heart is much more comfortable."


However, it soon cleared up.

The little boy hesitated for a moment and began to dry his clothes.

Standing under a pole, he scratched his head, seemingly forgetting the order in which it had been placed.

Because he didn't want his grandmother to know that he helped collect the clothes.

It took a while to adjust the order of the clothes correctly.

But he still refused to eat.

And yelling for KFC.

Where does grandma know what KFC is.

After communication, the only thing Grandma knew was like a boy who wanted to eat chicken.

Grandma is happy, as long as there are chickens, grandchildren can eat.

So she went to the vegetable garden and planted a few pumpkins.

And then the station faltered.

He was going to town to sell the pumpkins and exchange them for the big rooster for his grandson.

She walked for a long time, finally reached the town and sold the pumpkin.

At this point in the game, no one condemns the child's behavior.

On the contrary, I feel very sorry for my elderly grandmother.

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