Qin Feng explained: "Now there are already a lot of negative public opinion on the Internet, and even some people even run to the official blog to insult, we must not cause others to lose sleep because of our own selfish desires."

"Well, it seems to be true, but now at this point, most people are resting."

Qin Feng said with a smile: "It's okay, tomorrow morning at six o'clock, the official website will be updated on time, and we will contact us then."

With that, Qin Feng left the hotel.

Inside Qin Feng's room.

Qin Feng lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and a faint smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

Tomorrow is the first step in the beginning of his plan.

Although it will affect your quality of life, it is all worth it.

This game, he is bound to get!

Qin Feng ate breakfast and went to the scene where the press conference was held yesterday.

There are still many fans guarding the scene, waiting for the live broadcast.

At this time, the crowd suddenly rioted.

Qin Feng followed the voice and looked over.

I saw Pi Shu leading three or four assistants to come slowly.


"Pi shh

"Pi Shhh, you are so handsome."

"Hello, Shh


Pi Shi was wearing a black suit, gold-wire glasses, and a folder in his hand.

As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of countless people, and many female fans screamed madly.

This is a live broadcast account created by Pi Qiao.


"I lean, my heart is going to jump out."

"It's a beauty crit."

"My male god, Pi Shhh, I love you."

"Upstairs, where's your girlfriend?"

"Haha, look, Pi Shu is waving to me."

"Pi Shi beckoned in my direction."

The atmosphere at the scene became fiery.

Many people picked up their mobile phones and started taking pictures and recording.

Subsequently, Qin Feng came to the scene.

As soon as Qin Feng appeared, it immediately caused quite a stir.

"Hello, Shh


Pi Shu shook hands with Qin Feng with a gentle smile on his face.

"Wow, Pi Bang actually took the initiative to shake hands with Qin Feng."


"Brother Di."

"I feel that today's Pi Shu is even more attractive."

The fans at the scene screamed.

"Mr. Qin, I wonder if you are sure of today's live broadcast?"

Pi asked with concern: "The number of people online in our game has exceeded 10 million, and once you promote it, it will definitely set off a wave of games."

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that the game will be absolutely wonderful."

Qin Feng said confidently.

Pi Shu nodded when he heard this, he was still very relieved of Qin Feng's credibility.


Qin Feng handed the microphone to Pi Shuo: "Do you want to say something to the fans at the scene?"

After hesitating for a moment, Pi took the microphone and said, "It's an honor to meet everyone."

I've never played this type of game, but I really like it.

Because I think there's an extraordinary story behind every game.

And there are a lot of stories behind this game that I don't want to mention, so I have a lot of resonance with the game.

"Where's my streaming room?" Do you want to see Pi Shin's live broadcast room? I'm waiting for you here.

Pi asked while interacting with fans.


"Pi Shh

"I haven't seen Pi Shu for a long time, I'm going to watch the live broadcast, quickly say ah, don't sell it."

"It is."

The fans at the scene also urged Pi Shu to start the live broadcast quickly.

Qin Feng also looked at Pi Shu with interest.

What will this product do?


Pi Shu sighed slightly and said: "Since everyone has such a strong demand, then I will wait for everyone in my live broadcast room."

"Let's go, go to the live broadcast room and watch Pi Shhh."

"I'm going to watch Pi Shi Shi live."

"Pi Shhh, why are you in such a great shape?"

"Oh my God, this pectorals are so big."

Pi Shi listened to the comments on the barrage, and smiled and brought a few people to his live broadcast room.

He set up rules prohibiting speech in the live broadcast room, and only in the live broadcast room can you speak.

There are nearly 10 million viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Pi Shh, you are so handsome today."

"Pi Shhh, why is your live broadcast room full of female fans? No wonder you look so white and handsome. "

Is this Pi Shout's live broadcast room?"

"Pi Shhh

"Pi Shh, your dress is very beautiful, it is Chanel's high-end goods, who sent this?"

The style of painting on the barrage suddenly changed, turning into the rhythm of gossip.


Seeing the increasingly strange style of the barrage, Qin Feng coughed twice and spoke.

"Everyone, please come here today, mainly to promote my new game "Love Home", and also to invite everyone to participate in this event."

Now Pi Shi has done it in the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room is located in the center of the sports light, surrounded by transparent proportional fence on the second floor.

Directly above the stadium there are four oversized screens.

The screen can display the situation of each area synchronously.

At this time, in the live broadcast interface, on the right side of Pi Zhao, a camera is pointing at him.

This camera is exactly the same camera used by photographers specially configured for sports light.

After Qin Feng finished speaking, a bunch of barrages rolled rapidly.

"Wow, that's how it is, I'm looking forward to it."

"We're the most popular pros, and it's definitely not bad."

"I believe in Pi Shhhhh


Pi Shu smiled charmingly: "Then let me explore the content of the game." He

then opened a game software and entered the game interface.

The game screen is blue sky, white clouds, green grass, empty beach.

There are only two things inside the game interface – the keyboard and the mouse.

At this time, a barrage appeared in the live broadcast interface.

"Groove, this game looks so fun."

"Yes, it looks like a thief."

"Pi shhh



"Well, then I'm here to go, I'm now landing on the game, and as you can see, the name of the game is Love Home.

"The picture quality is good, this picture quality is good, Guangfa netizens, I think the picture quality of this picture is quite good."

The first time Pi entered the game was to praise the quality of the game.

Then he began to choose the role, that is, the role of the little boy.

"Oh my God, what kind of bus is this, how it feels so broken."

At this time, Pi Qiao's face was full of disgust.

Netizens also expressed their opinions when they saw this picture.

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