"In this way, we can spread the news as soon as possible and attract it to the player base."

After Zheng Xiaoguang sent the message, he put away his mobile phone.

He looked at the sky outside the window and muttered, "I don't know if this game of yours qualifies as an 'international game'." Qin

Feng, who received the information, was naturally willing to take time to see Zheng Xiaoguang.

After all, he still had a lot of ideas to tell Zheng Xiaoguang.

Magic Capital.

In the private room of the luxury hotel, Zheng Xiaoguang ordered the dishes early.

Qin Feng and Zheng Xiaoguang clinked glasses, and then after the two drank a few cups, Qin Feng said.

"Mr. Zheng, the name of this game is "Love Home"."

"The name is interesting, so what is the content of this game?" Zheng Xiaoguang asked curiously.

Qin Feng smiled indifferently and said, "Emotional theme game." "

Emotional games?" Zheng Xiaoguang was surprised.

Qin Feng nodded and said, "The specific details cannot be expressed, so I don't let you experience it yourself."

"What I want to say is that the promotion method of the game "Love Home" this time is still to have an offline real experience."

Zheng Xiaoguang nodded and said, "I see, you mean that offline experience is essential?"

Qin Feng nodded and said firmly: "That's right, we need to use offline activities to drive players to have a strong interest in this game."

"Well, I know, but you have to know that offline experience activities require investment costs, and the money may not be small." Zheng Xiaoguang said.

Qin Feng said: "Of course, money is not a problem. As long as it achieves the goal. After all, our game is really good.

"Haha, I understand what you mean, it's worthy of being Brother Qin, and he is really smart." Zheng Xiaoguang said with a smile.

Qin Feng smiled indifferently.

After eating, after the two chatted a few more words, Qin Feng left the hotel.

For Qin Feng's requests and proposals, Zheng Xiaoguang naturally obeyed.

He knew Qin Feng's strength, and the game he made was not bad.

Qin Feng had just left the hotel and was about to take a taxi back to the villa, when he suddenly saw a Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly coming and stopping beside him.

Then, the window of the car landed, revealing Zhang Wenyuan's face.

"Yo, why are you?" Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, I have nothing to do today, I'll pick you up by the way." Zhang Wenyuan said with a smile.

Qin Feng waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'd better take a taxi back, I can't get used to your car."

Zhang Wenyuan quickly grabbed Qin Feng and said, "Don't mind?

"Besides, I really have something to find you this time, let's go."

"No time." Qin Feng decisively refused his invitation.

Zhang Wenyuan, this guy is very terrifying, Qin Feng is too late to avoid him, how can he get into his car.

Although the game company under this guy is very large and covers a super wide range, he loves to copy.

This point made Qin Feng avoid, and his appearance this time must have learned the news of Qin Feng's new game.

His appearance is definitely not a good thing.

At the same time, Zheng Xiaoguang got through to the boss of the game helmet company he cooperated with last time.

Seeing that it was Zheng Xiaoguang's phone, the boss's wig almost laughed off.

Because he knew he was going to make a big order again.

"Mr. Zheng, I'm afraid there is something urgent about calling at this time, right?"

Zheng Xiaoguang on the other end said decisively: "Helmet, the better the pleasure, it costs 500,000."

"What? Half a million? So much? Zheng

Xiaoguang smiled: "Why, aren't you happy?" Of

course, the boss of the helmet company was happy, and he hurriedly explained: "Happy and happy, but how fast do you want to?" Trimester? Half?

Zheng Xiaoguang replied with a smile: "Half a month, that is, two weeks."

"So hasty?"

Zheng Xiaoguang said seriously: "It's not that I'm in a hurry, but our company's game is about to go online."

"If you don't hurry up and make it, I'm afraid there will be problems."

The boss of the helmet company thought about it, and finally gritted his teeth and agreed.

Because this is a super big order, he must fully satisfy it, otherwise the deal will be yellow.

"Okay then, we're working overtime on our side."

Zheng Xiaoguang said: "Thank you! The

two then ended the call.

Zheng Xiaoguang turned his head and called Qin Feng and said, "It's done!"

Qin Feng nodded, "Very good, President Zheng, we will still succeed this time."

"Of course." Zheng Xiaoguang said with a smile.

The two turned off the phone, and Qin Feng took a taxi back to his home.

He dumped the guy who liked plagiarism games early.

He was afraid that this time he would copy again.

The boss of the helmet company laughed a lot.

This is a big order, as long as it is operated well, this list will definitely make money.

He called his employees overnight to work overtime.

Not only that, but he also offered his employees five times their salary.

It can be said that this boss has long been infected by the games made by Qin Feng.

He is now also trading with his conscience.

Qin Feng turned on the computer and released the latest news.

Bombshell news was officially announced on the Bolang network.

That is, the new game of Boai is online, and the offline experience will continue.

Such news caused a lot of stir.

There were many netizens who paid attention to his dynamics, and there were more than 100,000 comments in just one hour.

And the numbers are constantly rising.

"Groove, has this Boai Games company released a new game?"

"Fantastic, looking forward to dying!"

"Whether it's a new game or not, I'll definitely try it anyway."


In the message area of the official website of Bolang Games, many netizens expressed their expectations, hoping that the games of Boai Game Company could be more popular.

But those comments were quickly topped.

This news also quickly attracted everyone's attention.

These netizens were amazed, and even some players couldn't bear to experience this game.

Bolang's official website is about to explode.

But even so, it didn't stop them from wanting to learn about the game.

"Brothers, the setting of this game must be very good, I want to play!"

"Oh my God, is it going to be released so soon?"

"Wait, what are you guys talking about, didn't you pay attention to the offline experience session continuing?"

"Yes. Offline experience.

"My God, I didn't experience it last time, this time it must be arranged."

"It is estimated that there are more people. I don't know if there will be a chance for my turn to experience it offline.

"No matter what, I must participate in the offline experience."

"Take the liberty of asking, is the offline experience still in our magic capital?"

"Well, it seems that I should book tickets now, otherwise..."

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