"This game is really fantastic."

"I've never seen a game so healing."

"Oh my God! How can such a wonderful game exist in this world. "


countless people left messages one after another.

There were even many people who took the initiative to contact Qin Feng and said that they asked to quickly develop a new game.

The world's newspapers and news have expressed their views on the game of going to the moon.

This game has healed many patients around the world and also helped them relieve their pain.

This game touched many people, so many people are willing to recommend friends around them to play this game.

The game was also successfully landed on the official website of the Black State.

For a while, Go to the Moon and Qin Feng's studio popularity reached the first in the world.

The height is cold, and such a hot heat makes Qin Feng's pressure increase sharply, not only his entire studio is very stressful.

Everyone is working overtime to make games with red eyes and desperately.

Domestic people, the majority of gamers can not bear the loneliness, have run to the official website and forum to post.

"President Qin, are you holding back a big move?"

"yes, is there going to be a new game?"

"Healing. I really want to play the healing game.

"Pray that President Qin and his studio are holding back."

"It's time for a new game, right?"

"Fart, people are tired, there will be no new games."

"Believe it or not, I bet on a pack of spicy strips, and the new game will be out soon?"

"Cut, within a month he can not send out new games, I live broadcast handstand and eat."

"I wipe, such a poisonous oath? Brother, what's your name.

"My surname is Li, and my single name is a Xiangzi."

"66666, Li Xiang, you are awesome."


Feng was also busy working.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and during this time, Qin Feng also collected a lot of information and materials.

Finally, on the fourth day, the game was completely completed.

The game has been in the works for a month.

The whole studio forgot how the month had come about.

I'm tired but happy, and they hope that this game will be as global as the previous one.


Qin Feng stood in front of the window and looked at the scenery outside.

He saw a van speeding off into the distance, with a full load of things dragged behind it.

"Finally made!"

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

His face looked very haggard, and his whole person lost weight.

"Brother Qin, I haven't slept so late."

At this time, a voice came.

Qin Feng turned his head and saw Xu Sheng walking over.

He wore a black suit and glasses, and looked polite.

"How was it today?" Qin Feng asked.

"Very good, everything is going in order, the game is completely made."

"Our company's technical staff made them a detailed release plan, and they read it and thought it was fine."

Qin Feng nodded.

Their scheme is not complicated.

"What do you think of this game?" Qin Feng asked.

Xu Sheng thought seriously for a moment: "I think it's good, after all, everyone is made with heart." There shouldn't be much of a problem with the audit. "

Hmm." Qin Feng nodded: "You will come with me tomorrow morning to see the review issues."

"Yet." Qin Feng yawned: "This preliminary work must be prepared to avoid chaos when you get there."

Xu Sheng nodded: "Don't worry, President Qin, everything has been prepared."

"Well, you go home and rest first." I'll log in to the forum to let players know that the game has been made and see how everyone reacts.

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he opened the forum.

In the past three days, he has not logged on to the forum, and the forum is still boiling.

"My mother! Is this true?

"That's awesome! That's the real game. "

This game is simply fantastic, so look forward to it."

"It's a miracle!"

"Such a wonderful game, I can't wait to experience it!"

"Long live President Qin! President Qin has worked hard! I believe in President Qin! Countless

accolades and support poured into the studio, sending the entire company into a binge.

Everyone's expectations for this game exceeded Qin Feng's expectations.

He didn't expect it to cause such a sensation.

"What about the live stream eater?"

"yes, didn't you say the other day that there was someone who was going to eat."

"Why doesn't this guy come out to eat? Don't you dare?

"That's it! Don't dare!

Early the next morning, Qin Feng took Xu Sheng to the national game review department with the game materials.

After the submission, Qin Feng also needs to introduce the content of the game.

In the conference room.

Qin Feng stood in front and opened the PPT: "First of all, on behalf of everyone in our company, I would like to thank everyone for their supervision of our company these days."

"Secondly, our company's healing game, which we call Love Home, is made by our company's top team, and I hope everyone can fully trust and affirm it!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, a virtual picture appeared on the big screen.

This is the introduction of this game.

Below the game's introduction, there are various promotional images.

Qin Feng's gaze lingered on these promotional pictures, this game is indeed great.

The controls in this game are very powerful.

In terms of the background setting of the game, this game will take a realistic 3D mode.

This mode will give the game a sense of realism, and at the same time have the emotional stimulation of the story, which can be said to be much more interesting than VR games.

The control difficulty of the game is not particularly large, as long as you master it, you can definitely play to a refreshing rhythm.

This was Qin Feng's idea.

Then he began to introduce the theme of the game.

It probably tells the story of a little boy who goes to live at his grandmother's house in the countryside.

Conflicts, misunderstandings, quarrels, crying, and sadness between the boy and his grandmother.

The background of each photo is different, but it is so vivid that it makes people immersed in it.

The main line of the game is the emotion between grandmother and child.

The specific details still have to be boring for you to enter the game experience.

Qin Feng did not intend to tell the entire story of the game.

Because he felt that it would lose its original meaning and taste.

This game requires players to explore and feel with their hearts.

Whether it is an elderly grandmother or a young grandson, players will intuitively substitute themselves into the role after playing.

The story is tear-jerking and healing, and if Qin Feng says it directly, it loses its original taste for so long.

This game requires step-by-step entry, understanding, and so on.

The reviewers said they understood, and they really wanted to experience the game right away.

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