Go to a nursing home to volunteer.

It is an activity jointly agreed upon by the Fraternity Foundation.

Almost every year, I set aside a period of time.

But since last year, Qin Feng has worked on making games.

Therefore, everyone has not been to these old people's homes for a long time.

Qin Feng after hearing about Grandma Xu Sheng.

Immediately thought of this matter, and arranged for Lao Wang and the others to prepare.

The next morning.

A few people in the company took the car and soon arrived at the first nursing home.

"Grandpa Li, Grandpa Wang, we came to see you."

After Xiao Li came in, he immediately walked over with a fruit basket.

Several old men in the courtyard all laughed.

Some grandmothers also trembled and walked out of the doorway.

"Qin boy, you can finally think of us old men and old ladies."

"Qin boy, if you don't come again, I will almost forget about you!"

"The flowers in the backyard are dying, we old men can't reach them, just wait for you to come, but after waiting so long, you don't come, you are really dying."

The old people were extremely enthusiastic about Qin Feng and the others.

Because in these years, they have long regarded these young people as their own children.

These people live in homes for the elderly.

Many are childless, or have never been married in their lives, or have lost children in old age.

They didn't have children, so they regarded Qin Feng and the others as their own children.

Because every time Qin Feng and the others came, they would be busy doing various things.

Inside the nursing home, many of them are well groomed.

Even the dean gave a thumbs up to Qin Feng and the others.

To be honest, if it weren't for Qin Feng's support, this old people's home would have been unable to run it for a long time.

Because you can't make money at all, and you even have to stick money.

Government subsidies are completely inadequate.

Because many elderly people do not have complete documents.

It is precisely because Qin Feng has always been helping.

Only then can the nursing home be kept open.

Even a few years ago, several elderly people were enrolled.

After Qin Feng and the others came, they quickly became lively with the old people.

Everyone cooks together and takes care of the back garden.

In short, it makes this group of old men and ladies all happy.

For them, it's just happier than the New Year.

And such a home for the elderly, Qin Fenggong funded five!

The rest of the places may be a little better than that.

But the old people's feelings for Qin Feng were all real.

In their eyes, Qin Feng and the others were their children.

Soon, the day passed like this.

Qin Feng took a few people from the company and walked five homes for the elderly together.

The old people are like the New Year today, smiling and closing their mouths.

Although before leaving, watching Qin Feng and the others shed tears.

But for them, the time of the day is enough.

On the way home.

Xiao Li sat in the co-pilot, his eyes were red with tears.

"Alas, every time I see them, I think of my grandmother."

"When I came back from school, my parents were not at home, so I lived with my grandmother."

"She happily took me home from the entrance of the village and then took me to make food."

"After a nice holiday, my grandmother took me to the bus station."

"She doesn't leave every time she is far away, saying that she is tired."

"Let me go to the station alone."

"At first I thought she was really tired."

"Then again I forgot to take something and saw it on the way back."

"It turns out that grandma is sitting on the ground crying!"

"From that moment on, I didn't dare to go home every time."

"As long as I go back, I am afraid to leave."

"Because I really don't want to see my grandma feel so bad."

Xiao Li's words made everyone feel uncomfortable listening to it.

Everyone sat quietly in the car without speaking.

Qin Feng also looked out the window, and his inner taste was very uncomfortable.

He thought of his grandmother in his previous life when he was in elementary school.

Although it is not the same as what Xiao Li said.

But he can clearly remember studying at his grandmother's house for six years.

It's all she taking care of herself!

But when she graduated and went to town, her grandmother died the following year.

Listen to the neighbors nearby, after he left.

Grandma sat in front of the house every day, as if waiting for someone.

Even the time to eat is exactly the same as when I used to go to school.

Grandmother has not given birth to children in her life, and Qin Feng's mother is also raised.

So in the past six years, my grandmother raised Qin Feng as her own child.

The year after Qin Feng left, she died.

Such news made Qin Feng not eat for several days.

He will never forget the old man who sat at the gate every day, waiting to come back for dinner.

After returning to the office.

Qin Feng took out a bottle of red wine and sat quietly in the office to taste it.

Finally got drunk and fell asleep in a chair.

In his sleep, he dreamed that he had returned to his old days.

I went back to the days when I was a child studying at my grandmother's house.

The familiar old man was still sitting at the gate waiting for him.

Look at the familiar face of the old man.

Qin Feng couldn't help it anymore, tears dripping from the corners of his eyes.

He woke up from his dream, and it was already past three o'clock in the morning.

The wine had woken up, and he didn't have the slightest sense of sleep.

After turning on the computer.

Qin Feng slowly typed down a few words in the document.

"Love Home"!

This movie was seen when he was on Earth.

After reading it at that time, Qin Feng had already cried countless times.

Because he thought of his grandmother.

It's really too similar to the grandmother in the movie.

The lonely old man is always the last light of this society.

Their old age is boring and boring every day.

If there are children at home, I hope that the children can go back to see them when they are lonely.

However, the current fast-paced life has already defeated people's thoughts of returning home.

Many people only go back once a year, or only once in several years.

The feeling of the elderly in the family, they will never know.

That's why Qin Feng thought of writing this movie.

At this moment, he had already thought about what kind of game he was going to make next.

Soon, the sky was already light.

However, Qin Feng is still in front of the computer, perfecting all the details in the game "Love Home".

The previous games were all made for public welfare.

But this one, Qin Feng wants to make one for each family.

He wants to call on everyone to start caring and caring for the elderly around them.

He wanted to appeal to everyone, and when they had time, they would go back and see the old people around them.

He also wants to appeal to everyone to leave him with the best memories in the last period of the old man, which is also a kind deed.

Because I didn't do it in the first place.

So he didn't want more people to regret it.

In the office, everyone came to work one after another.

At this time, he found that Qin Feng's office door was still open.

Probe in and take a look.

I found that Qin Feng was still sitting selfishly, tapping on the keyboard very seriously.

"No, President Qin, you won't start the next game again, will you?"

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