Above the network.

Because of this notice from the Ministry of Education.

Netizens all started talking about it frantically.

Although there is no mention of the game "To the Moon" in the entire article.

But at such a cusp of the storm, this announcement was suddenly announced.

It's obviously because of this game.

This moment.

Everyone started promoting the game "To the Moon" even more.

You know, such a game is simply the favorite of netizens.

And now with the support of the state.

Instantly, everyone felt that this game was profound.

Bolang above, has long begun to explode wildly because of "To the Moon".

On the short video, there are also countless players frantically posting game videos on it.

In just one day.

"To the Moon" has completely become the object of madness of the entire network.

"What? Are you saying that the Ministry of Education issued this notice because of a game?

"Really fake? Is this game really that impactful?

"That's awesome, isn't it? One game can get the education department to issue a statement, which is unprecedented!

"What kind of game is it, I want to play it too!"


Many people who have never played games have also started to frantically download "To the Moon" at this time.

On this day, a wave of "To the Moon" was completely set off on the Internet.

Not only the scenes in the game exploded, but even the piano music that often appeared in it began to explode.

Everyone is saying that when they hear this song in the future, they can't help but think of John and Liva, sitting under the moon lighthouse.

At night, the platypus toys that were originally distributed in the Magic Capital Gymnasium also became out of print.

Many players are even more trying to be a platypus, because it is a token of love between Liva and John.

Everyone wants to stay and give it to someone they like.

In this way, a platypus jointly branded by the Fraternity Foundation was finally sold for hundreds of thousands.

Only then did the spectators who went to the gym that day know.

It turned out that with a passion for blood, he participated in a game test.

Unexpectedly received hundreds of thousands of gifts?

This kind of surprise from the sky simply made everyone dumbfounded.

Knowing that the game "To the Moon" will be a fire.

But I didn't expect it to be so popular.

By now, this is no longer an ordinary explosion.

It's about making all players crazy about it.

At this time, inside the company at dawn.

All players' downloads are fed back to the game headquarters.

"One day, 100 million downloads!"

"Just ask, who else!"

Zhou Xiaoguang exclaimed excitedly.

In the office, all employees also stood up happily and talked.

Everyone knows that if the company continues to develop like this, it will soon be famous in China with fraternity.

When I first cooperated with Boai, many employees were not very optimistic.

But now it seems that this is completely an opportunity given to the company by God!

Zhou Xiaoguang excitedly told Qin Feng the news.

At this time, Qin Feng was in the office, explaining some professional knowledge of game production to the employees of the studio.

"Brother Qin Feng, I really thank you so much this time."

"With one game, our company surpasses the Feiyi side."

"Now the number of downloads of "To the Moon" has exceeded several domestic records."

"It is even possible to reach the peak, you know, this is only the first day!"

Listen to Zhou Xiaoguang's excited voice on the phone.

Qin Feng nodded slightly and smiled: "President Qin, there is no need to be so polite, the game can get such a big effect, and my public welfare has also done it, so it can be said that it is mutually beneficial." Zhou

Xiaoguang listened to Qin Feng's words, and his heart was extremely excited and emotional, and he was even a little ashamed.

Mutual benefit?

Since he cooperated with Qin Feng, he has not achieved the word mutual benefit at all.

Because every time the game traffic revenue, Zhou Xiaoguang gave Qin Feng, Qin Feng refused

, if it is mutually beneficial, can it be used like this?

"Brother Qin Feng, you say so

, I..." "I feel that I am too unhuman, otherwise, the proceeds of this game, I only take the money for publicity, how about giving the rest to you?"

Zhou Xiaoguang was very sincere, and directly offered the largest price.

However, these were not very important to Qin Feng.

He does public welfare, and he only wants to see others donate money, not receive other people's shares.

"If Mr. Zhou has a heart, I hope you can use part of the proceeds of this game to hire a psychologist for those children who really have Asperger's disease."

"Many families, although their children suffer from such symptoms, cannot be treated because the price of psychologists is too expensive."

"Although there are not many diseases so far."

"But if Zhou can always help, these children can become healthy."

"That's what I want to see!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words.

Zhou Xiaoguang nodded and said, "Don't worry, Brother Qin Feng, I will arrange this matter immediately to ensure that these children are properly treated!"

"I'll ask you to send you the results of the recent investigation!"

Qin Feng snorted.

Originally, the money for treating these children, Qin Feng planned to pay for it himself.

But now now that Zhou Xiaoguang has come forward.

Then let him help.

After hanging up.

Zhou Xiaoguang immediately began to arrange someone to do it.

Qin Feng was not idle here, and directly asked Lao Wang and Li Dong to sort out a piece of data from the recent investigation and send it over.

After doing this, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Asperger's syndrome, although this condition is not fatal.

But it deeply affects all parents and children.

Since Qin Feng saw that child in the hotel that day.

He already knew deeply that this matter had to be resolved as soon as possible.

The notice issued by the Ministry of Education can only be carried out slowly.

It is still too slow to rescue children who are not good at words and have mental illness.

In Qin Feng's public welfare world.

As long as the results can be made as soon as possible, as long as they can stand up and save people earlier.

This is already very satisfying for him.

The next morning.

That day I had dinner with Qin Feng at the hotel, the home of a little boy with Asperger's disease.

The two parents were all sitting on the sofa with some embarrassment at this time.

Since the game "To the Moon" exploded.

The two also found time to experience the game.

After the experience, I felt even more unfortunate about what happened to my son.

So the two decided that they had to find a psychologist to treat the child at this time.

"Where else do you have much money?"

"Only five thousand pieces!"

"I checked that the medium doctor also needs tens of thousands..."

"No, I will go and pay some advance to the boss, this kind of thing must be treated as soon as possible, and it cannot be delayed!"

After the husband said this, he was just about to take out his mobile phone and make a call.

But an unfamiliar number came!

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