Chapter 585 World-class football skills–Olympic long spear

Above the court.

“Damn it!”

Milne Claire Latin’s face became quite heavy.

The tennis shot just now contains the power of Selfless State and the power of Asura Shinto!


In the end, the opponent came back easily.

Even tennis is ridiculously fast.

Strongly scary.

The tennis ball can hit the ground directly.

Stuck in it.

This kind of power is simply not something ordinary people can do!

Even a world-class ordinary player like him can’t do it like Senyu Shinji.

He took a deep breath hard.

Try to calm yourself down at this time.

After all, the pressure that Senyu Shinji put on him was simply too heavy!

Just at this time.

There was a gentle laughter on the other side.

“You still have eight minutes!

Senyu Shinji’s “Six Four Seven” sound instantly awakened Milne and Claire Latin who were thinking about them.

Then his eyes flickered at Senyu Shinji.

Then serve directly.


Accompanied by a burst of crisp impact sound.

The tennis ball suddenly shot out.

This time.

It’s still a spiral spear!

Whether it is the speed above the tennis ball.

Or the power contained in it.

They are many times more horrible than before.

It’s like when the tennis ball is flying above the net.

A long spear can be seen faintly spinning and shooting towards Senyu Shinji.

A heavy air wave was directly driven to rotate.

It was as if a tyrannical vortex had been traveled directly around the spear.

The roar is even more resounding throughout the audience.

Milne Claire Latin firmly believes that his tennis will not be easily resolved by the opponent!

He felt that he must have despised Senyu Shinji on the opposite side just now.

This will cause the tennis ball to be hit back easily.

this moment.

He seemed to see the tennis ball spinning fiercely on Senyu Shinji’s court.

It seems that no matter how the racquet in his hand moves up.

Tennis will never be the same in the end.

But this time.

Senyu Shinji’s words directly awakened him.

“I think you are really dead-headed!”

Senyu Shinji became more and more disappointed with Milne Claire Latin’s tennis game.

I thought the opponent would show more powerful skills or something.

But in the end, it turned out to be the same.

It was true that he had no interest at all.

After Milne and Claire Latin on the opposite side heard this.

A layer of haze was immediately enveloped in my heart.

The bad premonition directly flashed in his heart.

“See it clearly!”

“This trick is called Bengshan!”

next moment.

Senyu Shinji’s dart figure volleyed from the air.

Like a real fairy, he is lonely and proud.

In his hand, racquet waved brazenly.

The flying tennis ball just hit the racquet in his hand just after crossing the net!

Then the tennis ball seemed to have been given unprecedented kinetic energy in an instant.

Countless mountains and rivers are stacked on top of it.

The momentum is huge.


Suddenly a popping sound resounded throughout the court.

The tennis tore the air.

Blasted on the ground with unparalleled intensity.


The earth burst for a while.

Dust rolled up in the sky.

The sand splashes!

Once again, a huge pit was blasted out of the court on Milne and Claire Latin.

A grass-green tennis ball in the pit is still spinning.


Suddenly the audience was silent.

Everyone held their breath.

I dare not take a breath at all.

Everyone stared at the broken ground blankly.

The look of horror on his face was so solemn.

“Is every tennis shot so scary?!!”

Many spectators showed hesitation and fear on their faces.

Some even stammered speechless.

Cold sweat surfaced directly on their foreheads.

Even the gaze at Senyu Shinji was filled with awe.

In contrast, Milne Claire Latin on the court.

At this time, he was stuck in a sluggish state.

The whole person’s breathing became extremely rapid.

Sweat ran down from his forehead.

This time the tennis ball blasted out of the pit is even more terrifying and huge than the last time.

He even wondered if his racquet hit the tennis ball.

Will he be the same as those who fought Senyu Shinji before?

How about flying out directly?

But even so terrified in my heart.

But he still has the dignity of being a strong man in his heart.

And the pride of being a professional player!

His face kept changing.

Now his state is not as full of confidence as before!

And now the battle between the two sides only lasted three minutes!

But not only did he not score

He didn’t even catch Senyu Shinji’s tennis.

Just as his face kept changing.

“Continue to serve!”

Senyu Shinji ignored him at all.

Urge it directly.

This tone was heard in the ears of Milne Claire Latin on the opposite side.

It made him feel so harsh.

Then gritted his teeth.

Continue to serve directly.

But this time he gave up the so-called stunt spinning spear.

This time.

He directly demonstrated world-class football skills.

Olympique spear!


After the tennis ball and racquet hit each other.

A burst of roars kept appearing on the court.

It seemed like the triumphant singing on the Olympic Mountain.

Vast and deafening!

The waves of air continued to spin and spread.

Selfless State’s three-door power emerges directly above the tennis ball.

Gives a sense of sacredness.

Then Asura Shinto’s dark mist kept entwining on this spear phantom.

It was filled with a sense of mystery and tyranny.

next moment.

After the tennis shot went soaring.

He rushed to Senyu Shinji’s side.


Even such world-class skills.

Even the tennis ball is full of two powers.

In front of Senyu Shinji it seemed to be papery.

Fragile 0.1 unbearable!

I saw the racquet in Senyu Shinji’s hand directly slammed out.

That’s the flow of water.

That kind of wind and clouds!


The tennis ball with unparalleled strength suddenly came to an abrupt end.

In an instant, the above power disappeared directly.

The light dimmed in an instant.

The opposite Milne Claire Latin stared at Senyu Shinji.

The vigilance in the heart is almost at the highest level.

He couldn’t tell what the next tennis shot would be.

Is it a light shot filled with another power?

Or the unparalleled destructive power of chasing stars and collapsing mountains?

But just when he was extremely nervous.


A crisp impact directly awakened him.

I saw the tennis clip leaping over the net with a light feeling.

Then it fell on the ground.

Falling short ball!


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