Chapter 583 If there is no relative, it will destroy you!

Looking at the smile on Senyu Shinji’s face on the opposite side.

There seemed to be a sense of unwillingness to emerge in his heart.

“Damn it!”

But although there is a sense of unwillingness in my heart.

But it is more of that deep sense of fear.

“I will defeat you!”

“The name of Senyu will surely become my stepping stone!”

“I am unyielding!”

Milne, Claire Latin roared out.

Then he forcibly suppressed all the fears in his heart.

Gritting his teeth and moving forward step by step.

The unwilling emotion seemed to become the driving force for him to move on.

But facing Senyu Shinji’s momentum.

His face became paler.

That kind of vastness simply kept the fear in his heart growing.

With every step he moves forward.

The depression and fear in the heart will rise exponentially.


Milne Claire Latin came to the court with a pale face.

In the auditorium.

“Is this what coach Senyu said?”

A touch of movement appeared on the face of Kunimitsu, a handicraft.

Senyu Shinji didn’t even move.

Can rely on the momentum to become like this through the other side’s influence.

Especially seeing Milne Claire Latin on the court.

It seems that 647 has already consumed a lot of physical energy just now.

Above the court.

Milne Claire Latin, opposite Senyu Shinji, still kept running down in cold sweat.

He is quite unwilling in his heart now.

Not reconciled even the game did not even start.

It was so suppressed by the vigor of the other’s junior high school student.

Just at this time.

“If you can’t even bear my aura.”

“I advise you to surrender directly!”

Senyu Shinji is not as anxious as before.

After all, it is now the semi-finals of the Sydney Cup Professional Challenge.

There is no need to show full force from the beginning.

After all, the remaining players are not simple existences.

After hearing Senyu Shinji’s words.

Milne Claire Latin suddenly calmed down.

Everyone even thought he would surrender directly at this time.


next moment.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Senyu Shinji.

His eyes seemed to become clear and sharp in an instant.

Then a strong breath rose directly from his body.

The waves of anger kept colliding with Senyu Shinji’s momentum.

Although still (cgab) is at a disadvantage.

But now he seems to be able to relax a bit.

Just after.

A knight with a spear emerged directly from him.

The medical black mist needs to circulate continuously on his body and the spear rider.

It seemed to block all the momentum.

After seeing this scene.

Senyu Shinji was also a little surprised.

It was completely unexpected that Milne Claire Latin, who was opposite, would use this method to break free of his own imposing coercion.

Now the statues of Asura Shinto are displayed.

It was useless to continue to use aura to persecute Milne Claire Latin on the opposite side.

Then a gentle smile appeared on Senyu Shinji’s face.

“Get ready for the despair afterwards!”

Milne Clare Latin, who eased over, said in a deep voice.

“It’s not necessarily me who loses this game!”

Now his eyes became sharper.

It was as if the things that Senyu Shinji’s aura had suppressed his head just now hadn’t happened.


Endless fighting spirit rose directly from him.

The racquet in his hand points directly to Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

“It’s been a long time since I can face off against Senyu, who I call the first supernova of the century!”

next moment.

The tennis ball in his hand was thrown straight up.

Then the racquet in his hand also slammed directly in the next moment.


Accompanied by a violent impact sound.

The tennis ball suddenly hit Senyu Shinji’s side.

But this time the tennis ball did not eject like normal.

Instead, it kept spinning topspin on the ground.

As if to turn the ground through.

Spiral spear!

This is one of Milne Claire’s skills!

The extreme rotation of the collar prevents the tennis ball from ejecting after it hits the ground.

Even if it is forced to pick up the tennis ball.

Will also be directly pushed away by this rapid rotation.

But after Senyu Shinji saw the blow.

Can’t help shook his head.

Said softly.

“Don’t use this method to test!”

“Use your full strength directly!”

“Otherwise, you will leave this court soon!”


The racquet in Senyu Shinji’s hand touched directly on the ground.

He rushed forward and shot out.

Bright sparks came directly on the racquet.

The harsh sound reverberated over the court.

next moment.

The tennis ball was directly picked up by racquet.

Then the racquet in his hand hits directly.

The tennis ball suddenly shot out.


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

The tennis ball flies directly over a net like a beautiful parabola.

Then it fell heavily on the ground.

next moment.

It is directly ejected.

Milne Claire Latin is now ready to fight back at this tennis shot.


next moment.

His eyes widened directly.

As if the scene in front of me was incredible.

Because of this time.

After the tennis ball was ejected.

The tennis ball flew directly in the direction of Senyu Shinji.


Then followed by a dull impact sound.

Tennis has fallen into Senyu Shinji’s hands!

Cloud return!


Senyu Shinji directly scored a point easily.

at this time.

Whether it is Milne Claire Latin on the court.

Still the crowd in the audience.

They all have a dull look.

I couldn’t believe the scene they saw just now.

The key is.

The tennis shot just now was too sudden!

No one ever thought that this would happen.

Because in the directional thinking of everyone.

The tennis ball either bounces up and rushes towards the opponent.

Either it just won’t eject.

Think about the situation just now.

If you are not ready before.

That can’t be reacted at all!

The referee on the side blew the whistle directly.

This awakened the sluggish people.

Then came the uproar resounding through the stadium.

Above the court.

Senyu Shinji directly pointed the racquet in his hand to Milne Claire Latin on the opposite side.

Said with a calm smile on his face.

“Give you ten minutes!”

“If within these ten minutes, you didn’t show the strength that makes me find it interesting!”

“I will smash you directly!”.

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