Chapter 563 A gorgeous set to take away

With the end of the third round.

The two sides exchange venues.

The fourth game.

Senyu Shinji serve bureau!

Now he has no interest in Ralph at all.

The competition started directly in the form of rolling.

The roar of the court is also uninterrupted.

Nine changes in the sweet spot increase!

Show it directly again and again.

The Immortal King domain covers the court perfectly.

Such a situation can only give Ralph the despair in despair!

In this way, the game started quickly.







It took less than three minutes.

Senyu Shinji directly won the fourth game and easily won.

Ralph was on the verge of collapse at this time.

Now he has really tried his best!

Whether it is offense or defense.

All of them are so useless!

It can’t stop Senyu Shinji’s attack at all!

The opposite is really powerful and let him breathe!

Despite this.

He kept breathing deeply.

Trying hard to calm down.


Even so.

Every time I fought back, I failed!

Running time and time again are all in vain.

His stamina quickly faded amidst such useless 633 things.

In fact, this game has already established the result that he will lose!

“There are no surprises in this game!”

“Senyu Shinji is too strong!”

“Senyu, I finally know why there is such a title!”

“From then on, the name of Senyu will resound all over the world!”

Players from many countries couldn’t help but sigh.

this moment.

They really understand a fact.

Senyu Shinji’s strength has reached a world-class level.

And it’s still above the world-class ordinary level~!


This game will not be like this!

You know, Ralph is the main player of the Teddy Bear national team!

Known as the number one high school student in the world!

It is also a world-class ordinary player!

But it happens to be such a strong strength.

There is no backhand power at all in front of Senyu Shinji!

The Japan national team is here.

The crowd looked at Senyu Shinji’s figure on the court.

Can’t help but admire it.

“This is the strength of Coach Senyu!”

“Senyu Senyu! Perhaps this is the highest praise for him!”

Everyone can only look up at Senyu Shinji.

They look forward to having (cgab) Senyu Shinji in the future.

Even if you can follow behind him.

That is also a very good feeling.

Byōdōin Hōō on the side at this time.

Can not help grasping his own hands.

He used to be arrogant!

Also arrogant!

But finally after facing Senyu Shinji.

He was completely crushed and couldn’t breathe the slightest air.

That feeling is simply desperate.

Even if things have passed for some time.

But the feeling is still vivid!

At this moment, he doesn’t have the courage to challenge Senyu Shinji at all.

It can be said.

Now he can surrender to Senyu Shinji’s hands.

In his opinion, there is no wrongdoing.

Because the other party is really too strong!

Above the court.

Senyu Shinji looked at Ralph who was panting.

Laughed softly.

“Give up!”

“You are really too weak now~!”

The calm voice reached Ralf’s ears clearly.

Suddenly he trembled all over.

Then he murmured a little choked.

“Am I really weak?”

“Did the Mao Xiong national team lose five straight like this?”

“Can I really not get a point from his hand?”

Ralph kept questioning himself.

The whole person’s heart seems to be suffering from incomparably painful questioning.


That thick unwillingness directly flooded his body and mind.

He kept denying himself.

Constantly yearning to continue fighting.

This complicated mood kept circling in his heart.

this moment.

Ralph seemed to be completely broken!


He raised his head abruptly.

With red eyes, he looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

Can’t tell whether sweat or tears are slipping from his face now.


When he looked at everyone in the Teddy Bear National Team.

There seemed to be a ray of light in his heart.

Then he looked around the crowd in the stadium auditorium.

Those are the people of Mao Xiong Country!

They all wanted to see the moment when the Teddy Bear national team gained glory.

オ Came here not far away!


Unwilling emotions appeared directly in his heart.

What fear.

What a horror.

All were annihilated directly by this unwillingness.

“Am I just surrendering like this?”

“Am I going to escape from here like a wild dog?”

“Is it really going to be a five-game losing streak?”

this moment.

He seemed to clearly see the deep disappointment on the faces of these compatriots.

Something seemed to emerge in my heart.

That ray of light seemed to shine directly!

“This is my hometown!”

“Tens of thousands of compatriots are looking forward to victory!”

“I can’t fall down!”

“The Mao Xiong national team can’t fall down!”

at this time.

His expression became particularly sullen.

The racquet in his hand was held tightly by him!

Red eyes.

Unyielding look.

It is vividly reflected in his body!

He saw the honor of his team at this moment in his heart.

I saw the desire of my compatriots.

I saw my unwillingness.

This wave of thoughts constantly stimulated him to win the game.


Accompanied by a roar of him echoed in the silent stadium.

His body suddenly rose to an unprecedented momentum.

Heavy waves of air kept rolling up.

The blue light seemed to be the only color on the stadium.

The dust kept flying up.

It seems that the earth is constantly shaking with it.

next moment.

Ralph seemed to be a real giant bear.

That kind of unyielding.

That kind of anger.

The cold current of winter raged directly on the court.

As if to freeze everything.

The racquet in his hand slammed directly on the tennis ball.


The angry bear roar directly exploded.

The terrifying blue air wave converged directly towards racquet.

“The power of the bear-the empire bear!”

Ralph roared.

He slammed racquet out.

The tennis also rushed out with this endless power.

It was as if a huge angry bear was sprinting madly towards Senyu Shinji.


Even so.

In the end, even the realm of the fairy king shuddered slightly.

But in the end.

This shot of tennis is still ordinary.

next moment.

Senyu Shinji waved the racquet in his hand.

I saw him chuckle and said.

“Not enough!”

“Feel the blow!”


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