Chapter 552 In the battle of the generals, your power is really small!

next moment.

He tried to open his heavy eyelids.

Looked at his feet blankly.


He directly hit the wall of the stand.

Lose consciousness directly.

Even twitching from time to time.

And now only less than five minutes have passed.

Byōdōin Hōō ended the game directly!

In the fourth game, the Japanese national team still won!

Tai Lun, who had originally given high hopes to the Teddy Bears national team, fainted on the court like this.

The level of shame is not lost to the players in the previous three games.

The Japan national team cheered suddenly.

On the other hand, the Teddy Bear national team on the opposite side fell into a dead silence.

Everyone was bitterly silent.

But in their eyes, there was a thick reconciliation.

The fourth game was also lost!

Lost again!

Even this one didn’t last more than five minutes!

Ralph, the head of the Teddy Bear national team, was furious to the extreme.


It was uttered word by word with gritted teeth.

Just before the game.

Tyronn confidently assured him that he would win this game.

But now it seems.

It completely left a huge joke for the Teddy Bear national team that is difficult to wash away.

It’s such a generous joke!

Following the four-game losing streak.

The entire Teddy Bear national team is like a clown in grandstanding.

Even the entire bear country looks like a clown at this moment.

This ending made everyone in Mao Xiong Country simply angry.


The main player of the Mao Xiong national team, Ralph, still suppressed the anger in his heart forcibly.

He did not give up like this.

Because there is one more game now!

As long as the last victory.

That can still save some face!


The last game.

He can only win!

Can’t be defeated!


Afterwards, the Teddy Bear national team will be difficult to look up in the world!

“This group of teddy bears are really weak enough…!”

“Before the game started, I still regarded them as one of the top four, who knew it would be such an unbearable sight!”

“It’s like a group of clowns sensationalizing at their door!

Here is the National Team of Great Britain.

The faces of the team members showed a dense look of disdain.

Before, they still had considerable expectations for the Teddy Bears national team.

But now it is so vulnerable.

“It’s not that the players of the National Teddy Bear team are weak!”

“It’s Japan’s national team player who is too strong!”

Angus sighed slightly.

Before, the Japanese national team did not have such a strong strength as it is now.

But after Senyu Shinji came to Japan U-17 training camp.

As he became the head coach there.

It can almost be said that the overall strength of the entire U-17 training camp is rising rapidly.

“Have you passed the relevant news back?”

After hearing this.

Markas put away the look of disdain on his face.

Become extremely dignified.

Now the Japanese national team is on the rise.

They are likely to meet each other.

So for this matter.

They must be very careful!

“Do not worry!

“For this matter, the main election side also attaches great importance to it!”

Angus nodded solemnly.

Then he looked at the court.

Because there is one last game after that.

It is also the most important game for players from many countries.

That is, Senyu Shinji of the Japan national team is going to play against Ralph of the Teddy Bear national team!

They are definitely the strongest existence of the two teams!

The free national team is here.

“Then it should be Senyu Shinji’s duel!”

Chief General Jeff said solemnly.

The expression flickered a few times.

Gerald on the side also nodded heavily.

Take out the video recorder directly.

Aim at the court on the stadium.

“We are now taking this opportunity to collect as much information as possible about Senyu Shinji!”

Pansy Hardy on the side also agrees with them.

After all, the name of Senyu Shinji.

It’s like a giant mountain now.

It weighed heavily on the hearts of all of them.

“here we go!”

at this time.

Pansy Hardy, who had been silent for a long time, said directly in a deep voice.

Then everyone hurriedly looked at the court.

at this time.

The broadcast in the stadium also rang out for a while.

“The fifth singles game!”

“Walker Rael from the U-17 National Team of the Teddy Bear country vs. Senyu Shinji from the National U-17 National Team of Japan!”

“Please take your place from both players!”

After the sound fell.


Everyone in the entire stadium put their sights on the court.

The Japan national team is here.

“It’s my turn to play!”

Senyu Shinji said softly with a smile on his face.

Then he picked up racquet next to him.

Walk straight towards the court.

“Is that Senyu Shinji?”

“I heard that he has the strength of a world-class player!’

“Perhaps we can see part of his true strength from this game!”

Players from other countries immediately stared at Senyu Shinji on the court seriously.

Everyone looked like they wanted to see through each other completely.

Just when everyone was talking about it.

Ralph and Senyu Shinji also walked to the court.

Watching each other at the moment.

“The main player of the Teddy Bear national team Ralph!”

“Please enlighten me!”

Ralph looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side solemnly.

Even he has a tall and mighty figure.

Even he was full of muscles.

But after seeing Senyu Shinji.

His face also became extremely serious.


Don’t look at him as the kind of rough exterior.

His heart is quite meticulous!

“Japan National Team Head Coach Senyu Shinji!”

Senyu Shinji saw the opponent stretch out his hand.

I also gave him a light grip directly.

Then he was ready to withdraw his hand.

But the next moment.

There was a burst of terrifying power from Ralph’s hand.

Senyu Shinji looked at Ralph calmly.

But the other party seemed completely ignorant of this.

There was no change in his expression.

See here.

Senyu Shinji laughed directly.

“Ha ha!”


He didn’t appear to break free as Ralph had imagined.

Instead, he just let him push.


this moment.

Ralph also froze for one.

Then he looked at Senyu Shinji with a smile on his face.

A hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

But the next moment.

The strength in his hand increased again by one point.

“Your power is really small enough!”

Qinzhiyi didn’t take Ralph’s actions in his eyes at all.


Directly on his hand.

Ralph’s palm was firmly welded like a giant steel hand.


The expression of Ralph on the other side stagnated. .

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