Chapter 541 An unforgettable lesson

Compared with the heavy heart of Ralph under the court.

Alex on the court flickered.

Then directly raised the tennis ball in his hands.

The whole person directly grasped racquet and waved it fiercely.


The tennis ball shot straight out in the next moment.

There is a terrifying force of rotation on it.

this moment.

Ordinary tennis has become extremely extraordinary!

After Kunimitsu, the opposing player, looked at Alex’s tennis ball.

The look became more serious.


A wave of air emerged directly next to Kunimitsu.

Then it kept spinning up.

In the end, he directly enveloped the court on his side.

It can be said.

In a flash of time.

Kunimitsu’s momentum has changed drastically.

It seemed that he could see endless majesty in him.

That kind of momentum makes people have an urge to surrender.

It was as if there was an unimaginable existence standing behind him.

See this scene.

“His breath has changed directly?”

“Why do I have an urge to surrender when I see him?”

“It’s terrible!”

After watching the audience on the 26th, everyone felt the aura of Kunimitsu.

There was even a stagnation of breathing.

There was a hint of horror in their eyes when they looked at Kunimitsu, who was on the court.

Above the court.

Alex was as calm and calm as ever.

But after feeling that Kunimitsu’s whole person’s momentum has changed.

His face suddenly changed.

Just when he looked at Kunimitsu, the opposing player.

His expression appeared in a trance.

It seemed to be able to see the figure of an indomitable master behind Kunimitsu.

Directly across the galaxy of the universe appeared here.

That kind of majestic breath made him feel a trace of fear and suffocation.

It was as if the master was staring at Alex now.

He uttered an angry roar directly to the sky.



A wave of terrifying air rushed towards Alex directly.

It hit his body hard.

Let him feel the sense of fear directly.

“Why does this change happen?”

Faced with such a terrifying momentum.

Alex’s heart was beating wildly.

It’s like being rubbed firmly by a big hand.

That feeling made it harder for him to calm down.

“Now the game really begins!”

The handist Kunimitsu looked at Alex on the opposite side with a majestic face and said softly.

After hearing this.

Alex’s expression stagnated.

Then he kept breathing deeply.

I want to calm myself down like this.

At the same time, the sense of vigilance in my heart has also risen to the extreme.


Accompanied by bursts of terrifying thunder.

Kunimitsu immediately moved a step forward.

next moment.

The tennis ball was ejected directly.

And the racquet in his hand also slammed out fiercely.


The terrorist force on the racquet directly hit the tennis ball.

A heavy air wave rolled directly.

The tennis ball suddenly shot out.

In an instant, the entire court hole was passed through.

It seemed like a cannonball.

Flew mercilessly to the opposite Alex.

That kind of majesty and grandeur made it difficult for Alex to look directly at the tennis ball.

But for the victory of the Teddy Bear national team.

He can only endure the discomfort in his heart.

Step back a few steps one after another.

Want to use the moment the tennis ball hits the ground to relieve the unparalleled power on the tennis ball.

next moment.

The tennis ball was ejected.

And the racquet in his hand is also cut quickly.

Seeing that Alex was able to hit this blow back again.


Kunimitsu couldn’t help showing a hint of surprise.

But soon he rushed to the net.

The racquet in his hand also waved fiercely.


Suddenly, there was a terrifying roar directly above the court.

Tennis seems to have received unparalleled force.

It instantly became a deformed ellipse.

Fly fiercely to the opposite Alex.

Even because of the super high-speed flight, a fierce flame erupted directly above the tennis ball.

The feeling of heat swept the audience in an instant.

Tennis at the moment is like a red light.

Instantly fell to Alex’s side.

Alex was shocked when he saw this.

Hastened to wave the racquet in his hand.

But when the racquet in his hand hits the tennis ball together.

His face changed greatly again.

Because he can feel the unparalleled power in tennis.

That kind of power is simply not what people can fight back.

As if it was the anger of the master.

It is about to destroy him completely.

The terror entrained by the tennis ball kept rushing to his body and face.

It’s like a sharp knife.

It stroked his body and face.

That kind of paresthesia pain.

next moment.

The tennis directly penetrated the racquet in his hand.

Then smashed to the ground fiercely.

Then ejected out.


Hand Kunimitsu scored again!

After he scored.

Raise the racquet in his hand directly to the opponent.

The handist Kunimitsu said majesticly.

“Take out all your strength!”

“Otherwise you will lose quite miserably!”

this moment.

The domineering aura keeps whirling over the court.

The sharp and majestic feeling kept stimulating the opposite Alex.

Just after Kunimitsu said.

The momentum on his body directly climbed to the extreme.


A dominating phantom appeared directly behind him 620.

He even roared up to the sky.


The entire stadium.

Everyone suddenly felt dizzy.

Because the sound just now was too deafening!

See you here for Alex.

Suddenly his face changed greatly.

He couldn’t imagine that Kunimitsu’s momentum could rise here.


Alex took a deep breath.

Try to calm down your heart.

The tennis ball was flapping under his racquet.




next moment.

He directly threw the tennis ball up again.

The racquet in his hand twitched directly.


The tennis suddenly turned into a beautiful arc under a surge of power.

Flew quickly to the opposite side.


The tennis ball did not directly eject.

Instead, it started to spin non-stop. ,

Upon seeing this.

Kunimitsu even couldn’t help showing a hint of ridicule.


I saw that the racquet in his hand was directly on the ground.

Then he pushed forward suddenly.

The originally spinning tennis ball suddenly swept onto the racquet.

Then he waved directly from the bottom up.

The tennis shot flew out suddenly.

Smashed to the ground fiercely.

But the tennis ball did not eject either.

Instead, it rolls close to the ground in the direction of the net.

Zero chop!.

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