Chapter 512 Horrible spirit crush!

When everyone talks about spiritual power.

The court is also abnormal.

At this time Senyu Shinji was looking at Tanegashima Shuji with a smile.

“There are five more goals, don’t you know if you can take it?”

For this word.

Tanegashima Shuji just squatted down directly to make a defensive action.

Senyu Shinji then directly tossed the tennis ball in his hand.


The racquet in his hand was swung out.

Tanegashima Shuji also hurried forward to fight back.

Under the blessing of Extinction.

The light hit was directly hit back.

See here.

Senyu Shinji didn’t say anything.

Directly walked forward lightly and lightly.

Just when he took the third step.

The tennis came in a bang.

The unusually bright light shines directly on the court.

Just hit the ball!

Tanegashima Shuji tried his best to hit the ball!


Senyu Shinji just gently waved the racquet in his hand.

The tennis ball went straight out.

The same goes back to just hitting the ball.

But obviously the above power is a bit smaller than the previous tennis.

This made Tanegashima Shuji, who was already cautious, directly and fully vigilant.

But it was also shot out in the first time.

But when the racquet in his hand hits the tennis ball.

He felt a rush of restlessness.

After the tennis ball was hit back.

He shook his head directly.

Didn’t care.

that’s all.

The two sides began to bounce off the ball again.

This made the people around the court a little confused.

“What’s going on?”

“Tanegashima counterattacked? Or did Coach Senyu show mercy?”

“I don’t know why I always feel all kinds of negative emotions when I shot Tanegashima with the tennis ball?,

For this scene.

Many people are very surprised.

But Seiichi Yukimura on one side opened his eyes wide.

this moment.

He is more panic than everyone else.

Because he saw that Senyu Shinji is gradually using mental power!

On the other hand, Tanegashima Shuji on the opposite side didn’t even notice it.

This situation is absolutely the most terrifying!


This is also because he is good at mental tennis on the one hand.

On the other hand, I am watching the game from the third perspective.

Only then can we discover this anomaly.

If this is in a real game.

It is an extraordinary disaster!

Above the court.

As Seiichi Yukimura thought.

Tanegashima Shuji did not notice this anomaly at all.

Even if he can play with Senyu Shinji now.

But my mind became more and more restless.

The breathing rhythm of the whole person became disordered again.

As the tennis rushed towards Senyu Shinji.

He seemed to be lost directly.

“This is the first ball.!”


Senyu Shinji’s voice directly awakened Tanegashima Shuji.

The cold sweat on his forehead suddenly came out again.

He squatted down quickly to make a defensive movement.

He stared at the racquet in Senyu Shinji’s hand.

But for a moment.

He seemed to see a phantom.

He couldn’t help but make his anxious heart more confused.

“In the end what happened?”

“Why is Coach Senyu able to play with me now?

“But am I so upset?”

Tanegashima Shuji looked at the other side.

Shaking his head constantly.

next moment.

The phantom in front of him disappeared.

At this time Tanegashima Shuji was completely trapped in the rhythm of Senyu Shinji.

Not the slightest notice.

If it was in the past.

Just rely on such anomalies.

Tanegashima Shuji was able to perceive this as a mental shock for the first time!

He can even judge what kind of state he has reached.


The current Tanegashima Shuji can no longer be judged at all!

Now he has completely stepped into Senyu Shinji’s spiritual realm.


Following the sound of the impact between the racquet and the tennis ball.

Another light shot flew from.


Just such an ordinary light shot.

In Tanegashima Shuji’s eyes, hundreds of light shots were rushing towards him.

“what is this?!!”

Tanegashima Shuji couldn’t believe this scene before his eyes.

Thousands of lights hit the ball as real.

Each one is so scary.

It is completely impossible to see through.

“Is this a world-class stunt?”

“How could it be possible to hit the ball with so many lights?”

He simply fell into fear that was difficult to attach.

Hastily revealed that nothing is gone.

Then the racquet in his hand kept swinging.


But they were all swept away!

Just at this time.

The tennis ball hit the ground directly.

Tanegashima Shuji looked back.

Tennis is already out.


Everyone was as stunned as Tanegashima Shuji.

Because in their opinion this is also thousands of tennis balls.

And it’s all just shots!

Seiichi Yukimura became more silent and solemn.

Sanada Henichiro on the side could not help but whispered.

“Tanegashima is dangerous!”

“…”As early as he was going to face off against Coach Senyu, he was in danger!”

Seiichi Yukimura said directly in a low voice.

Then he continued to watch the game on court in silence.

The sound of an uproar from all around reached Tanegashima Shuji’s ears.

But it was another scene in his ears.

It was all saying that he was going to lose.

How unbearable he is.

He deserves it.

It can be said now.

Tanegashima Shuji directly appeared in auditory hallucinations!

But he didn’t know anything about it!

“How can it be repaired!”

Tanegashima Shuni at this time had an ugly look on his face.

He is the No. 2 of U-17 training camp!

But he was so mocked by everyone around the court.

“The second ball!”

at this time.

Senyu Shinji’s voice came again.

Directly awaken Tanegashima Shuji’s surprise.

Then he saw Senyu Shinji on the opposite side turned into two figures.

And tennis is also directly split again.

More and more tennis balls appeared in his sight.

“Why is this?

(Li Nuo Zhao) “What stunt did Coach Senyu use!”

This is what Tanegashima Shuji thinks now!

I didn’t know that I was already deeply in the auditory hallucinations.



this moment.

The crisp voice interrupted Tanegashima Shuji’s hallucinations.

Suddenly made him more and more frightened.

The whole person kept shivering.

Because of this moment.

It’s really scary!

Senyu Shinji serve again.

Not only Senyu Shinji’s figure disappeared from his sight.

Even tennis.

Then came the people around the court.


He plunged directly into the darkness of nothingness.

And above the court.





Senyu Shinji directly won this unsuspecting match.

But Tanegashima Shuji still stood in place Yang with a look of horror.

The whole person kept trembling. .

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