Chapter 443 I’m just playing with you, how’s that?


Jin Taiying’s expression became particularly gloomy.

His absolute analysis would have been calculated by the other party.

This subtle technique of changing back to the ball position instantly.

Let his absolute analysis go bankrupt.

“However, this game is still between my hands!”

Jin Taiying quickly recovered his expression.

But his absolute analysis will follow the opponent’s movements more.

And the faster the analysis.

till the end.

He hardly needs to analyze, he only needs to look at it to know what the other party wants to do.

This is the horror of absolute analysis!

But this also has corresponding drawbacks.

It was to meet opponents like Tanegashima Shuji.

It can transform into another reaction in an instant.

Ever since.

This directly makes Jin Taiying’s absolute analysis a burden.

Once he analyzed Tanegashima Shuji’s movements.

Tanegashima Shuji immediately switched to another method of counterattack instantly.







Only a few minutes have passed.

Tanegashima Shuji directly evened the score between the two sides.

Jin Taiying was sluggish.

557 Even Li Yubin with a confident look on his face was dull.

Because now this situation has exceeded their expectations.

The situation on the field is no longer under their control.


Tanegashima Shuji continued to make faces.

He looked at Jin Taiying with a playful smile.

“Is this absolute analysis?”

“It’s not so good.

Mrs. Jin should hear this.

The whole person almost fell into endless hatred.

“Tanegashima Shuji!”

He gritted his teeth and shouted word by word.

He understood it.

Tanegashima Shuji was playing with him completely.

The previous games simply didn’t use all their strength.

It might even just use a little bit of strength.

But as a military division of Korea U-17.

He didn’t want to be led by others like this.

On the contrary, it inspired his anti-object-oriented will.

“Oh, it’s my serve station again!”

Tanegashima Shuji smiled casually.

It’s still so lazy.

After Jin Taiying took a few deep breaths.

Finally calmed down.

He is quite confident in his absolute analysis.

(cgab) It was his mistake just now.

But after the game he will go all out.

“No matter how subtle your skills are.

“There is no perfect tennis ball!”

“As long as there are shortcomings, they can be seen through!”

Just when Kim Tae should stare at Tanegashima Shuji.

Tanegashima Shuji slapped the tennis ball casually.

Don’t worry at all to serve.




Five seconds have passed.

Ten seconds!

Fifteen seconds!

But Tanegashima Shuji still did not serve.

“This bastard!

Jin Taiying, who had been highly concentrated, gradually became irritable.

There was also a burst of soreness in the eyes.

This is the truth that Tanegashima Shuji is continuing to tease him!

He became more cautious.

But the same.

His patience has almost reached its limit.

at this time.


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

The tennis ball shoots out directly.

Jin Taiying was stunned.

Just now he almost subconsciously thought that Tanegashima Shuji would continue to tease him.

But never thought.

Just when his tense nerves had just loosened a little.

A super high-speed ball passed directly.

He didn’t give him the slightest chance to react at all.


“This kind of character is really bad enough!”

Fuji Syusuke also sighed silently.

Although Tanegashima Shuji on the court seemed extremely casual and lazy.

But his mind is extremely meticulous.

Deal with Jin Taiying who is good at analysis.

The best way is to directly disrupt the other party’s analysis.

“Tanegashima has completely mastered the rhythm on the field!”

Senyu Shinji was also amused by Tanegashima Shuji on the court.

On the other hand, Jin Taiying on the other side.

Now his breath has become chaotic.

As long as the other party becomes completely angry.

Anger will completely shatter the opponent’s calmness in an instant.

Above the court.

As everyone lamented.

Tanegashima Shuji is still serving the kind of chirping.

“Do you think I will be fooled again by the same method?”

Jin Taiying roared.

He also knew in his heart that the other party didn’t want to serve so quickly.

This also made him afraid to relax his tight nerves.

Still watching each other in a highly concentrated manner.

“Then I serve!”

Tanegashima Shuji said with embarrassment right now.

But the movements of his hands have not changed at all.

This made Jin Tai frown involuntarily.

The anger in the heart rose again.

Directly not continue to defend carefully with the verbal essence.

“I still serve!”

Tanegashima Shuji spoke again.

There was even a sad look of a little daughter-in-law in it.

“Why are you ignoring me?”

“If you want to serve, quickly serve!”

Jin Taiying’s brows almost jumped,

The whole person seemed to be in a state of impatience.


next moment.

The look on his face directly turned into astonishment.


The tennis ball shoots out directly.



Tanegashima Shuji continued to make a grimace and smiled.

“Didn’t I say to serve?”

“You are too modest to let me!”

Jin Taiying started to take a deep breath.

But as he continued to breathe.

He became more and more angry.

He can’t help it!

Tanegashima Shuji’s teasing is already treating him like a dog.

Let his ugliness come out.

“This game is considered lost.”

The people of Goryeo U-17 suddenly lost their souls.

Because the calm military teacher Jin Taiying turned pale with anger.

There is no such thing as the calmness of the past.

He in this state.

It is impossible to reverse the situation!

The outcome of this game was also directly concluded with Jin Taiying’s loss of calmness.

Above the court.

Tanegashima Shuji continues to serve as always.

Even the referee on the side deliberately wanted to intervene in the game.

But the next moment.

Even he was directly angry.


“Did I exceed the serve time?”

“But I don’t have one!”

“I remember serving time seems to be no more than twenty-five seconds!”

Tanegashima Shuji said with a nervous and aggrieved expression.

The referee on the side was black and silent.

The opposite Jin Taiying almost yelled at Tanegashima Shuji.

He really doesn’t seem to go to the game now.

He rushed over and tore Tanegashima Shuji’s mouth.

It’s so irritating!.

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