Chapter 440 Seventh Sense Warrior from Japan

Wu Junhao suddenly showed a gloomy smile.

“You have been seen through this ball!”

“Twenty-eight Yin-Yang Skills, Extreme Yin Skills!”


He suddenly waved the racquet in his hand.

Cutting is carried out quickly.

It can be said.

At this time, he has completely seen through the weakness of light hitting.


His cutting is not using the sweet spot for cutting.

Instead, it cuts on the weak points of the tennis ball.

“Take it!”

“Twenty-eight Yin-Yang Skills, Extreme Yang Skills!”

After his roar came out.

The two-handed camera blatantly swung out.

The brilliance of the light hitting the ball disappeared directly.

next moment.

An extremely dim black light appeared directly above the tennis ball.


The space above the entire court seemed to be penetrated.

The tennis ball flew towards Ajutsu almost instantly.

“Is this all your strength?”

Yajiu’s “Five-Five-Seven” Jin faced this blow and did not shrink at all.

I want to face it head-on.

It can be said.

Now with Wu Junhao’s twenty-eight yin and yang skills, the two strongest stunts are shown.

Of course, as for the combination skills of the twenty-eight yin and yang skills, there is no need to show them at all.

Because it can’t help Ajutsu at all.

In other words.

Except for these two items now.

He has nothing worthy of Ajutsu’s attention.

Wu Junhao was also shocked.

This is his strongest counterattack!

In this way, Akutsu who was on the other side easily fought back.

But he didn’t have time to think about it.

Shoot directly.

The racquet in his hand slammed directly.

With the tennis ball flying out.

Ajutsu on the opposite side immediately moved.

It seemed that five Ajutsu figures appeared on the court.

It makes people unable to see which one is the real person for a while.

next moment.

The five figures waved racquet together.


Wu Junhao suddenly changed color

He didn’t even see which one was Ajutsu himself now.


It was as if there were five tennis balls.

Suddenly came to Wu Junhao’s side.

He gritted his teeth and started waving racquet frantically.

But never hit a tennis ball.

All lost!

“How can it be?!”

Wu Junhao opened his eyes wide and couldn’t believe this scene.

And at the moment.

There was a crashing sound behind him.

The tennis ball then ejected out.


Ajutsu scored again!

“How come the little ghosts of Japan feel even more terrifying?”

“What happened to Junho and Oppa?”

“I believe that Junho and Oppa will win!”

The Korean audience in the auditorium couldn’t help but burst into an uproar.

But the next moment.

Another violent impact echoed above the court.

Wu Junhao was completely dull.

Because Ajutsu scored again!


“You are so stupid, are you really a genius?”

Ajutsu’s contemptuous voice reached Wu Junhao’s ears.

He suddenly raised his head to look at Ajutsu.

All I saw was a pair of empty eyes with no emotion.

But it was exceptionally frightening.

It seemed like a beast without emotion.

Ready to pounce on him.

Wu Junhao’s heart suddenly became cold.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

Then continue to serve.

But this moment.

Before he could react.

A golden light had already crashed down 0.1 at the baseline position.

Then out.


The crowd in the audience was directly stunned.

No one thought of the current situation.

Wu Junhao, whom they admired, didn’t even have the power to fight back.

In the fourth round, Yajujin serve the round.

A scene that made everyone more unbelievable happened.







Only ten minutes.

The game is almost over.

Everyone in Korea became completely silent.




Then the tennis ball fell directly to the ground.


After Ajiuzin snorted coldly.

Turned around and walked towards the Japan national team.

Leave a proud figure to everyone.

In the third game, Ajutsu wins!.

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