Chapter 436 You are really stupid!

And the tennis ball will shoot out directly in the next moment.


Ajiuzin took the lead to score the next point.

“Idiot pretending to be thirteen!

Looking at Wu Junhao who was surprised at the opposite side.

Ajiujin sneered rebelliously.

And the Goryeo girls who were still cheering frantically just now became sluggish.

They just cheered up!

The opposite has already scored a point directly.

“You are really disgusting!”

Wu Junhao’s smiling face disappeared.

It was replaced by a cold, stern face.

for him.

This game is completely regarded as a personal show to fight the mad hole.

As long as he wins easily.

Then there will be a hero in Korea.

Even his worth is bound to soar.


What I never expected was.

Ajujin actually took the lead in scoring.

The most important thing is to score when many girls are shouting.

This is definitely rubbing his face on the ground!

“Not satisfied?”

Ajutsu said with a look of disdain.

“Then you hit back!”

“You are dead!!

Wu Junhao said coldly.

His gaze also looked carefully at Ajujin. 26.

He has the name of a sage of court!

Of course not only because of his superb skills.

The key is that he can see through the opponent’s weakness in the first time.

It is precisely because of this.

He will defeat his opponents one by one.

It can be said.

Currently inside the U-17 of Korea.

Except for Li Yubin.

Others are not in the eyes at all.

“There are so many shortcomings!”

Wu Junhao looked at Ajujin.

Just watched it for a few seconds.

It was discovered that Ajitsu’s own foundation was weak.

He could even think of nearly a dozen ways to defeat Yajujin.


Wu Junhao continued to serve.

This time he swung the tennis ball directly to the dead corner of Ajutsu.

“This is your flaw!”

“You can’t fight back at all based on your current foundation!”

A confident smile appeared on his face again.

It seems to have seen the scene of tennis scoring.


Time has passed for a moment.

Wu Junhao’s face changed suddenly.

Because he had already seen Akutsu on the opposite side, his legs bend down.

Then suddenly stepped towards the ground.

The whole person bends like a big bow.

The tennis ball, which was originally shot to the dead corner, was immediately beaten back by him.

“Ajujin’s foundation is indeed weak!”

Senyu Shinji looked at Akutsugaru on the court and laughed.

Basic things need time to hone.


It hasn’t been long since Ajutsu received the Let ball.

Even if he practiced day and night.

It is also impossible to surpass many people in terms of fundamentals.


Ajujin’s physical flexibility is not what ordinary people can imagine!

In addition, he himself has super explosive power and reaction power.

Therefore, Akuzu who can now fight back against any tennis ball has been created!

You can say that.

In the face of great strength.

The foundation has been completely made up!


next moment.

The tennis ball crashed directly onto the ground.

Wu Junhao can be said to be too self-confident.

Can’t react at all.

Then the tennis ball directly ejected out.


Ajutsu scored again!

“This is the so-called Tian オ rare in ten years?”

Ajujin looked at Wu Junhao with disdain.

Then he laughed wildly.

“I think you are a rare rubbish in ten years!”

“It’s really weak enough!”

Following this incomparable speech spread to the entire court.

Almost all the Korean audience became angry directly.

“The little devil from Japan, you’ve overplayed!”

“Wu Junho is the heaven of our Goryeo Empire!”

“Junho and Oppa, smash this kid’s mouth with a tennis ball!”

A burst of curses followed.

Almost everyone glared at Ajutsu.

“You are really too much!”

Wu Junhao seemed to be in a state of extreme anger.

He looked at Ajutsu with cold eyes.

Throw the tennis ball in your hand directly.

Then he waved racquet abruptly.

next moment.

The tennis shot suddenly exploded.

Directly transformed into afterimages.

At first glance, it seemed as if there were more than a dozen tennis balls.

“finally come!”

“It’s the sage phantom of Junho Ouba!”

The Korean girls in the audience screamed.

“Does rubbish really only use this kind of rubbish?”

The mocking look on Ajutsu’s face became more obvious.

It can be said.

Under his mind.

No matter if he turned tens of thousands of phantoms, he couldn’t confuse him!

He doesn’t need to see with his eyes at all!

next moment.

Yajujin went online quickly.

The racquet in his hand waved brazenly.

Just like that.

The dozen or so phantoms just now disappeared instantly.

“How can it be?”

Wu Junhao suddenly changed color.

Although his sage phantom is not the most powerful game.

But now there are people who can resolve it so easily.


Ajiuzin jumped up suddenly.

The racquet in his hand dunks directly.

Accompanied by the violent impact of tennis and racquet.

Powerful smash!

Wu Junhao’s whole person is almost about to explode!

Repeated accidents made him almost exude a strong killing intent.

Move quickly directly.

The racquet in the hand is also cut quickly.

The smash ball directly returned the blow.


Ajujin sneered on his face.

The body that had just landed suddenly 553 rushed out like an agile beast.

It seems that the next moment will appear at the baseline position.

At this time the tennis hasn’t landed yet.

He took it down easily in this way.

Hit back directly.


It’s still a powerball!

Wu Junhao’s whole person became more and more solemn.

He finally realized the horror of Ajutsu!

That kind of flexibility is not like a human being!


It is impossible to return this kind of kill ball.

Wu Junhao hurriedly moved quickly.

Draw the ball directly backhand.

Hit back again.

“Can’t trash be faster?”

Yajujin mocked.

And his body also leapt out again.

As if directly suspended in the air.

The whole person is parallel to the ground.

next moment.

He directly used a weird posture.

Directly swung pat.

The beast strikes back!

This tennis shot is a powerful smash at the baseline position!

“Is this still a human?”

The pupils of Wu Junhao’s eyes almost shrank into needles.

Because the strength displayed by Ajiujin is really shocking!

Of course shock is shocked.

He still flew out in the next moment.

Rush to the baseline.

In his opinion.

Ajutsu’s tennis shot definitely hit the baseline position!

“You are really stupid!”

Ajutsu ridiculed again. .

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