Chapter 425 Promoted to be the leader, the best

After the disillusionment of pirates in the world.

Byōdōin Hōō was limp on the ground like a pool of mud.

The whole person was still twitching a few times.

His pupils seemed to be completely dilated.

There was a deep color of despair in it.

It can be said.

This time he didn’t take the initiative to leave the court.

He was completely defeated and left the court!

This also means.

In the future, even if he picks up racquet again.

He couldn’t face-to-face with Senyu Shinji again.

This time.

It directly became the shadow of his life!

“The king cannot be provoked by rude people!

“Even if it’s you Byōdōin Hōō!”

Senyu Shinji said calmly.

Then he glanced at the time.

It happened to freeze for nine minutes.

Just nine minutes.

U-17’s Byōdōin Hōō was so directly “five-five-zero” that his will was shattered!

He glanced at Byōdōin Hōō who was still on the ground.

He turned around and left.

Duke Watanabe and Tanegashima Shuji hurried forward to take a look.

At this time, Byōdōin Hōō is just like a person with dementia.

There is no will at all.

“Don’t worry, you can’t die!

“However, I’ll just say if I can pick up racquet in the future!’

After Senyu Shinji said casually.

They left directly.

“Send to the hospital!”

Tanegashima Shuji said bitterly.

Now he never expected this time.

Byōdōin Hōō lost so badly!

As they took Byōdōin Hōō as they were preparing to leave.

He also gradually became sober.

But his eyes are still so godless.

The two see this.

It can only be a long sigh.

But this time.

Byōdōin Hōō suddenly broke away from their support.

The whole person followed and walked towards the gate of Yuzao’s former academy.

But he didn’t take a few steps.

He fell directly to the ground.

Tanegashima Shuji and Duke Watanabe hurried over.

But I saw Byōdōin Hōō who was crying.

Tears kept flowing down.

He looked forward without any gaze.

“I actually lost again!”

He whispered.

The whole person seemed to be completely shrouded in endless sadness.

The sobbing gradually echoed.

He created the light shot.

He also created American pirates, Indian snake charmers, Spanish bullfighting, and Egyptian phoenix.

There are also the most powerful pirates in the world.


These are the skills that can be called stunts.

It became a big joke in front of Senyu Shinji.

Disastrously defeated to powerlessness and despair!

The sadness didn’t seem to diminish with the tears flowing out.

On the contrary, it is even thicker.

Duke Watanabe and Tanegashima Shuji were completely silent.

I don’t know what to say at all.

“Only the weak can cry incompetently!”

“The strong will turn this sadness into a driving force for progress!”

Senyu Shinji’s voice came slowly.

Byodoin, who was still crying without a god, turned back to look at him against Phoenix.

In his eyes, he could see unwillingness, sadness, despair, and a trace of invisible longing.

He opened his pale, dry lips.

There was no sound at the end.

This man completely shattered his dreams and will.

As if not touching the other side’s figure at all.


It is also the person in front of him that allows him to see the facts clearly!

“Senyu of the fairy!”

Byōdōin Hōō said in a low voice.


His tears also stopped.

At this time, the look at Senyu Shinji was not so complicated.

On the contrary, it is a strong color of admiration.

There is also a deep fear.


He was also under the exchange of support from Tanegashima Shuji and Duke Watanabe.

Went to the hospital.

Then the news reached U-17’s side.

At this time U-17 training camp.

“what happened?”

“Why is the Byodoin Temple injured and hospitalized?”

Three Mifūne Nyudō three asked extremely irritably.

Because it will be a few more days.

The U-17 World Cup Asian qualification contest is about to begin.

All the official U-17 players are going to set off for overseas expeditions!

Especially Byōdōin Hōō.

As the top player in U-17.

It is even the main force of the main force!


Now he is directly injured!

He was immediately hospitalized for treatment.

This is tantamount to bringing catastrophic news to the three Mifūne Nyudō.

It can be said.

Lost the main force Byōdōin Hōō’s words.

U-17’s strength is definitely greatly reduced!

One goes down and the other grows up.

This time it is very likely to fail completely!

“After he heard that coach Senyu was going to become the head coach of U-17.

“It’s going to be against Coach Senyu again.

“The result can be imagined.”

“He was defeated again!”

“This time he is not like the last time, he left halfway through.”

“It was a fiasco that was directly crushed!”

Kurobe Yukio sighed lightly.

He also didn’t expect such a thing to happen at all.

“How come they are all idiots?!!”

“Obviously he is a defeated general, but is it rampant?”

Three Mifūne Nyudō three felt that he was about to be blown up.

He has much hope for this U-17 World Cup.

After training for so long, they are all preparations for this game.

Words now.

It can almost be said that the previous efforts have been completely in vain.

Facing powerful teams from many countries.

Obviously Japan is too difficult!

“Let’s think about what we can do!”

Tsuge Ryūji on the side sighed lightly.

“Since it was Coach Senyu who defeated Byodoin.”

“Then let him replace the Byodoin Temple!”

Saitō Itaru seemed to have thought of a great way.

I hurriedly said it out.

As he said so.

The eyes of the other three people present suddenly lit up.

Obviously Senyu Shinji is more powerful than Byōdōin Hōō.

This is undoubtedly an infinite improvement in the odds of winning the finale qualification contest!

“But, will he agree?”

Kurobe Yukio couldn’t help but worry.

“0.1 He is now the head coach of U-17!”

“He must lead the team!”

Three Mifūne Nyudō showed a smooth smile.

It just makes people look like a smirk.

It seems that I don’t take the head coach to heart at all.

“This time the qualification contest, although it will take several games.”

“But there is only one that really needs attention!”

Saitō Itaru said softly.

“The only thing we have to worry about is the Korean national team.”

“I heard that the Goryeo national team has come out with a very powerful person!

“So, coach Senyu only needs to participate in this game.

“The other U-17 players can deal with it!

Saitō Itaru analyzed his forehead.

The other three nodded again and again.

The subsequent communication with Senyu Shinji was once again placed on Kurobe Yukio. .

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